Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LRESR_GUI_SETTLPERIODF01 (Include LRESR_GUI_REPORT_RULEF01)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - CHECKBOX ALV control: Output as checkbox
2 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - CHECKTABLE Table Name
3 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - DRDN_HNDL Natural number
4 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - EMPHASIZE ALV control: Highlight column with color
5 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
6 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - ICON ALV control: Output as icon
7 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - JUST ALV control: Alignment
8 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
9 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - NO_SUM ALV control: No aggregation over values of column
10 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
11 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - ROLLNAME ALV control: Data element for F1 help
12 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - STYLE ALV control: Style
13 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - TECH ALV control: Technical field
14 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - TOOLTIP ALV control: Tool tip for column header
15 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT ALV control: Optimize column width
16 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - NO_ROWINS Character Field Length 1
17 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - NO_ROWMOVE Character Field Length 1
18 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - SMALLTITLE ALV control: Title size
19 Table/Structure Field  DD02L - TABNAME Table Name
20 Table/Structure Field  DD07V - DDTEXT Short Text for Fixed Values
21 Table/Structure Field  DISVARIANT - HANDLE Mgt. ID for repeated calls from the same program
22 Table/Structure Field  DISVARIANT - REPORT ABAP Program Name
23 Table/Structure Field  DISVARIANT - USERNAME User name for user-specific storage
24 Table/Structure Field  HELP_INFO - CALL Help processor call type
25 Table/Structure Field  HELP_INFO - DOCUID Document class
26 Table/Structure Field  HELP_INFO - OBJECT Screen object ID
27 Table/Structure Field  HELP_INFO - SELECTART CHAR01 data element for SYST
28 Table/Structure Field  HELP_INFO - SPRAS Language Key
29 Table/Structure Field  HELP_INFO - TABNAME Table Name
30 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_COL - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
31 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_DROP - HANDLE Natural number
32 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_DROP - VALUE ALV Control: Cell Content
33 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - CHECKBOX ALV control: Output as checkbox
34 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - CHECKTABLE Table Name
35 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - DRDN_HNDL Natural number
36 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - EDIT ALV control: Ready for input
37 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - EMPHASIZE ALV control: Highlight column with color
38 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
39 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - ICON ALV control: Output as icon
40 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - JUST ALV control: Alignment
41 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
42 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - NO_SUM ALV control: No aggregation over values of column
43 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
44 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
45 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - ROLLNAME ALV control: Data element for F1 help
46 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_L Long Field Label
47 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_M Medium Field Label
48 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_S Short Field Label
49 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - STYLE ALV control: Style
50 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - TECH ALV control: Technical field
51 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - TOOLTIP ALV control: Tool tip for column header
52 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L001 - STYLEFNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
53 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
54 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L006 - CTAB_FNAME ALV control: Field name with complex cell color coding
55 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - CTAB_FNAME ALV control: Field name with complex cell color coding
56 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT ALV control: Optimize column width
57 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_ROWINS Character Field Length 1
58 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_ROWMOVE Character Field Length 1
59 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
60 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - SMALLTITLE ALV control: Title size
61 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - STYLEFNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
62 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_MODI - ROW_ID Natural number
63 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_ROID - ROW_ID Natural number
64 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_STBL - COL ALV control: Column-based stable refresh
65 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_STBL - ROW ALV control: Row-based stable refresh
66 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_STYL - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
67 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_STYL - STYLE ALV control: Style
68 Table/Structure Field  RECATRACE - TRACEALVCALL Trace ALV Call
69 Table/Structure Field  RECATRACE - TRACEON Activate Trace
70 Table/Structure Field  RESRDEFTOCALCINCOMPLSETTL - CALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
71 Table/Structure Field  RESRDEFTOCALCINCOMPLSETTL - PRORATE Pro Rata Method
72 Table/Structure Field  RESRRHYTHM - FREQUENCYUNIT Frequency Unit
73 Table/Structure Field  RESRSETTLPERIOD - CALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
74 Table/Structure Field  RESRSETTLPERIOD - FREQUENCYUNIT Frequency Unit
75 Table/Structure Field  RESRSETTLPERIOD - PRORATE Pro Rata Method
76 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - CALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
79 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - FREQUENCYUNIT Frequency Unit
80 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - PRORATE Pro Rata Method
81 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - RHYTHMTYPE Type of Frequency
82 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - SBVALIDFROM Valid-From Date of Term
83 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - XCALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
84 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - XFREQUENCYUNIT Unit
85 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_S - XPRORATE Pro Rata Method
86 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_X - CALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
87 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_X - FREQUENCYUNIT Frequency Unit
88 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_X - PRORATE Pro Rata Method
89 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_X - RHYTHMTYPE Type of Frequency
90 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMSBRH_X - SBVALIDFROM Valid-From Date of Term
91 Table/Structure Field  RESRTMVALIDPERIOD - VALIDFROM Valid-From Date of Term
92 Table/Structure Field  RETM_TERM - TERMNO Term Number
93 Table/Structure Field  RETM_TERMKEY - TERMNO Term Number
94 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
95 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
96 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
97 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
98 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH - CALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
99 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH - FREQUENCYUNIT Frequency Unit
100 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH - PRORATE Pro Rata Method
101 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH - RHYTHMTYPE Type of Frequency
102 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH - SBVALIDFROM Valid-From Date of Term
103 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH_KEY - RHYTHMTYPE Type of Frequency
104 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH_KEY - SBVALIDFROM Valid-From Date of Term
105 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH_TAB - CALCMETHPER Calculation method for time-dependent periods
106 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH_TAB - FREQUENCYUNIT Frequency Unit
107 Table/Structure Field  VISRTMSBRH_TAB - PRORATE Pro Rata Method
108 Table/Structure Field  VITMTERM - TERMNO Term Number
109 Table/Structure Field  VITMTERM_KEY - TERMNO Term Number