SAP ABAP Message Class /SAPSLL/CUS_ECC2 Message Number 748 (Codes for bills of lading must not be identical)
SLL-LEG (Software Component) SLL-LEG 901: Add-On Installation
   SLL-LEG (Application Component) Global Trade Services
     /SAPSLL/LEGAL_CUS_ECC (Package) Legal Services: Customs Processing: Electronic Communication
Message class /SAPSLL/CUS_ECC2  
Short Description Messages for Incompleteness Check and Communication    
Message Number 748  
Documentation status   3   The short text describes the object sufficiently
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20141107   
Message Text
Codes for bills of lading must not be identical
Last changed on/by 20141107  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   800