Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LMEPRF04 (LMEPRF04)
SAP ABAP Program LMEPRF04 (LMEPRF04) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - LFBNR Document number of a reference document
2 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - LFGJA Fiscal Year of a Reference Document
3 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - LFPOS Item of a reference document
4 Table/Structure Field  EKBEDATA - LFBNR Document number of a reference document
5 Table/Structure Field  EKBEDATA - LFGJA Fiscal Year of a Reference Document
6 Table/Structure Field  EKBEDATA - LFPOS Item of a reference document
7 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
8 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
9 Table/Structure Field  KOMV - KNUMV Number of the document condition
10 Table/Structure Field  KOMV - KPOSN Condition Item Number
11 Table/Structure Field  KONV - KNUMV Number of the document condition
12 Table/Structure Field  KONV - KPOSN Condition Item Number