Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program CACS00_CONVERT_DOCS (Program CACS00_CONVERT_DOCS)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCDT - DOC_ID Document Identification
2 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCDT - DETAIL_POS ID of Detailed Row for Remuneration Item
3 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCDT - REMUN_POS ID of Remuneration Row for Referenced Document
4 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCDT - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
5 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCDT - DREM_LEDAMNT Remuneration Difference Amount in Commission Model Currency
6 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCDT - MANDT Client
7 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCHD - DOC_ID Document Identification
8 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCHD - LED_CURR Currency Key
9 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCHD - MANDT Client
10 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCHD - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
11 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - REMUN_POS ID of Remuneration Row for Referenced Document
12 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - REM_LEDAMNT Remunerat. Entitlement, Amount in Commission Model Currency
13 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - REMVAL_LEDAMNT Remuneration Value in Commission Model Currency
14 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
15 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - OFFSET_LEDAMNT Offsetting/Secondary Liability Amt Remaining in ComModCurr.
16 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - MANDT Client
17 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - LED_CURR Currency Key
18 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - DUE_LEDAMNT Disbursable Partial Remuner.Amount in Comm. Model Currency
19 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCRE - DOC_ID Document Identification
20 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCSE - DOC_ID Document Identification
21 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCSE - DUE_LEDAMNT Disbursable Partial Remuner.Amount in Comm. Model Currency
22 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCSE - LED_CURR Currency Key
23 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCSE - MANDT Client
24 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCSE - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
25 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCSE - SETTL_POS Identification of a Settlement Item
26 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - DVALUE_AMNT Valuation Amount Change in Commission Model Currency
27 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - VALUE_POS Valuation Row Identification
28 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - VALUE_AMNT Valuation Amount in Commission Model Currency
29 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
30 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - LED_CURR Currency Key
31 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - DOC_ID Document Identification
32 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_DOCVA - MANDT Client
33 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCDT_D - DREM_LEDAMNT Remuneration Difference Amount in Commission Model Currency
34 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCDT_K - DETAIL_POS ID of Detailed Row for Remuneration Item
35 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCDT_K - DOC_ID Document Identification
36 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCDT_K - MANDT Client
37 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCDT_K - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
38 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCDT_K - REMUN_POS ID of Remuneration Row for Referenced Document
39 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCHD_D - LED_CURR Currency Key
40 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCHD_K - DOC_ID Document Identification
41 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCHD_K - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
42 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCHD_K - MANDT Client
43 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_D - DUE_LEDAMNT Disbursable Partial Remuner.Amount in Comm. Model Currency
44 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_D - LED_CURR Currency Key
45 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_D - OFFSET_LEDAMNT Offsetting/Secondary Liability Amt Remaining in ComModCurr.
46 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_D - REMVAL_LEDAMNT Remuneration Value in Commission Model Currency
47 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_D - REM_LEDAMNT Remunerat. Entitlement, Amount in Commission Model Currency
48 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_K - REMUN_POS ID of Remuneration Row for Referenced Document
49 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_K - MANDT Client
50 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_K - DOC_ID Document Identification
51 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCRE_K - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
52 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCSE_D - LED_CURR Currency Key
53 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCSE_D - DUE_LEDAMNT Disbursable Partial Remuner.Amount in Comm. Model Currency
54 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCSE_K - DOC_ID Document Identification
55 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCSE_K - MANDT Client
56 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCSE_K - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
57 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCSE_K - SETTL_POS Identification of a Settlement Item
58 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_D - DVALUE_AMNT Valuation Amount Change in Commission Model Currency
59 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_D - LED_CURR Currency Key
60 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_D - VALUE_AMNT Valuation Amount in Commission Model Currency
61 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_K - POST_YEAR Assignment Year of Commission Case/Document
62 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_K - VALUE_POS Valuation Row Identification
63 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_K - MANDT Client
64 Table/Structure Field  CACS00_S_DOCVA_K - DOC_ID Document Identification
65 Table/Structure Field  CACS_S_UPDATEFLAGS - FLG_CLAIM Update Entitlement (X=yes, space=no)
66 Table/Structure Field  CACS_S_UPDATEFLAGS - FLG_DUE Update Disbursement (X=yes, space=no)
67 Table/Structure Field  CACS_S_UPDATEFLAGS - FLG_OFFSET Update Offsetting (X=yes, space=no)
68 Table/Structure Field  CACS_S_UPDATEFLAGS - FLG_RESP Update Liability (X=yes, space=no)
69 Table/Structure Field  DD02L - TABNAME Table Name
70 Table/Structure Field  EWUCLCT - TASK_NUMB EMU Cnv: Number of Tasks for Conversion
71 Table/Structure Field  EWUFZ - PAKET Number of the changeover package
72 Table/Structure Field  EWUFZ - TABNAME Name of Table to be Converted
73 Table/Structure Field  EWUPAK - PRODFLAG Indicator: Changeover/runtime forecast
74 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGSTAT - PROGRAMM Program name
75 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - ANZUMSUPD Number of records changed during the changeover
76 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - DATUM Changeover date
77 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - PAKET Number of the changeover package
78 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - PROGRAMM Program name
79 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - SATZANZAHL Number of records for a table
80 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - TABNAME Name of Table to be Converted
81 Table/Structure Field  EWUPGTAB - ANZUMSREAD Number of records read during the changeover
82 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
83 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
84 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
85 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
86 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
87 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
88 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
89 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
90 Table/Structure Field  SYST - FDPOS ABAP System Field: Occurrence in Byte or Character String
91 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
92 Table/Structure Field  TCACS_UPD - APPL Commission Application (ICM)
93 Table/Structure Field  TCACS_UPD - FLG_CLAIM Update Entitlement (X=yes, space=no)
94 Table/Structure Field  TCACS_UPD - FLG_DUE Update Disbursement (X=yes, space=no)
95 Table/Structure Field  TCACS_UPD - FLG_OFFSET Update Offsetting (X=yes, space=no)
96 Table/Structure Field  TCACS_UPD - FLG_RESP Update Liability (X=yes, space=no)
97 Table/Structure Field  TRDIR - NAME ABAP Program Name