SAP ABAP Message Class HRPADNO_ETC (eTaxCard - messages)
Basic Data
SAP_HRCNO (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRCNO of SAP_HR
   PY-NO (Application Component) Norway
     PC20 (Package) HR accounting: Norway
Message class HRPADNO_ETC
Short Description eTaxCard - messages  
Changed On 20131127 
Last Changed At 182635 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Unable to get Juridical Number. The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 002 Employee is included in the request. The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 003 Employee isn't included in the request (employee isn't newly hired). The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 004 Employee is included in the request (employee is newly hired). The short text describes the object sufficiently
5 005 Error in creation of request for Taxt Card. The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 006 Request for Taxt Card successfully created. The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 007 Entry &1 added into request. The short text describes the object sufficiently
8 008 Problem with creation of attachment. The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 009 Jurid.Nr.:&1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 010 Attachment for &1 employee(s) has been created. The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 011 Attachment isn't required. The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 012 Response from Altinn contains &1 record(s). The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 013 Status[0]:Personal ID:&1[ &2] - No Tax Data (PERNR:&3) The short text describes the object sufficiently
14 014 Status[8]:Personal ID:&1[ &2] - Invalid (PERNR:&3) The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 015 Status[9]:Personal ID:&1[ &2] - Invalid Personal ID (PERNR:&3) The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 016 Entry:Personal ID:&1[ &2] - None PERNR(&3) is matching (at &4). The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 017 Entry:Personal ID:&1[ &2] - PERNR(&3) is matching (at &4). The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 018 Tax authority rejected &1 record(s). The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 019 PERNR assignment not matching for &1 record(s). The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 020 Commands for Batch Input processing of IT0173 created. The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 021 Report executed in Test mode. No changes are performed. The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 024 Not saved. Unable to lock all required table entries. The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 025 Unable to lock required table entries. The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 026 PERNR assignment successful for &1 record(s). The short text describes the object sufficiently
25 027 Tax Card response file marked as 'Processed'. The short text describes the object sufficiently
26 028 Batch Input for update of IT0173 created for &1 PERNR(s). The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20131127  SAP 
SAP Release Created in