Table list used by SAP ABAP Program LNFR4TOP (LNFR4TOP)
SAP ABAP Program LNFR4TOP (LNFR4TOP) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table  BKPF Accounting Document Header
2 Table  BSAD Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)
3 Table  BSEG Accounting Document Segment
4 Table  KONV Conditions (Transaction Data)
5 Table  NADR IS-H: Addresses (Central Address Management)
6 Table  NBEW IS-H: Movements for Case
7 Table  NBRK IS-H: Invoice print data (adds to VBRK)
8 Table  NBRKAZ IS-H: Assignmt of downpayment/copayment (FI) to billDoc(SD)
9 Table  NDEB IS-H: Business Partner/IS-H Customer Supplement
10 Table  NDIA IS-H: Diagnoses
11 Table  NFAL IS-H: Cases
12 Table  NGEB IS-H: Birth Data of Newborns
13 Table  NGPA IS-H: Business Partners
14 Table  NKSK IS-H: Insurance verification/certificate - Header data
15 Table  NKTR IS-H: Business Partners/Insurance Providers
16 Table  NLEI IS-H: Services Performed
17 Table  NORG IS-H: Organizational Units
18 Table  NPAT IS-H: Patient Master Data (General)
19 Table  NPDOK IS-H: Dummy table for doc. report parameters
20 Table  NVVN IS-H: Guarantors
21 Table  RNAB0 IS-H: Field string case billing: individual service
22 Table  RNF02 IS-H: Form structure of patient employer data
23 Table  RNF06 IS-H: Form structure of admission data-movement
24 Table  RNF07 IS-H: Form structure of admission-referral physician/hosp.
25 Table  RNF071 IS-H: Form Structure - Referring Physician
26 Table  RNF072 IS-H: Form structure - referring hospital
27 Table  RNF073 IS-H: Form structure - family physician
28 Table  RNF08 IS-H: Discharge Form Layout
29 Table  RNF081 IS-H: Post-discharge hospital form structure
30 Table  RNF082 IS-H: Post-discharge physician form structure
31 Table  RNF11 IS-H: Form Structure of Insurance Provider Data
32 Table  RNF111 IS-H: Forms: Name, address of insurance provider
33 Table  RNF112 IS-H: Form structure of main person insured
34 Table  RNF113 IS-H: Forms: Name, address of main insured's employer
35 Table  RNF114 IS-H: Forms: Insurance provider data - headquarters
36 Table  RNF115 IS-H: Alternate Invoice Recipient Self-Payer (IS-H Data)
37 Table  RNF116 IS-H: Invoice Form Printout: FI Data Payer
38 Table  RNF14 IS-H: Form printout - receiver insur. verif. request
39 Table  RNF15 IS-H: Form Layout for Diagnoses at Admission
40 Table  RNF16 IS-H: Form Layout for Diagnoses at Discharge
41 Table  RNF17 IS-H: Form Layout for Treatment Diagnoses
42 Table  RNF17L IS-H: Long Text for Treatment Diagnosis
43 Table  RNF18 IS-H: Invoice Form: Patient Data/Case/Diagnosis
44 Table  RNF20 IS-H: Copayment invoice form structure
45 Table  RNF21 IS-H: Conditions printout (invoices)
46 Table  RNF22 IS-H: Form structure referral carrier (billing)
47 Table  RNF23 IS-H: Form structure newborn data for billing
48 Table  RNF24 IS-H: Form structure invoice down payments
49 Table  RNF26 IS-H: Form Print Insurance Provider Header Data
50 Table  RNF27 IS-H: Form print invoices: additional specs. customer
51 Table  RNF28 IS-H: Total amount fields invoice form print
52 Table  RNF29 IS-H: Billing structure for surgical procedures
53 Table  RNF30 IS-H: Surgeries
54 Table  RNF32 IS-H: Form structure invoice header additional data
55 Table  RNF33 IS-H: Structure of form item text lines
56 Table  RNF43 IS-H: Generate form structure for down payment request
57 Table  RNFK1 IS-H: Patient accounting header fields
58 Table  RNFKR1 IS-H: Header and Control Data Invoice Form Printout
59 Table  RNFP1 IS-H: Patient Accounting Item Fields
60 Table  RNFP1T IS-H: Invoice item texts
61 Table  RNFP2 IS-H: Patient accounting/invoice list item fields
62 Table  RNFPST IS-H: Status Bar Invoice Form Printout
63 Table  RNG12 IS-H: Table for creating customer in RF/FI from IS-H
64 Table  SMESG Message collector
65 Table  T042Z Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
66 Table  T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
67 Table  T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
68 Table  TFDIR Function Module
69 Table  TN00 IS-H: Client-Specific Control Parameters
70 Table  TN00R IS-H: Institution-Specific Parameter Table (Time-Indep.)
71 Table  TN01 IS-H: Institutions
72 Table  TN14U IS-H: Texts for Movement Types
73 Table  TN16T IS-H: Type of Insurance Coverage - Text Table
74 Table  TN21 IS-H: Billing Types
75 Table  TN22P IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Down Payment
76 Table  TN22R IS-H: Control Params FI Posting Copayment/Copay.Cred.Memo
77 Table  TN22T IS-H: Text for TN22A (reasons why no copayment obligation)
78 Table  TNE00 IS-H: SAP User Exits
79 Table  TNE01 IS-H: Customer User Exits
80 Table  TNF03 IS-H: Work Organizers: Keys
81 Table  TNF30 IS-H: Work Organizers Without Selection Conditions
82 Table  TNF31 IS-H: Work Organizers with Ins. Prov. Conditions
83 Table  TOAOM SAP ArchiveLink: Meta table for links
84 Table  TVZBT Customers: Terms of Payment Texts
85 Table  VBRK Billing Document: Header Data
86 Table  VBRP Billing Document: Item Data