Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program FV50PFLP_LIPS_REFERENZ_LESEN (Include FV50PFLP_LIPS_REFERENZ_LESEN)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  LESHP_DELIVERY_REFDATA - HANDLE Worldwide unique key for LIPS-VBELN & LIPS_POSNR
2 Table/Structure Field  LESHP_DELIVERY_REFDATA - AUART Sales Document Type
3 Table/Structure Field  LESHP_REF_COMMON - AUART Sales Document Type
4 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - ABSSC Payment Guarantee Procedure
5 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - LCNUM Financial doc. processing: Internal financial doc. number
6 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - LFART Delivery Type
7 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - MANDT Client
8 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - VERURSYS Distribution delivery: Original system
9 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - VKORG Sales Organization
10 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - UMVKN Denominator (divisor) for conversion of sales qty. into SKU
11 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VRKME Sales unit
12 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VGTYP SD document category
13 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VGSYS Logical System in the Preceding Document
14 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VGPOS Item number of the reference item
15 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VGBEL Document number of the reference document
16 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VBELN Delivery
17 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - UMVKZ Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
18 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - UMREV Conversion Factor of Delivery Quantity VRKME for MEINS
19 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - KCMENGVMEF Cumulated batch split quantity in VRKME and float
20 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - HANDLE Worldwide unique key for LIPS-VBELN & LIPS_POSNR
21 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - KCMENG_FLO Internal field/ Do not use / KCMENG in float / MUM
22 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - KZFME ID: Leading unit of measure for completing a transaction
23 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - LFIMG_FLO Internal field/ Do not use / LFIMG in float / MUM
24 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - LGMNG_FLO Internal field/ Do not use / LGMNG in float / MUM
25 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - POSNR Delivery Item
26 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - PRE_VL_ETENS Sequential Number of Vendor Confirmation
27 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - PROSA ID for material selection - active
28 Table/Structure Field  LIPSD - ETENS Sequential Number of Vendor Confirmation
29 Table/Structure Field  LIPSD - OFMNG Open Qty in Stockkeeping Units for Transfer of Reqmts to MRP
30 Table/Structure Field  LIPSD - VGVGBEL Document number of the reference document
31 Table/Structure Field  LIPSD - VGVGPOS Item number of the reference item
32 Table/Structure Field  LIPSD - VGVGTYP Document category of preceding SD document
33 Table/Structure Field  LIPSRF - AUART Sales Document Type
34 Table/Structure Field  LIPSRF - HANDLE Worldwide unique key for LIPS-VBELN & LIPS_POSNR
35 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - VGVGBEL Document number of the reference document
36 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - VGVGPOS Item number of the reference item
37 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - VGVGTYP Document category of preceding SD document
38 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - POSNR Delivery Item
39 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - OFMNG Open Qty in Stockkeeping Units for Transfer of Reqmts to MRP
40 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - ETENS Sequential Number of Vendor Confirmation
41 Table/Structure Field  LIPSVB - VBELN Delivery
42 Table/Structure Field  RV50A - LFPMG Quantity to be delivered in sales units
43 Table/Structure Field  TVAK - AUART Sales Document Type
44 Table/Structure Field  TVLK - AUFER A sales order is required as basis for delivery
45 Table/Structure Field  TVLK - DAART Default order type for deliveries without reference to order
46 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - AUART Sales Document Type
47 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - BUKRS_VF Company code to be billed
48 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - MANDT Client
49 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VBELN Sales Document
50 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VKORG Sales Organization
51 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - VBELN Sales Document
52 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - VGPOS Item number of the reference item
53 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - VGBEL Document number of the reference document
54 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - UMVKZ Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
55 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - POSNR Sales Document Item
56 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - MANDT Client
57 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - LSMENG Cumulative Target Delivery Qty (all dlv-relev.sched.lines)
58 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - UMVKN Denominator (divisor) for conversion of sales qty. into SKU
59 Table/Structure Field  VBAPF - ERLMENGELV Completd qty (category F) in sales unit;1st place=VBAK-VBTYP
60 Table/Structure Field  VBAPF - ERLMENGE_L Referenced quantity in base unit of measure (float)
61 Table/Structure Field  VBAPFV - ERLMENGELV Completd qty (category F) in sales unit;1st place=VBAK-VBTYP
62 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - UMVKN Denominator (divisor) for conversion of sales qty. into SKU
63 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - VGPOS Item number of the reference item
64 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - VGBEL Document number of the reference document
65 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - VBELN Sales Document
66 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - UMVKZ Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
67 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - POSNR Sales Document Item
68 Table/Structure Field  VBAPVB - LSMENG Cumulative Target Delivery Qty (all dlv-relev.sched.lines)
69 Table/Structure Field  VBUK - MANDT Client
70 Table/Structure Field  VBUK - VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number
71 Table/Structure Field  VBUK - VBTYP SD document category
72 Table/Structure Field  VBUKVB - MANDT Client
73 Table/Structure Field  VBUKVB - VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number