Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RFREMI50BDCHANGEDOC (Change Documents of Old Master Data Tables)
SAP ABAP Program RFREMI50BDCHANGEDOC (Change Documents of Old Master Data Tables) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  CDHDR - OBJECTCLAS Object class
2 Table/Structure Field  CDHDR - CHANGENR Document change number
3 Table/Structure Field  CDHDR - OBJECTID Object value
4 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - CHANGENR Document change number
5 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - CHNGIND Change type (U, I, E, D)
6 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - FNAME Field Name
7 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - OBJECTCLAS Object class
8 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - OBJECTID Object value
9 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - TABKEY Changed table record key
10 Table/Structure Field  CDPOS - TABNAME Table Name
11 Table/Structure Field  ITOB - TPLNR Functional Location
12 Table/Structure Field  REBD_FUNC_LOC - TPLNR Functional Location
13 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
14 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
15 Table/Structure Field  VIBDAO - AOID Identification of Architectural Object
16 Table/Structure Field  VIBDAO - INTRENO Internal Object Number for Architecture Objects (INTRENO)
17 Table/Structure Field  VIBDAO - OBJNR Object Number
18 Table/Structure Field  VIBDAO_HDR - OBJNR Object Number
19 Table/Structure Field  VIBDAO_KEY - AOID Identification of Architectural Object
20 Table/Structure Field  VIBDAO_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
21 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE - BUKRS Company Code
22 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
23 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE - OBJNR Object Number
24 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE - SWENR Business Entity Number
25 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
26 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE_KEY - SWENR Business Entity Number
27 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
28 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU - BUKRS Company Code
29 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
30 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU - OBJNR Object Number
31 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU - SGENR Number of Building
32 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU - SWENR Business Entity Number
33 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
34 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU_KEY - SGENR Number of Building
35 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU_KEY - SWENR Business Entity Number
36 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBU_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
37 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - MANDT Client
38 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
39 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - OBJNRTRG Object Number
40 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - OBJNRSRC Object Number
41 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - OBJASSTYPE Type of Object Assignment
42 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_KEY - OBJASSTYPE Type of Object Assignment
43 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_KEY - OBJNRSRC Object Number
44 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_KEY - OBJNRTRG Object Number
45 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_KEY - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
46 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPMFL - VALIDTO Date: Relationship Valid To
47 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPMFL - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
48 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPMFL - TPLNR Functional Location
49 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPMFL - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
50 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPMFL - MANDT Client
51 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPMFL - BUKRS Company Code
52 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR - BUKRS Company Code
53 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
54 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR - OBJNR Object Number
55 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR - SGRNR Number of Land
56 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR - SWENR Business Entity Number
57 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
58 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR_KEY - SGRNR Number of Land
59 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR_KEY - SWENR Business Entity Number
60 Table/Structure Field  VIBDPR_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
61 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO - OBJNR Object Number
62 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO - SWENR Business Entity Number
63 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO - SMENR Number of Rental Object
64 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
65 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO - BUKRS Company Code
66 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
67 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO_KEY - SMENR Number of Rental Object
68 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO_KEY - SWENR Business Entity Number
69 Table/Structure Field  VIBDRO_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
70 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - BUKRS Company Code
71 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
72 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - OBJNR Object Number
73 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - RECNNR Contract Number
74 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_KEY - RECNNR Contract Number
75 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
76 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
77 Table/Structure Field  VIOBOV - DATGAB Date from when assignment is valid
78 Table/Structure Field  VIOBOV - FOR_OBJNR Object number
79 Table/Structure Field  VIOBOV - MANDT Client
80 Table/Structure Field  VIOBOV - RE_OBJNR Object number
81 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG - BUKRS Company Code
82 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
83 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG - OBJNR Object Number
84 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG - PGID Participation Group
85 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG - SWENR Valid Business Entity
86 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG_KEY - SWENR Valid Business Entity
87 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG_KEY - PGID Participation Group
88 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
89 Table/Structure Field  VISCPG_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
90 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU - BUKRS Company Code
91 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU - INTRENO Internal Key of Real Estate Object
92 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU - OBJNR Object Number
93 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU - SEMPSL Settlement Unit
94 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU - SNKSL Service Charge Key
95 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU - SWENR Valid Business Entity
96 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
97 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU_KEY - SEMPSL Settlement Unit
98 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU_KEY - SNKSL Service Charge Key
99 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU_KEY - SWENR Valid Business Entity
100 Table/Structure Field  VISCSU_TAB - OBJNR Object Number