Data Element list used by SAP ABAP Table ALRFCMSCFC (Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCTIDFL plus ALCONSEG)
SAP ABAP Table ALRFCMSCFC (Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCTIDFL plus ALCONSEG) is using
# | Object Type | Object Name | Object Description | Note |
1 | Data Element | ALCHGDATE | Alert: Date of last change | |
2 | Data Element | ALCHGTIME | Alert: Time of last change | |
3 | Data Element | ALCHGUSER | Alert: Last Changed By | |
4 | Data Element | ALCONTSTAT | Alert: Status of Context (active/inactive/....) | |
5 | Data Element | ALCUSGROUP | Alert: Customization: Name of Customization Group | |
6 | Data Element | ALFILTRLID | Alert: Line ID in message container filter | |
7 | Data Element | ALMCNAME | Alert: Name of Monitoring Context | |
8 | Data Element | ALMCNAME | Alert: Name of Monitoring Context | |
9 | Data Element | ALMCNAME | Alert: Name of Monitoring Context | |
10 | Data Element | ALMCOWNER | Alert: Owner of Monitoring Context | |
11 | Data Element | ALMCTYPE | Alert: Type of Monitoring Context | |
12 | Data Element | ALMONIVERS | Alert: Version of Monitoring Infrastructure | |
13 | Data Element | ALMSEGNAME | Alert: Name of Monitoring Segment | |
14 | Data Element | ALMSEGTYPE | Alert: Segment Type | |
15 | Data Element | ALSEGMSTAT | Alert: Status of Segment (online/offline/problems/disabled) | |
16 | Data Element | ALSEVERITY | Alert: severity (alerts, monitoring type custom..) | |
17 | Data Element | ALSTACOUNT | Alert: Number of Status Changes of Communication Status | |
18 | Data Element | ALTIDINDEX | Alert: internal handle for TID | |
19 | Data Element | ALTIDINDEX | Alert: internal handle for TID | |
20 | Data Element | ALTIDINDEX | Alert: internal handle for TID | |
21 | Data Element | ALTIDINDEX | Alert: internal handle for TID | |
22 | Data Element | ALTIDMTCL | Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...) | |
23 | Data Element | ALTIDMTCL | Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...) | |
24 | Data Element | ALTIDNUMRG | Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...) | |
25 | Data Element | ALTIDNUMRG | Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...) | |
26 | Data Element | ALTIDUID | ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID) | |
27 | Data Element | ALTIDUID | ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID) | |
28 | Data Element | ALTMSTPUTC | Alert: UTC Time Stamp in Format <YYYYMMDDhhmmss> | |
29 | Data Element | ALVALUE | Alert: alert value (1 = green, 2 = yellow, ....) | |
30 | Data Element | MSNAME | Server Name | |
31 | Data Element | RFCDEST | Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) | |
32 | Data Element | RFCDEST | Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) | |
33 | Data Element | RFCDEST | Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) | |
34 | Data Element | RFCDEST | Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) | |
35 | Data Element | SYHOST | Application Server | |
36 | Data Element | SYMANDT | Client ID | |
37 | Data Element | SYSYSID | Name of SAP System | |
38 | Data Element | SYSYSID | Name of SAP System | |
39 | Data Element | SYSYSID | Name of SAP System | |
40 | Data Element | SYSYSID | Name of SAP System | |
41 | Data Element | XMILOGCOMP | XMI logging: company name of external management tool | |
42 | Data Element | XMILOGCOMP | XMI logging: company name of external management tool | |
43 | Data Element | XMILOGMID | Message ID for an XMI log entry | |
44 | Data Element | XMILOGMID | Message ID for an XMI log entry |