Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Program J_3RSINVOICEF01 (Export sales forms)
SAP ABAP Program J_3RSINVOICEF01 (Export sales forms) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  BDC_CLOSE_GROUP Close batch input session
2 Function Module  BDC_INSERT Insert batch input transactions in batch input session
3 Function Module  BDC_OPEN_GROUP Open batch input session for adding transactions
4 Function Module  CALCULATE_TAX_FROM_NET_AMOUNT Ermittlung der Steuerprozentsaetze und des Steuerbetrages
5 Function Module  CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS Change document: Read change document header
6 Function Module  CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS Change document: Read change document items
7 Function Module  F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST F4 help also returning the value to be displayed in internal table
8 Function Module  FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE FI: Periode und Geschäftsjahr ableiten
9 Function Module  J_3RF_GLTOOL_BDC_CLOSE_GROUP Close batch input session
10 Function Module  J_3RF_GLTOOL_BDC_INSERT Insert batch input transactions in batch input session
11 Function Module  J_3RF_GLTOOL_BDC_OPEN_GROUP Open batch input session for adding transactions
12 Function Module  J_3RF_GLTOOL_SET_SPLIT Set split info
13 Function Module  NUMBER_GET_NEXT NUmber range: Assigns next free number
14 Function Module  POPUP_DISPLAY_TEXT Text display dialog box
15 Function Module  POPUP_GET_VALUES Dialog box for the display and request of values, without check
16 Function Module  POPUP_TO_CONFIRM Standard Dialog Popup
17 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_EXTRACT_LOAD Read extract
18 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_EXTRACT_SAVE Save extract
19 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE Create field catalog from dictionary structure or internal table
20 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY Output of a simple list (single-line)
21 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_GRID_LAYOUT_INFO_GET Read current ALV list information
22 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET Read default display variant (description only, w/o field catalog)
23 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_SELECT Read a display variant
24 Function Module  SD_VBAK_ARRAY_READ gepuffertes Lesen mehrerer Kopfdaten von Verkaufsbelegen
25 Function Module  SD_VBAP_ARRAY_READ gepuffertes Lesen mehrerer Positionsdaten von Verkaufsbelegen
26 Function Module  SD_VBAP_READ_WITH_VBELN gepuffertes Lesen aller Positionsdaten eines Verkaufsbelegs