SAP ABAP Message Class /MRSS/POT_ENGINE (Messages of Capacity Pots)
Basic Data
MRSS_NW (Software Component) SAP Multiresource Scheduling for SAP Net
   CA-MRS (Application Component) SAP Multiresource Scheduling
     /MRSS/POT_ENGINE (Package) Capacity Pots Engine
Message class /MRSS/POT_ENGINE
Short Description Messages of Capacity Pots  
Changed On 20141109 
Last Changed At 161328 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 &1 &2 &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 001 No matched records found The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 002 Pot with GUID &1 successfully created The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 003 Capacity pot for &1 already exists; system cannot overwrite it The short text describes the object sufficiently
5 004 Parent capacity pot for &1 does not exist; create parent pot first The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 005 Select a capacity pot The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 006 Capacity pot for &1 and &2 not created The short text describes the object sufficiently
8 007 Capacity pot not updated for &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 008 Capacity pot for &1 and &2 not deleted The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 009 Capacity pot not deleted for &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 010 Data successfully deleted The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 011 Cannot reload capacity pot with UUID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 012 Cannot load capacity pot with UUID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
14 013 Pot with GUID &1 successfully updated The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 014 Pot with GUID &1 successfully deleted The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 015 Fill in the required fields The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 016 There is no affected pot from &1 to &2 on &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 017 Master data combination Planning node &1, qual. cat. &2 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 018 Requested &1 qual. profile is not customised in MRS system The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 019 Qualification category &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 020 Capacity pot creation; no potential capa., impl. class in Custom. missing The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 021 Capacity pot creation; no potential capa., impl. class &1 does not work The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 022 Unable to update the capacity pot; use a valid queue name The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 023 Capacity of pot &1 is fully consumed The short text describes the object sufficiently
25 024 Select a date within range &1 and &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
26 025 Select only single row The short text describes the object sufficiently
27 026 Deletion not possible; delete lower level nodes first The short text describes the object sufficiently
28 027 Select a row to delete The short text describes the object sufficiently
29 028 Enter a valid interval ID The short text describes the object sufficiently
30 029 Master data for the Planning node &1 and Qual Cat. &2 was not changed The short text describes the object sufficiently
31 030 Planning node &1 (Type &2) not found as HR work centre The short text describes the object sufficiently
32 031 Planning node &1 (Type &2) not found as logistics work centre The short text describes the object sufficiently
33 032 Plan. node &1 (Type &2); more than one log. Wrk Ctr of type &3 assigned The short text describes the object sufficiently
34 033 Enter a value for Planning node The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 034 Enter a capacity pot time interval ID The short text describes the object sufficiently
36 035 Capacity pot time interval ID &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
37 036 Enter a value for qualification category The short text describes the object sufficiently
38 037 Qualification category &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
39 038 Incorrect call of the extraction program The short text describes the object sufficiently
40 039 Extraction program does not support object The short text describes the object sufficiently
41 040 All changes are saved to database The short text describes the object sufficiently
42 041 Cannot update database; contact your system administrator The short text describes the object sufficiently
43 042 Cannot update full day capacity pots The short text describes the object sufficiently
44 043 Planning Node: More than one entry for &1. Termination The short text describes the object sufficiently
45 044 Planning Node: No valid entry found for &1. Termination The short text describes the object sufficiently
46 045 Cannot create lower capacity pots The short text describes the object sufficiently
47 046 Start date or end date is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
48 047 End date &1 is before start date &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
49 048 Planning node not found for work centre &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
50 049 Could not read order details for given external key &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
51 050 Employee &1 (&2) is assigned to more than one qualification category The short text describes the object sufficiently
52 051 Technical error occured; no SLA priority values found The short text describes the object sufficiently
53 052 Used SLA priority &1 not defined in the system The short text describes the object sufficiently
54 053 Employee &1 is assigned to more than one Planning node The short text describes the object sufficiently
55 054 Table entry has parent time interval ID &1 not equal to zero for ID &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
56 055 Time interval ID &1 does not exist for ID &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
57 056 Time interv. ID &1 does not have parent ID equal to zero for ID &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
58 057 Parent time interval ID &1 is not equal to &2 for ID &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
59 058 Time interval ID &1 is used twice The short text describes the object sufficiently
60 059 No Parent interval ID exists The short text describes the object sufficiently
61 060 Parent time interval start &1 is after time interval start &2 for ID &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
62 061 Parent time interval end &1 is before time interval end &2 for ID &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
63 062 Time interval overlap of ID &1 and ID &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
64 063 No capacity pots found for given selection criteria The short text describes the object sufficiently
65 064 No relevant Planning nodes found The short text describes the object sufficiently
66 065 No qualification category found The short text describes the object sufficiently
67 066 No interval ID found The short text describes the object sufficiently
68 067 For toggling to change only one qualification category shall be selected The short text describes the object sufficiently
69 068 For toggling to change only one planning node shall be selected The short text describes the object sufficiently
70 069 No new capacity pots created The short text describes the object sufficiently
71 070 No PM work center assigned The short text describes the object sufficiently
72 071 Order &1 restriction; start date &2 is not equal to end date &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
73 072 No in-day capacity pots for &1, Planning node &2, Qual. Cat. &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
74 073 Root capacity pot does not exist for date &1, Plan node &2, Qual. Cat. &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
75 074 Cannot carry out file upload checks; no uploaded data exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
76 075 Cannot determine node structure The short text describes the object sufficiently
77 076 Qualification category &1 is not relevant for capacity reserve The short text describes the object sufficiently
78 077 &1 &2: Qualification category &3 is not relevant for Capacity Reserve The short text describes the object sufficiently
79 078 Planning node &1 is not active The short text describes the object sufficiently
80 079 Creation start date &1 adjusted according to Planning node &2 validity The short text describes the object sufficiently
81 080 Creation end date &1 adjusted according to Planning node &2 validity The short text describes the object sufficiently
82 081 Creation start and end date not within Planning node &1 validity interval The short text describes the object sufficiently
83 082 You cannot create capacity pot in edit mode The short text describes the object sufficiently
84 083 No authorization for planning node &1, QC &2 and activity &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
85 084 &1 &2; used SLA priority &3 not defined in the system The short text describes the object sufficiently
86 085 Select a planning node The short text describes the object sufficiently
87 086 Select a qualification category The short text describes the object sufficiently
88 087 No date available The short text describes the object sufficiently
89 088 Filter for demand priority not implemented yet The short text describes the object sufficiently
90 089 You lack authorization for the chosen capacity pots The short text describes the object sufficiently
91 090 Select a work center to view capacity pot utilization The short text describes the object sufficiently
92 091 Select current date or a date in the future The short text describes the object sufficiently
93 092 SLA priority not maintained for order &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
94 093 Enter a valid horizon The short text describes the object sufficiently
95 094 Qualification category &1 already exists The short text describes the object sufficiently
96 095 Error in reading qualification of resource &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
97 096 Error in reading requirement qualification The short text describes the object sufficiently
98 097 Enter either a standard qualification or an MRS qualification The short text describes the object sufficiently
99 110 Enter start date and end date The short text describes the object sufficiently
100 111 Function for creating terminated; end date &1 is before start date &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
101 112 End date is initial; system sets end date to start date &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
102 113 You can only call this method one time for each instance The short text describes the object sufficiently
103 114 No objects correspond to the selection criteria The short text describes the object sufficiently
104 115 Error while opening a database cursor; program stopped The short text describes the object sufficiently
105 116 Error while updating potential capacity; update terminated The short text describes the object sufficiently
106 117 Enter the mandatory input parameters The short text describes the object sufficiently
107 118 Qualification profile & is invalid; enter a valid profile The short text describes the object sufficiently
108 119 Qualification profile & is invalid; data is not saved The short text describes the object sufficiently
109 120 Valid from date is greater than valid to date The short text describes the object sufficiently
110 121 Archiving cannot be processed for date &1 since it is a future date The short text describes the object sufficiently
111 122 Parent qualification category (QC) & is invalid; enter a valid parent QC The short text describes the object sufficiently
112 123 You need to specify a phase The short text describes the object sufficiently
113 300 Capacity pot resources were updated The short text describes the object sufficiently
114 350 Deviation found for &1 &2 on &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
115 351 No Deviations found for &1 &2 on &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
116 352 &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
117 353 Pot has the following GUID_MD_ATTR: The short text describes the object sufficiently
118 354 Pot has the following DATE_FROM_TS: The short text describes the object sufficiently
119 355 Interval &1: &2 before: &3 after: &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
120 356 Pot has the following GUID: The short text describes the object sufficiently
121 357 DB table &1 saved &2 &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
122 358 New pots will be created that do not exist on the DB yet The short text describes the object sufficiently
123 359 Pots will be deleted that do exist on the DB The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20141109  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   800