Where Used List (Table) for SAP ABAP Table J_1IEXCHDR (Excise invoice header detail)
SAP ABAP Table J_1IEXCHDR (Excise invoice header detail) is used by
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Package Structure Package Software Component
1 Table  J_1IEXCDEP Excise information of vendor at detail level for depot J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
2 Table  J_1IEXCDTL Excise invoice line item details J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
3 Table  J_1IEXCHDR Excise invoice header detail J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
4 Table  J_1IEXHEAD Incoming Excise Invoice: CIN40A : Header Data J1ICIN40A  APPL  SAP_APPL 
5 Table  J_1IGAR7 Recordings of GAR7 J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
6 Table  J_1IPART1 Excise part I detials J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
7 Table  J_1IPART2 Excise Part II details J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
8 Table  J_1IRG23D RG23D register for the depot J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
9 Table  J_1IST3_ADV_CHLN ST3-Challan details J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
10 Table  J_1IST3_CHLN_SRCDOC ST3-Challan Details with source document J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
11 Table  J_1IST3_DISTRIBUTOR ST3-Distributor J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
12 Table  J_1IST3_PAYABLE_HDR ST3 - payable services - header flags J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
13 Table  J_1IST3_PAYABLE_RECV ST3 : value of taxable service Receiver J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
14 Table  J_1IST3_SER_PAID ST3-Paid Service J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
15 Table  J_1IST3_SER_PROVD ST3 : value of taxable service Provided J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
16 Table  J_1I_GAR7_ALV_LIST Structure to display GAR-7 Payments Section data in ALV J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
17 Table  J_1I_PURREG Structure for Purchase Register Excise Details J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
18 Table  J_1I_UTIL_ALV alv structure for totals and amounts display J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
19 Table  J_1I_UTIL_TC structure for table control of j1iin utilization screen J1I2  APPL  SAP_APPL 
20 Table  J_2ICOMP Common fields for SAPScripts J2IN  APPL  SAP_APPL 
21 Table  J_2IRAP2_TBL_PDF Structure for the form J_2IRG23A_PART2 J2IN  APPL  SAP_APPL 
22 Table  J_2IRAP2_TOTAL_PDF Grand total of objects of the print program J_2IRAP2 J2IN  APPL  SAP_APPL 
23 Table  J_2IRPLA_PDF Structure for the form J_2I_PLA J2IN  APPL  SAP_APPL