Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program FV45PF0K_KOMKH_KOMPH_FUELLEN (Include FV45PF0K_KOMKH_KOMPH_FUELLEN)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  GRPGA - GRPNR Grouping WBS element
2 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD - ALAND Departure country (country from which the goods are sent)
3 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD - WKREG Region in which plant is located
4 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD - WKCOU County in which plant is located
5 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD - WKCTY City in which plant is located
6 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD0 - ALAND Departure country (country from which the goods are sent)
7 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD0 - WKCOU County in which plant is located
8 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD0 - WKCTY City in which plant is located
9 Table/Structure Field  KOMKD0 - WKREG Region in which plant is located
10 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR14 Customer hierarchy 14
11 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR12 Customer hierarchy 12
12 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR15 Customer hierarchy 15
13 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - KNDNR Customer number
14 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - KNRZE Payer
15 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - KUNNR Customer Number
16 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - KUNWE Ship-to party
17 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - POSNR Item number of the SD document
18 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - PSPNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
19 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - SPART Division in the order header
20 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - SPDNR Carrier
21 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number
22 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - VRTNR Sales employee
23 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - VTWEG Distribution Channel
24 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR13 Customer hierarchy 13
25 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR11 Customer hierarchy 11
26 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR10 Customer hierarchy 10
27 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR09 Customer heirarchy 9
28 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR08 Customer hierarchy 8
29 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR07 Customer hierarchy 7
30 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR06 Customer hierarchy 6
31 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR05 Customer hierarchy 5
32 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR04 Customer hierarchy 4
33 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR03 Customer hierarchy 3
34 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR02 Customer hierarchy 2
35 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - HIENR01 Customer hierarchy 1
36 Table/Structure Field  KOMKH - AUART_SD Sales Document Type
37 Table/Structure Field  KOMPH - SPARP Division in item
38 Table/Structure Field  KUAGV - KUNNR Sold-to party
39 Table/Structure Field  KURGV - KUNNR Payer
40 Table/Structure Field  KUWEV - KUNNR Ship-to party
41 Table/Structure Field  KUWEV - DWERK Delivering Plant
42 Table/Structure Field  SI_T001W - CITYC City Code
43 Table/Structure Field  SI_T001W - COUNC County Code
44 Table/Structure Field  SI_T001W - LAND1 Country Key
45 Table/Structure Field  SI_T001W - REGIO Region (State, Province, County)
46 Table/Structure Field  SI_TVTA - SPAKU Reference division for customers
47 Table/Structure Field  SI_TVTA - VTWKU Reference for cust.and material masters
48 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
49 Table/Structure Field  T001W - LAND1 Country Key
50 Table/Structure Field  T001W - REGIO Region (State, Province, County)
51 Table/Structure Field  T001W - COUNC County Code
52 Table/Structure Field  T001W - CITYC City Code
53 Table/Structure Field  TVTA - SPAKU Reference division for customers
54 Table/Structure Field  TVTA - VTWKU Reference for cust.and material masters
55 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - AUART Sales Document Type
56 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - HITYP_PR Hierarchy type for pricing
57 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VKORG Sales Organization
58 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VTWEG Distribution Channel
59 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - KZBWS Valuation of Special Stock
60 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - WERKS Plant (Own or External)
61 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - SPART Division
62 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - SOBKZ Special Stock Indicator
63 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - PS_PSP_PNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
64 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - POSNR Sales Document Item
65 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - MATNR Material Number
66 Table/Structure Field  VBPA - HISTUNR Level number within hierarchy
67 Table/Structure Field  VBPA - KUNNR Customer Number
68 Table/Structure Field  VBPA - LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
69 Table/Structure Field  VBPA - PERNR Personnel Number
70 Table/Structure Field  VBPA - POSNR Item number of the SD document
71 Table/Structure Field  VBPA - PRFRE Relevant for Pricing ID
72 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - HISTUNR Level number within hierarchy
73 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - KUNNR Customer Number
74 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
75 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - PERNR Personnel Number
76 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - POSNR Item number of the SD document
77 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - PRFRE Relevant for Pricing ID