Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program I_SUB_MERC (Include I_SUB_MERC)
SAP ABAP Program I_SUB_MERC (Include I_SUB_MERC) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ADRC - ADDRNUMBER Address number
2 Table/Structure Field  ADRC - COUNTRY Country Key
3 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - AWKEY Object key
4 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - BELNR Accounting Document Number
5 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
6 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - BUKRS Company Code
7 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - GJAHR Fiscal Year
8 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - TCODE Transaction Code
9 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - XBLNR Reference Document Number
10 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - BELNR Accounting Document Number
11 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - BUKRS Company Code
12 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - DMBE2 Amount in Second Local Currency
13 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - DMBE3 Amount in Third Local Currency
14 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
15 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - GJAHR Fiscal Year
16 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - KOART Account type
17 Table/Structure Field  DD03L - FIELDNAME Field Name
18 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - BELNR Number of Material Document
19 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
20 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
21 Table/Structure Field  EKBE - GJAHR Year of material document
22 Table/Structure Field  EKKN - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
23 Table/Structure Field  EKKN - EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
24 Table/Structure Field  EKKN - VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number
25 Table/Structure Field  EKKN - VBELP Sales Document Item
26 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - AEDAT Date on which the record was created
27 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - BUKRS Company Code
28 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
29 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - EKORG Purchasing organization
30 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - KDATB Start of Validity Period
31 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - KDATE End of Validity Period
32 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - KUNNR Customer Number
33 Table/Structure Field  EKKO - LIFNR Vendor's account number
34 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - AEDAT Date on which the record was created
35 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - BUKRS Company Code
36 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - EKORG Purchasing organization
37 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - KDATB Start of Validity Period
38 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - KDATE End of Validity Period
39 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - KUNNR Customer Number
40 Table/Structure Field  EKKODATA - LIFNR Vendor's account number
41 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
42 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - KUNNR Customer
43 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - MATNR Material Number
44 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - MENGE Purchase Order Quantity
45 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - PSTYP Item category in purchasing document
46 Table/Structure Field  EKPO - WERKS Plant
47 Table/Structure Field  EKPODATA - KUNNR Customer
48 Table/Structure Field  EKPODATA - MATNR Material Number
49 Table/Structure Field  EKPODATA - MENGE Purchase Order Quantity
50 Table/Structure Field  EKPODATA - PSTYP Item category in purchasing document
51 Table/Structure Field  EKPODATA - WERKS Plant
52 Table/Structure Field  EORD - BDATU Source List Record Valid To
53 Table/Structure Field  EORD - FLIFN Indicator: Fixed vendor
54 Table/Structure Field  EORD - MATNR Material Number
55 Table/Structure Field  EORD - VDATU Source List Record Valid From
56 Table/Structure Field  EORD - WERKS Plant
57 Table/Structure Field  IDITSR_SELECT - FIELDNAME Field Name
58 Table/Structure Field  IDITSR_SELECT - FIELDVALUE_HIGH To-Field Value
59 Table/Structure Field  IDITSR_SELECT - FIELDVALUE_LOW From-Field Value
60 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - ADRNR Address
61 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - KUNNR Customer Number
62 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - LAND1 Country Key
63 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - NAME1 Name 1
64 Table/Structure Field  LFA1 - LAND1 Country Key
65 Table/Structure Field  LFA1 - LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
66 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - BELNR Document Number of an Invoice Document
67 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - GJAHR Fiscal Year
68 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - RMWWR Gross invoice amount in document currency
69 Table/Structure Field  SI_T001W - ADRNR Address
70 Table/Structure Field  SI_T001W - LAND1 Country Key
71 Table/Structure Field  SI_TVKO - ADRNR Address
72 Table/Structure Field  T001 - ADRNR Address
73 Table/Structure Field  T001 - BUKRS Company Code
74 Table/Structure Field  T001 - LAND1 Country Key
75 Table/Structure Field  T001W - ADRNR Address
76 Table/Structure Field  T001W - LAND1 Country Key
77 Table/Structure Field  T001W - WERKS Plant
78 Table/Structure Field  T005 - LAND1 Country Key
79 Table/Structure Field  T024W - EKORG Purchasing organization
80 Table/Structure Field  T024W - WERKS Plant
81 Table/Structure Field  TCURC - WAERS Currency Key
82 Table/Structure Field  TVKO - ADRNR Address
83 Table/Structure Field  TVKO - VKORG Sales Organization
84 Table/Structure Field  TVKWZ - VKORG Sales Organization
85 Table/Structure Field  TVKWZ - VTWEG Reference for cust.and material masters
86 Table/Structure Field  TVKWZ - WERKS Plant (Own or External)
87 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - KUNNR Sold-to party
88 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VBELN Sales Document
89 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VKORG Sales Organization
90 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VTWEG Distribution Channel
91 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - KWMENG Cumulative order quantity in sales units
92 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - MATNR Material Number
93 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - POSNR Sales Document Item
94 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - PSTYV Sales document item category
95 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - SOBKZ Special Stock Indicator
96 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - VBELN Sales Document
97 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - WERKS Plant (Own or External)
98 Table/Structure Field  VBFA - VBELN Subsequent sales and distribution document
99 Table/Structure Field  VBFA - VBELV Preceding sales and distribution document
100 Table/Structure Field  VBFA - VBTYP_N Document category of subsequent document
101 Table/Structure Field  VBFA - VBTYP_V Document category of preceding SD document
102 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - BELNR Accounting Document Number
103 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - XBLNR Reference Document Number