# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ALGLOBTID - MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
2 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFCO - ATTRNAME Alert: short name of MTE
3 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFCO - MTECLASS CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Name of MTE class
4 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFCO - OBJNAME Alert: short name of MTE
5 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - ATTRNAME Alert: short name of MTE
6 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
7 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTECLASS CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Name of MTE class
8 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTE_PATH Path of an MTE in the Monitoring Tree
9 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
10 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTNUMRANGE Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)
11 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTSYSID Name of SAP System
12 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - MTUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)
13 Table/Structure Field  ALPERFOB - OBJNAME Alert: short name of MTE
14 Table/Structure Field  ALTIDKEY - MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
15 Table/Structure Field  ALTIDKEY - MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
16 Table/Structure Field  ALTIDKEY - MTNUMRANGE Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)
17 Table/Structure Field  ALTIDKEY - MTSYSID Name of SAP System
18 Table/Structure Field  ALTIDKEY - MTUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)
19 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
20 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
21 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT ALV control: Optimize column width
22 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - ZEBRA ALV control: Alternating line color (striped)
23 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - DTEXTCLASS XMI logging: company name of external management tool
24 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - DTEXTID Message ID for an XMI log entry
25 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
26 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
27 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - MTNUMRANGE Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)
28 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - MTSYSID Name of SAP System
29 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - MTUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)
30 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - TIME_ZONE Time Zone
31 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
32 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - VALID_FROM_DATE Alert: Date of last change
33 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - VALID_FROM_TIME Alert: Time of last change
34 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - VALID_TO_DATE Alert: Date of last change
35 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - VALID_TO_TIME Alert: Time of last change
36 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
37 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
38 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - MTNUMRANGE Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)
39 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - MTSYSID Name of SAP System
40 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - MTUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)
41 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - TIME_ZONE Time Zone
42 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - TOOLNAME Alert: Logical Name of Tool
43 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
44 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - VALID_FROM_DATE Alert: Date of last change
45 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - VALID_FROM_TIME Alert: Time of last change
46 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - VALID_TO_DATE Alert: Date of last change
47 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - VALID_TO_TIME Alert: Time of last change
48 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_METH - WHICHTOOL Alert: Tool: Which Tool ? (Trigger/Analyze/OnALert/...)
49 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)
50 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
51 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - MTNUMRANGE Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)
52 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - MTSYSID Name of SAP System
53 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - MTUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)
54 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - THRESHG2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold G 2 Y
55 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - THRESHR2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold R 2 Y
56 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - THRESHY2G Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 G
57 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - THRESHY2R Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 R
58 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - TIME_ZONE Time Zone
59 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
60 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - VALID_FROM_DATE Alert: Date of last change
61 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - VALID_FROM_TIME Alert: Time of last change
62 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - VALID_TO_DATE Alert: Date of last change
63 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - VALID_TO_TIME Alert: Time of last change
64 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - ANALYMETHOD Alert: Logical Name of Tool
65 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - ATTRNAME CCMS/BW: Name of an MTE Attribute (Upper-/Lower Case)
66 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - AUTOMETHOD Alert: Logical Name of Tool
67 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - COLLMETHOD Alert: Logical Name of Tool
68 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - LSNAME CCMS/BW: Landscape Name
69 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - MTECLASS CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Name of MTE class
70 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - MTEMSGID XMI logging: company name of external management tool
71 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - MTEMSGNUM Message ID for an XMI log entry
72 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context
73 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - MTSYSID Name of SAP System
74 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - OBJECTNAME CCMS/BW: Name of an MTE Object (Lower/Uppercase)
75 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - PATH Path of an MTE in the Monitoring Tree
76 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - THRESHOLD_G2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold G 2 Y
77 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - THRESHOLD_R2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold R 2 Y
78 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - THRESHOLD_Y2G Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 G
79 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - THRESHOLD_Y2R Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 R
80 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - TIME_ZONE Time Zone
81 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - VALID_FROM_DATE Alert: date
82 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - VALID_FROM_TIME Alert: Time value in timeformat
83 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - VALID_TO_DATE Alert: date
84 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_MTE_TIMD_MD_EXT_STR - VALID_TO_TIME Alert: Time value in timeformat
85 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_RSSELECT - FIELDNM Field name
86 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_RSSELECT - HIGH CCMS/BW: Character String with 45 Characters + Upper/Lowerca
87 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_RSSELECT - LOW CCMS/BW: Character String with 45 Characters + Upper/Lowerca
88 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_RSSELECT - OPTION Selection criteria: OPTION
89 Table/Structure Field  CCMSBI_RSSELECT - SIGN Selection criteria: SIGN
90 Table/Structure Field  ICONS - TEXT Carrier field for icons
91 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_COL - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
92 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - COLTEXT ALV control: Column heading
93 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - EDIT ALV control: Ready for input
94 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
95 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
96 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
97 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L005 - DETAILINIT ALV control: Display initial values on detail screen
98 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT ALV control: Optimize column width
99 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - DETAILINIT ALV control: Display initial values on detail screen
100 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
101 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - ZEBRA ALV control: Alternating line color (striped)
102 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_ROW - INDEX ALV control: Row number (index of internal table)
103 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_STBL - COL ALV control: Column-based stable refresh
104 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_STBL - ROW ALV control: Row-based stable refresh
105 Table/Structure Field  RSAAPI_IF - MAXSIZE Maximum number of table entries in extraction API interface
106 Table/Structure Field  RSSELECT - FIELDNM Field name
107 Table/Structure Field  RSSELECT - LOW Selection criteria: From value
108 Table/Structure Field  RSSELECT - OPTION Selection criteria: OPTION
109 Table/Structure Field  RSSELECT - SIGN Selection criteria: SIGN
111 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
112 Table/Structure Field  SYST - SYSID ABAP System Field: Name of SAP System
113 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
114 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
115 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UZEIT ABAP System Field: Current Time of Application Server
116 Table/Structure Field  SYST - ZONLO ABAP System Field: Time Zone of Current User