Data Element list used by SAP ABAP Table ALPFTHRHIST_TB (Performance Threshold History)
SAP ABAP Table ALPFTHRHIST_TB (Performance Threshold History) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Data Element  ALCHGDATE Alert: Date of last change
2 Data Element  ALCHGTIME Alert: Time of last change
3 Data Element  ALCHGUSER Alert: Last Changed By
4 Data Element  ALCUSGROUP Alert: Customization: Name of Customization Group
5 Data Element  ALCUSTSTAT Alert: Customizing Status
6 Data Element  ALDECIMALS ALert: Decimal part of Performance Values
7 Data Element  ALMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
8 Data Element  ALPACTHG2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold G 2 Y
9 Data Element  ALPACTHR2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold R 2 Y
10 Data Element  ALPACTHY2G Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 G
11 Data Element  ALPACTHY2R Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 R
12 Data Element  ALPERTHRDR Alert: MT Performance specific Custom.: - threshold direct.
13 Data Element  ALPRELVALT Alert: MT Performance specific Custom.: Relevant Value Type
14 Data Element  ALTIDMTCL Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
15 Data Element  ALTIDNUMRG Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)
16 Data Element  ALTIDUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)
17 Data Element  ALUNIT ALert: Unit for Perfomance Values
18 Data Element  RSTIMESTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
19 Data Element  SYSTZONLO Time Zone
20 Data Element  SYSYSID Name of SAP System
21 Data Element  XMILOGCOMP XMI logging: company name of external management tool
22 Data Element  XMILOGMID Message ID for an XMI log entry