# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CONFIG_API - CREATE_INBOUND_DEST_READER Factory Class for bgRFC Configuration API
2 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - CHECK_DEST_NAME Implementation of the Configuration of Inbound Destinations
3 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CONF_SUPVIS_READER - CHECK_PASSWORD Implementation of Supervisor Destination Config. Reader
4 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CONF_SUPVIS_READER - CHECK_SUPERVISOR_DESTINATION Implementation of Supervisor Destination Config. Reader
5 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CONF_SUPVIS_READER - CHECK_SUPERVISOR_USER Implementation of Supervisor Destination Config. Reader
6 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CUSTOMIZING - GET_INTERFACE_IMPLEMENTATIONS Root Class for Configuration Checks
7 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_CUSTOMIZING - GET_NUMBER_DIALOG_WP Root Class for Configuration Checks
8 Class Method  CL_BGRFC_LOGGER - CREATE tRFC/qRFC Logging
11 Class Method  CL_DEST_FACTORY - EXISTS Factory Class for Destinations
12 Class Method  CX_ROOT - GET_TEXT Abstract Superclass for All Global Exceptions
13 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONFIG_ENTRY - CHECK General Interface for the bgRFC Configuration
14 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONFIG_READER - CHECK Read General Interface from bgRFC Configurations
15 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONFIG_READER - CLEAN_UP Read General Interface from bgRFC Configurations
16 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONFIG_READER - LOCK Read General Interface from bgRFC Configurations
17 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONFIG_READER - SAVE Read General Interface from bgRFC Configurations
18 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONFIG_READER - UNLOCK Read General Interface from bgRFC Configurations
19 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_PROCESSING_TIME General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
20 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_UNIT_REDO_WAIT_TIME General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
21 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_UNIT_HISTORY General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
22 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_TASK_CNT_MAX General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
23 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_SCHEDULER_CNT General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
24 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_REDO_UNIT_MAX General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
25 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_DEST_REDO_WAIT_TIME General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
26 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_CHECK_ALIVE_MAX General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
27 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_APPL_CHECK_CLASS_ACTIVE General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
28 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - SET_APPL_CHECK_CLASS General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
29 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - DELETE General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
30 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_DEST_SET_ENTRY - CHECK General Interface for bgRFC Destination Settings
31 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_ENTRY - DELETE Interface for Maintaining Inbound Destinations
32 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_ENTRY - UNDELETE_ENTRY Interface for Maintaining Inbound Destinations
33 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_ENTRY - SET_SERVER_GROUP Interface for Maintaining Inbound Destinations
34 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_ENTRY - DELETE_QUEUE_PREFIX Interface for Maintaining Inbound Destinations
35 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_ENTRY - CHECK Interface for Maintaining Inbound Destinations
36 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_ENTRY - ADD_QUEUE_PREFIX Interface for Maintaining Inbound Destinations
37 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - CHECK_SERVER_GROUP Interface for querying inbound destinations
38 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - UNLOCK Interface for querying inbound destinations
39 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - SAVE Interface for querying inbound destinations
40 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - NEW Interface for querying inbound destinations
41 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - LOCK Interface for querying inbound destinations
42 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - GET_DEST_FOR_QUEUE_PREFIX Interface for querying inbound destinations
43 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - GET_ALL Interface for querying inbound destinations
44 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - GET Interface for querying inbound destinations
45 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_INB_DEST_READER - CLEAN_UP Interface for querying inbound destinations
46 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - UNLOCK Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
47 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - SAVE Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
48 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - NEW Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
49 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - GET_ALL Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
50 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - LOCK Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
51 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - CLEAN_UP Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
52 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_IND_SET_READER - GET Define bgRFC scheduler settings for inbound destinations
53 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_ENTRY - SET_STATUS_CALLBACK_CLASS Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration, outbound dest.
54 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - CLEAN_UP Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
55 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - GET Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
56 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - GET_ALL Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
57 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - LOCK Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
58 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - NEW Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
59 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - SAVE Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
60 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_OUTD_SET_READER - UNLOCK Define bgRFC scheduler settings for outbound destinations
61 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_ENTRY - DELETE Interface for bgRFC Server Configuration
62 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_ENTRY - CLEAR Interface for bgRFC Server Configuration
63 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_ENTRY - CHECK Interface for bgRFC Server Configuration
64 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - CLEAN_UP Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
65 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - GET Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
66 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - GET_ALL Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
67 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - GET_DEFAULT Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
68 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - LOCK Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
69 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - NEW Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
70 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - SAVE Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
71 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SERVER_READER - UNLOCK Interface for querying bgRFC server configurations
72 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SRV_ENTRY - SET_TASK_CNT_MAX Interface for Setting bgRFC Server Configuration
73 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SRV_ENTRY - SET_SCHEDULER_IDLE_TIME Interface for Setting bgRFC Server Configuration
74 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SRV_ENTRY - SET_SCHEDULER_CNT Interface for Setting bgRFC Server Configuration
75 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SRV_ENTRY - SET_GATEWAY_RESOURCES Interface for Setting bgRFC Server Configuration
76 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SRV_ENTRY - SET_DEST_CNT_MAX Interface for Setting bgRFC Server Configuration
77 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SRV_ENTRY - SET_LOAD_BAL_EXPIRATION_TIME Interface for Setting bgRFC Server Configuration
78 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVISOR_DEST - SET_DESTINATION Interface for Configuration of Supervisor Destination
79 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVISOR_DEST - SET_GENERATE_DESTINATION Interface for Configuration of Supervisor Destination
80 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVISOR_DEST - SET_GENERATE_PASSWORD Interface for Configuration of Supervisor Destination
81 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVISOR_DEST - SET_GENERATE_USER Interface for Configuration of Supervisor Destination
82 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVISOR_DEST - SET_PASSWORD Interface for Configuration of Supervisor Destination
83 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVISOR_DEST - SET_USER_NAME Interface for Configuration of Supervisor Destination
84 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVIS_READER - CLEAN_UP Interface: Read the Supervisor Entry
85 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVIS_READER - GET Interface: Read the Supervisor Entry
86 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVIS_READER - LOCK Interface: Read the Supervisor Entry
87 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SUPERVIS_READER - SAVE Interface: Read the Supervisor Entry
88 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_ENTRY - SET_INBOUND_COMPRESSION Interface for System-Wide Settings for bgRFC Schedulers
89 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_ENTRY - SET_OUTB_UNIT_DELETION_TIME Interface for System-Wide Settings for bgRFC Schedulers
90 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_ENTRY - SET_OUTBOUND_COMPRESSION Interface for System-Wide Settings for bgRFC Schedulers
91 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_ENTRY - SET_MESSAGE_LIFE_TIME Interface for System-Wide Settings for bgRFC Schedulers
92 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_ENTRY - SET_MESSAGES_PER_LOG_SEGMENT Interface for System-Wide Settings for bgRFC Schedulers
93 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_ENTRY - SET_INB_UNIT_DELETION_TIME Interface for System-Wide Settings for bgRFC Schedulers
94 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_READER - CHECK Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration: System-wide
95 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_READER - CLEAN_UP Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration: System-wide
96 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_READER - GET Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration: System-wide
97 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_READER - LOCK Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration: System-wide
98 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_READER - SAVE Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration: System-wide
99 Class Method  IF_BGRFC_CONF_SYSTEM_READER - UNLOCK Interface for bgRFC scheduler configuration: System-wide
100 Class Method  IF_MESSAGE - GET_TEXT Interface for Accessing Texts from Message Objects