Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RJS_PDU_ADRCK_FORMS (Include RJS_PDU_ADRCK_FORMS)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ADRS - LINED Address line
2 Table/Structure Field  ALIASINCL1 - ALIASNAME IS-M: Alias Text (Street Name + Suffix)
3 Table/Structure Field  BALHDRI - OBJECT Application log: Object name (Application code)
4 Table/Structure Field  BALHDRI - SUBOBJECT Application Log: Subobject
6 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CBUC - UCOMM Function Code
7 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CBUC - UCOMM_EXEC Application Log: User command processed
8 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CLBK - USEREXITF Application Log: Callback: Routine name
9 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CLBK - USEREXITP Application Log: Callback: Program name
10 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CLBK - USEREXITT Application Log: Callback: Type (Ext. Perform, FM, etc.)
11 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CONT - TABNAME Application Log: Context: DDIC structure name
12 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CONT - VALUE Application Log: Context data
13 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - COLDDICTXT ALV control: Determine DDIC text reference
14 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - COL_POS ALV control: Output column
15 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
16 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
17 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - REF_FIELD ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
18 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
19 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_LOG - EXTNUMBER Application Log: External ID
20 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_LOG - OBJECT Application log: Object name (Application code)
21 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_LOG - SUBOBJECT Application Log: Subobject
23 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MDEF - LOG_HANDLE Application Log: Log Handle
24 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGID Message Class
25 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGNO Message Number
26 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGTY Message Type
27 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV1 Message Variable
28 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV2 Message Variable
29 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV3 Message Variable
30 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV4 Message Variable
31 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - ADRCOD D PDU_ADRCOD
32 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
34 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - ADR_LINE Single-Line Address
35 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - GUELTIGBIS Valid-To Date
36 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - GUELTIGVON Valid-From Date
37 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - OBJGRP PDU Appl. Log Object Group
38 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - OBJTYP Object Type in PDU Environment
39 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - OBJ_ID DE PDU_OBJ_ID
41 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - XDEL D_PDU_XDEL
42 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - XINS D_PDU_XINS
43 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - XUPD D_PDU_XUPD
44 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PDU_ADRCK_DE - XWBZ D PDU_XWBZABO
47 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - CWIDTH_OPT Application Log: Optimize message list column width
49 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - EXT_PUSH1 BAL_S_PROF-EXT_PUSH1
50 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - EXT_PUSH2 BAL_S_PROF-EXT_PUSH2
51 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - EXT_PUSH3 BAL_S_PROF-EXT_PUSH3
52 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - EXT_PUSH4 BAL_S_PROF-EXT_PUSH4
53 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - HEAD_SIZE Application Log: Tree: Hierarchy column width
54 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - HEAD_TEXT Application Log: Tree: Hierarchy column heading text
55 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV1_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV1_FCAT
56 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV2_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV2_FCAT
57 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV3_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV3_FCAT
59 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - NO_TOOLBAR Application Log: Hide toolbar in ALV grid
60 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - POP_ADJST Application Log: Adjust popup height
61 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - ROOT_TEXT Application Log: Tree: Root node text
62 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - SHOW_ALL Application Log: Display all messagee immediately
63 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - TITLE Application Log: Screen title
64 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - TREE_SIZE Application Log: Tree: Size of Tree Control in CHAR
65 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - USE_GRID Application Log: Use grid control for output
66 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PUSH - ACTIVE Application Log: Pushbutton active
67 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PUSH - DEF BAL_S_PUSH-DEF
68 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SELF - SEL_FIELD Application Log: Selected field name
69 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SELF - SEL_TABLE Application Log: Table name of selected field
70 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SELF - SEL_VALUE Application Log: Contents of selected field
71 Table/Structure Field  DISVARIANT - HANDLE Mgt. ID for repeated calls from the same program
72 Table/Structure Field  DISVARIANT - REPORT ABAP Program Name
73 Table/Structure Field  INRI - NRRANGENR Number range number
74 Table/Structure Field  INRI - OBJECT Name of number range object
75 Table/Structure Field  INRI - QUANTITY Number of numbers to be assigned
76 Table/Structure Field  INRI - RETURNCODE Return code
77 Table/Structure Field  INRI - SUBOBJECT Number range object subobject value
78 Table/Structure Field  INRI - TOYEAR To fiscal year
79 Table/Structure Field  JGTADAV - XCHECKAUT Indicator: Check Orders for Address Changes
80 Table/Structure Field  JGTADRA - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
81 Table/Structure Field  JGTADRA - ADRZA IS-M: Time Slice Counter in Logical Address
82 Table/Structure Field  JGTADRA - JPARVW IS-M: Business Partner Roles
83 Table/Structure Field  JGTADRA - LOGADR IS-M: Logical Address Number
84 Table/Structure Field  JGTADRA - WDAT1 Valid-From Date
85 Table/Structure Field  JGTADRA - WDAT2 Valid-To Date
86 Table/Structure Field  JGTGPNR - GPNR IS-M: Business Partner Key
87 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ADDRSECABBREV IS-M: Secondary Address Text
88 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ADDRSECNUMBER IS-M: Secondary Address Number
89 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
90 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ADRZUS2 Classification Using a Further Address Affix
91 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ALIASNAME IS-M: Alias Text (Street Name + Suffix)
92 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ANRED IS-M: Form-of-Address Key
93 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - BEABLS_REF IS-M: Unloading Point
94 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ERFDATE Created On
95 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ERFTIME Time Created
96 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ERFUSER Created By
97 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ERSTADR IS-M: Address Proposal for Alternatives
98 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - HAUSN IS-M: House Number
99 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - HERK IS-M: Use of Address
100 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - HSNMR2 IS-M: House Number Affix
101 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPADRBSND IS-M/SD: Note for Home Delivery to Ship-to Party
102 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPEMAIL IS-M: E-Mail Address
103 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPHANDY IS-M: Mobile Phone Number
104 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPTELD IS-M: Telephone Number
105 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPTELP IS-M: Telephone Number
106 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPTELVWD IS-M: Area Code - Work
107 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ISPTELVWP IS-M: Area Code (Home)
108 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - JPARVW_REF IS-M: Business Partner Role
109 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - LAND1 Country Key
110 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - NAME1 IS-M: Business Partner Name
111 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - NAME2 IS-M: First Name of Business Partner
112 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - NAME3 IS-M: Further Name Field for Business Partner
113 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - NAME4 IS-M: Further Name Field for Business Partner
114 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - NAMZU IS-M: Name Affix
115 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ORT01 IS-M: City
116 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ORT01_MACO IS-M/SD: City Name (Upper Case for Matchcode)
117 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ORT02 IS-M: City District
118 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - ORTPF IS-M: City for PO Box
119 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PEINORTPF IS-M: Postal Unit of City for PO Box
120 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PFACH IS-M: Post Office Box
121 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - POSNR_REF Sales Order Item
122 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - POSTDIRECTIONAL IS-M: Direction for Street
123 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - POSTEINORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
124 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - POSTEINSTR IS-M: Street Number
125 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PREDIRECTIONAL IS-M: Direction for Street
126 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PSTL2 IS-M: Postal Code for PO Box
127 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PSTL2_ADDON IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code (PO Box)
128 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PSTL3 IS-M: Company Postal Code
129 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PSTL3_ADDON IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code (Company)
130 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PSTLZ IS-M: Postal Code
131 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - PSTLZ_ADDON IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code
132 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - REGIO Region (State, Province, County)
133 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - SORT3 IS-M: Sort field 3 (internal)
134 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - SORTL Sort field
135 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - SPRAS Language Key
136 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - STOCK Floor
137 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - STRAS IS-M: Street Name
138 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - STRAS_MACO IS-M: Street Name
139 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - STREET2 IS-M: Second street line
140 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TECHNUMZUG IS-M: Technical Relocation Due to Postal Data Change
141 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELBX Telebox number
142 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELF1 IS-M: Additional Fax Number
143 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELF2 IS-M: Additional Fax Number
144 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELF3 IS-M: Additional Fax Number
145 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELFD IS-M: Telephone Number at Work
146 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELFP IS-M: Home Phone Number
147 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELFX Fax Number
148 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELTX Teletex number
149 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELW1 IS-M: Additional Telephone Number
150 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELW2 IS-M: Additional Telephone Number
151 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELW3 IS-M: Additional Telephone Number
152 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELW4 IS-M: Mobile Phone Number
153 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELW5 IS-M: Mobile Phone Number
154 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TELX1 Telex number
155 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - TITEL IS-M: Title
156 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - UVADR_GK IS-M: Coding Status of Address
157 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - UVADR_PF IS-M: Coding Status of Address
158 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - UVADR_ST IS-M: Coding Status of Address
159 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - VBELN_REF IS-M/SD: Publishing Sales Order
160 Table/Structure Field  JGTSADR - VORSW IS-M: Name Prefix
161 Table/Structure Field  JGVADDRES2 - LOGADR IS-M: Logical Address Number
162 Table/Structure Field  JKAK - VBELN IS-M/SD: Publishing Sales Order
163 Table/Structure Field  JKAK - XWBZABO IS-M: WBZ subscription
164 Table/Structure Field  JKPA - GPNR IS-M: Business Partner Key
165 Table/Structure Field  JKPA - JPARVW IS-M: Business Partner Role
166 Table/Structure Field  JKPA - VBELN IS-M/SD: Publishing Sales Order
167 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
168 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - AENDATE Date of Last Change
169 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - AENTIME Time of Last Change
170 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - AENUSER Last Changed By
171 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - BEABLART Type of Unloading Point
172 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - BEABLST IS-M: Unloading Point
173 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - GPNR IS-M: Business Partner Key
174 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - GUELTIGBIS Valid-To Date
175 Table/Structure Field  JRTBEABST - GUELTIGVON Valid-From Date
176 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - AENDATE Date of Last Change
177 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - AENDNR Change Number
178 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - AENDSTATUS Status of Structure Changes
179 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - AENTIME Time of Last Change
180 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - AENUSER Last Changed By
181 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - ARTAENDNR IS-M: Type of Change Number
182 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - BEZEI IS-M: General Description of Objects (Length 30)
183 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - ERFDATE Created On
184 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - ERFTIME Time Created
185 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - ERFUSER Created By
186 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - GUELTIGAB IS-M: Date from Which Change Number is Valid
187 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - GUELTIGBIS IS-M: Date to Which Change Number is Valid
188 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - MANDT Client
189 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - POSTSTATUS IS-M: Status of Postal Change Service
190 Table/Structure Field  JSTAENDER - XISTPOST IS-M: Postal Data was Edited
191 Table/Structure Field  JSTGEOEINH - GEOEIN Number of Geographical Unit
192 Table/Structure Field  JSTKGSUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
193 Table/Structure Field  JSTKGSUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
194 Table/Structure Field  JSTKGSUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
195 Table/Structure Field  JSTKGSUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
196 Table/Structure Field  JSTKGSUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
197 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTPRO - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
198 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTPRO - LAND1 Country Key
199 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTPRO - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
200 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTPRO - ORTZUSA IS-M: Affix for City Name
201 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTPRO - ORT_NAME_G IS-M: City name in block capitals
202 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTPRO - ORT_NAME_L IS-M: City name (long text)
203 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
204 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
205 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
206 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - ALORT_ALT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
207 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - DBCODE_ALT DB Code for Structural Changes
208 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - DBCODE_NEU DB Code for Structural Changes
209 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - GUELTIGAB Valid-From Date
210 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - GUELTIGBIS Valid-To Date
211 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - LAND1 Country Key
212 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - LAND1_ALT Country Key
213 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - ORTZUSA IS-M: Affix for City Name
214 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - ORT_NAME_G IS-M: City name in block capitals
215 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - ORT_NAME_L IS-M: City name (long text)
216 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
217 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
218 Table/Structure Field  JSTORTUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
219 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLPRO - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
220 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLPRO - LAND1 Country Key
221 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLPRO - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
222 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLPRO - OTL_KEY IS-M: City District Number
223 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLPRO - OTL_NAME IS-M: Name of City District
224 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
225 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
226 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
227 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
228 Table/Structure Field  JSTOTLUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
229 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
230 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
231 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
232 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - ALORT_ALT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
233 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - DBCODE_ALT DB Code for Structural Changes
234 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - DBCODE_NEU DB Code for Structural Changes
235 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - PLZLFDNR IS-M/SD: Sequence number for postal code (for history)
236 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - PLZLFD_ALT IS-M/SD: Sequence number for postal code (for history)
237 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - PLZNEU IS-M: Postal code
238 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - PLZNEU_ALT IS-M: Postal code
239 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
240 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
241 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLOUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
242 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZORT - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
243 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZORT - ERWPLZ 2-Digit Postal Code Extension CH
244 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZORT - LAND1 Country Key
245 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZORT - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
246 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZORT - PLZLFDNR IS-M/SD: Sequence number for postal code (for history)
247 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZORT - PLZNEU IS-M: Postal code
248 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
249 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
250 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - DBCODE_ALT DB Code for Structural Changes
251 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - DBCODE_NEU DB Code for Structural Changes
252 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - LAND1 Country Key
253 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - LAND1_ALT Country Key
254 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - PLZLFDNR IS-M/SD: Sequence number for postal code (for history)
255 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - PLZLFD_ALT IS-M/SD: Sequence number for postal code (for history)
256 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - PLZNEU IS-M: Postal code
257 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - PLZNEU_ALT IS-M: Postal code
258 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
259 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
260 Table/Structure Field  JSTPLZUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
261 Table/Structure Field  JSTPOFUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
262 Table/Structure Field  JSTPOFUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
263 Table/Structure Field  JSTPOFUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
264 Table/Structure Field  JSTPOFUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
265 Table/Structure Field  JSTPOFUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
266 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRPRO - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
267 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRPRO - LAND1 Country Key
268 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRPRO - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
269 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRPRO - OTL_KEY IS-M: City District Number
270 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRPRO - STRASSENNR IS-M: Street Number
271 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
272 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
273 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
274 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - ALORT_ALT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
275 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - DBCODE_ALT DB Code for Structural Changes
276 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - DBCODE_NEU DB Code for Structural Changes
277 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - HNR1VONALT IS-M: House Number From (Numerical)
278 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - HNR1VON_ZUS IS-M: House Number From (Numerical)
279 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - HNR2VONALT IS-M/SD: Affix to First House Number (Alphanumeric)
280 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - HNR2VON_ZUS IS-M/SD: Affix to First House Number (Alphanumeric)
281 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - LAND1 Country Key
282 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - LAND1_ALT Country Key
283 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - OTL_KEY IS-M: City District Number
284 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - PLZ_ZSTR IS-M: Postal Code of Street Section for Home Delivery
285 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - STRASSENNR IS-M: Street Number
286 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - STRNR_ALT IS-M: Street Number
287 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - STR_NAME_G IS-M: Street name - upper case for matchcode
288 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - STR_NAME_K IS-M: Street Name (Short)
289 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - STR_NAME_L IS-M: Street Name (long)
290 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
291 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
292 Table/Structure Field  JSTSTRUPDA - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
293 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - ALORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
294 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - GUELTIGAB Valid-From Date
295 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - GUELTIGBIS Valid-To Date
296 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - LAND1 Country Key
297 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - PLZNEU IS-M: Postal code
298 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - X_POSTFACH IS-M: Postal code for
299 Table/Structure Field  JSVPLZVERW - X_ZUSTELL IS-M: Postal code for home delivery
300 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - ADRHERK IS-M: Use of Address
301 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
302 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - AENDNR_MASTER Change Number
303 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - CLIENT Client
304 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - ERFDATE Created On
305 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - ERFTIME Time Created
306 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - ERFUSER Created By
307 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - ORDNBR Address-Based Shipping Order Number
308 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - POSNBR Address-Based Shipping Order Item Number
309 Table/Structure Field  JVSOADAV - XCHECKAUT Checkbox
310 Table/Structure Field  JVSOP - ADDRESS IS-M: Address Number
311 Table/Structure Field  JVSOP - ORDNBR Address-Based Shipping Order Number
312 Table/Structure Field  JVSOP - POSNBR Address-Based Shipping Order Item Number
313 Table/Structure Field  JVSOP - VALIDFROM Valid-From Date
314 Table/Structure Field  JVSOP - VALIDTO Valid-To Date
315 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ADDRSECABBREV IS-M: Secondary Address Text
316 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ADDRSECNUMBER IS-M: Secondary Address Number
317 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ADRZUS2 Classification Using a Further Address Affix
318 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ALIASNAME IS-M: Alias Text (Street Name + Suffix)
319 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - HAUSN IS-M: House Number
320 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - HSNMR2 IS-M: House Number Affix
321 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - LAND1 Country Key
322 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ORT01 IS-M: City
323 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ORT02 IS-M: City District
324 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - ORTPF IS-M: City for PO Box
325 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PFACH IS-M: Post Office Box
326 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - POSTDIRECTIONAL IS-M: Direction for Street
327 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PREDIRECTIONAL IS-M: Direction for Street
328 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PSTL2 IS-M: Postal Code for PO Box
329 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PSTL2_ADDON IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code (PO Box)
330 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PSTL3 IS-M: Company Postal Code
331 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PSTL3_ADDON IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code (Company)
332 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PSTLZ IS-M: Postal Code
333 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - PSTLZ_ADDON IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code
334 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - STOCK Floor
335 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - STRAS IS-M: Street Name
336 Table/Structure Field  JYTADR - STREET2 IS-M: Second street line
337 Table/Structure Field  JYTADRCODE - GUELTIGAB Valid-From Date
338 Table/Structure Field  JYTADRCODE - GUELTIGBIS Valid-To Date
339 Table/Structure Field  JYTAENDNR - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
340 Table/Structure Field  JYTAENDNR - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
341 Table/Structure Field  JYTAENDNR - DBCODEFREI DB Code for Structural Changes
342 Table/Structure Field  JYTANRSTD - AENDNRAKT Change Number in Process
343 Table/Structure Field  JYTANRSTD - AENDNRINIT Initiating Change Number
344 Table/Structure Field  JYTANRSTD - DBCODEFREI DB Code for Structural Changes
345 Table/Structure Field  JYTELKOM - ISPTELD IS-M: Telephone Number
346 Table/Structure Field  JYTELKOM - ISPTELP IS-M: Telephone Number
347 Table/Structure Field  JYTELKOM - ISPTELVWD IS-M: Area Code - Work
348 Table/Structure Field  JYTELKOM - ISPTELVWP IS-M: Area Code (Home)
349 Table/Structure Field  JYTORTINCL - GUELTIGAB Valid-From Date
350 Table/Structure Field  JYTORTINCL - GUELTIGBIS Valid-To Date
351 Table/Structure Field  JYTORTINCL - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
352 Table/Structure Field  JYTORTINCL - ORTZUSA IS-M: Affix for City Name
353 Table/Structure Field  JYTORTINCL - ORT_NAME_G IS-M: City name in block capitals
354 Table/Structure Field  JYTORTINCL - ORT_NAME_L IS-M: City name (long text)
355 Table/Structure Field  JYTOTLINCL - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
356 Table/Structure Field  JYTOTLINCL - OTL_NAME IS-M: Name of City District
357 Table/Structure Field  JYTPLOINCL - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
358 Table/Structure Field  JYTSTRINCL - LOESCH_VM Deletion Flag for Master Data in Media Sales & Distribution
359 Table/Structure Field  JYTSTRINCL - OTL_KEY IS-M: City District Number
360 Table/Structure Field  JYTSTRINCL - PLZ_ZSTR IS-M: Postal Code of Street Section for Home Delivery
361 Table/Structure Field  JYTSTRINCL - STR_NAME_G IS-M: Street name - upper case for matchcode
362 Table/Structure Field  JYTSTRINCL - STR_NAME_K IS-M: Street Name (Short)
363 Table/Structure Field  JYTSTRINCL - STR_NAME_L IS-M: Street Name (long)
364 Table/Structure Field  JYTUPDAKZ - DBCODE_ALT DB Code for Structural Changes
365 Table/Structure Field  JYTUPDAKZ - DBCODE_NEU DB Code for Structural Changes
366 Table/Structure Field  JYTUPDAKZ - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
367 Table/Structure Field  JYTUPDAKZ - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
368 Table/Structure Field  JYTUPDAKZ - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
369 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - AENDATE Date of Last Change
370 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - AENTIME Time of Last Change
371 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - AENUSER Last Changed By
372 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - ERFDATE Created On
373 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - ERFTIME Time Created
374 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - ERFUSER Created By
375 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
376 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - ADRZA IS-M: Time Slice Counter in Logical Address
377 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - LOGADR IS-M: Logical Address Number
378 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - PEINORTPF IS-M: Postal Unit of City for PO Box
379 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - POSTEINORT IS-M: City Number (Unique)
380 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - POSTEINSTR IS-M: Street Number
381 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - PSTL2 IS-M: Postal Code for PO Box
382 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - PSTL3 IS-M: Company Postal Code
383 Table/Structure Field  RJGADRA - PSTLZ IS-M: Postal Code
384 Table/Structure Field  RJLSS3 - ADRNR Address
385 Table/Structure Field  RJMG07 - ADRNR IS-M: Address Number
386 Table/Structure Field  RJMG07 - ADRZA IS-M: Time Slice Counter in Logical Address
387 Table/Structure Field  RJMG07 - JPARVW IS-M: Business Partner Roles
388 Table/Structure Field  RJMG07 - LOGADR IS-M: Logical Address Number
389 Table/Structure Field  RJMG07 - WDAT1 Valid-From Date
390 Table/Structure Field  RJMG07 - WDAT2 Valid-To Date
391 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGID Message Class
392 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGNO Message Number
393 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGTY Message Type
394 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV1 Message Variable
395 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV2 Message Variable
396 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV3 Message Variable
397 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV4 Message Variable
398 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV1 Message Variable
399 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV2 Message Variable
400 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV3 Message Variable
401 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV4 Message Variable
402 Table/Structure Field  RJS0102 - DBCODEFREI DB Code for Structural Changes
403 Table/Structure Field  SMP_DYNTXT - ICON_ID Icon in text fields (substitute display, alias)
404 Table/Structure Field  SMP_DYNTXT - ICON_TEXT Menu Painter: Icon text (4.0)
405 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - FIELDNAME Field Name
406 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - TABNAME Table Name
407 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - VALUE Table field value
408 Table/Structure Field  SYST - BATCH ABAP System Field: Background Processing Active
409 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
410 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DBCNT ABAP System Field: Edited Database Table Rows
411 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
412 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
413 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
414 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
415 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
416 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
417 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
418 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
419 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
420 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
421 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
422 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UZEIT ABAP System Field: Current Time of Application Server
423 Table/Structure Field  TJG39 - JPARVW IS-M: Business Partner Role
424 Table/Structure Field  TJKWBZ - XPDU_ADR_CHANGE Relocation for WBZ Addresses
425 Table/Structure Field  TJR11 - BEABLART Type of Unloading Point
426 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - AENDNR Change Number
427 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - MANDT Client
428 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - MASTAENDNR Change Number
429 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - MASTMANDT Client
430 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - ROLLEMANDT Function of Client in Postal Change Service
431 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - X_ADRESSEN IS-M: Update indicator: relevant addresses revised
432 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - X_POST_DB IS-M: Update indicator, postal DB edited
433 Table/Structure Field  TJS37 - X_STRUKTUR IS-M: Update indicator, related structures revised
434 Table/Structure Field  TJS38 - MANDT Client
435 Table/Structure Field  TJY00 - MANDT Client
436 Table/Structure Field  TJY00 - MANDT_POST IS-M: Client for maintaining postal data
437 Table/Structure Field  TJY01 - NUMKI Number range in the case of internal number assignment
438 Table/Structure Field  TJY01 - OBJECT Name of number range object