Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Program ISAUTO_RMMR1MRB (Revaluation with Collective Settlement)
SAP ABAP Program ISAUTO_RMMR1MRB (Revaluation with Collective Settlement) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  BAL_DB_SAVE Application Log: Database: Save logs
2 Function Module  BAL_GLB_MSG_DEFAULTS_GET Application Log: Global: Read message defaults
3 Function Module  BAL_GLB_MSG_DEFAULTS_SET Application Log: Global: Set message defaults
4 Function Module  BAL_GLB_SEARCH_LOG Application Log: Global: Find log(s) (in memory)
5 Function Module  BAL_LOG_CREATE Application Log: Log: Create with Header Data
6 Function Module  BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD Application Log: Log: Message: Add
7 Function Module  BAL_LOG_REFRESH Application Log: Log: Delete log from memory
9 Function Module  DDIF_DTEL_GET DD: Interface to read a data element from the ABAP Dictionary
10 Function Module  F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST F4 help for fields that are only known at runtime
11 Function Module  FI_COMPANY_CODE_DATA Company get data
12 Function Module  FI_VENDOR_DATA FI: Kreditorendaten zurückliefern
13 Function Module  GET_TEXT_DOMVALUE Text zu einem Domänenwert lesen
14 Function Module  ICON_CREATE Transfer Icon Name and Text to a Screen Field
15 Function Module  ISAUTO_MRNB_PARALLEL Automotive Neubewertung parallel
16 Function Module  ME_DISPLAY_PURCHASE_DOCUMENT Anzeigen eines Einkaufsbeleges
17 Function Module  ME_EKKO_ARRAY_READ Prefetch auf Einkausbelegkoepfe
18 Function Module  ME_EKKO_BUFFER_REFRESH Erases the buffer
19 Function Module  ME_EKPO_ARRAY_READ gepuffertes Lesen mehrerer Einkaufsbelegspositionen
20 Function Module  ME_EKPO_BUFFER_REFRESH Rücksetzen des Puffers für EKPO
21 Function Module  MRM_DBTAB_T169F_READ (gepuffertes) Lesen der T169F
22 Function Module  MR_PERIOD_DETERMINE Buchungsperiode, Geschäftsjahr und Rückbuchschalter bestimmen
23 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE List body comment block output
24 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET Returns table of possible events for a list type
25 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE Create field catalog from dictionary structure or internal table
26 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY Output of a simple list (single-line)
27 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET Read default display variant (description only, w/o field catalog)
28 Function Module  REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4 Display variant selection dialog box
29 Function Module  SPBT_INITIALIZE Initialization of PBT environment
30 Function Module  T001W_SINGLE_READ Select single auf T001W
31 Function Module  T024E_SINGLE_READ Select single auf T024E
32 Function Module  VENDOR_MASTER_DATA_SELECT_12 Zugriff auf Einkaufsorganistionsdaten (LFM1)
33 Function Module  VENDOR_MASTER_DATA_SELECT_13 Zugriff auf abweichende Einkaufsdaten (LFM2)