Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program AFX_WORKBENCHF01 (FORMS: GUI Controls)
SAP ABAP Program AFX_WORKBENCHF01 (FORMS: GUI Controls) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  AFX_OBJECT_TREE - OBJECT AFX Object
2 Table/Structure Field  AFX_OBJECT_TREE - NODE Node in Hierarcy Tree
3 Table/Structure Field  AFX_OBJECT_TREE - STATUS Editing Status of Node
4 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_DOCUMENTATION_LINK - ID Document class
5 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_DOCUMENTATION_LINK - OBJ Documentation Object
6 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_DATA_SHOW - FKEY Key
7 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_DATA_SHOW - TEXT Description of Key Term
8 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_IDATA_SHOW - FKEY Key
9 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_IDATA_SHOW - FKEY_ID General Identifier for Key Term
10 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_IDATA_SHOW - ORDER_ID Sorting ID for Object Data
11 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_TREE_X - STATUS Editing Status of Node
12 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_TREE_X - TEXT Description of Node in Hierarchy Tree
13 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_TREE_X - PARENT Reference to Preceding Node in Hierarchy Tree
14 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_TREE_X - NODE Node in Hierarcy Tree
15 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_TREE_X - IS_OBLIGATORY Node must have an executable function
16 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_X - OBJECT AFX Object
17 Table/Structure Field  AFX_STR_OBJECT_X - OBJTEXT Description of AFX Object
18 Table/Structure Field  AFX_TREEDEF - IS_OBLIGATORY Node must have an executable function
19 Table/Structure Field  AFX_TREEDEF - NODE Node in Hierarcy Tree
20 Table/Structure Field  AFX_TREEDEF - PARENT Reference to Preceding Node in Hierarchy Tree
21 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
22 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
23 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - NO_HGRIDLN ALV control: Hide horizontal grid lines
24 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - ZEBRA ALV control: Alternating line color (striped)
25 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - SMALLTITLE ALV control: Title size
26 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
27 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - SPOS Sort sequence
28 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - UP Single-Character Flag
29 Table/Structure Field  DD02L - TABNAME Table Name
30 Table/Structure Field  HTMLLINE - TDLINE Text Line
31 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
32 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
33 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L001 - STYLEFNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
34 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - NO_TOOLBAR ALV control: Hide toolbar
35 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L006 - INFO_FNAME ALV control: Field name with simple row color coding
36 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - INFO_FNAME ALV control: Field name with simple row color coding
37 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_HGRIDLN ALV control: Hide horizontal grid lines
38 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_TOOLBAR ALV control: Hide toolbar
39 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - SMALLTITLE ALV control: Title size
40 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - STYLEFNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
41 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - ZEBRA ALV control: Alternating line color (striped)
42 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - UP Single-Character Flag
43 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
44 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - SPOS Sort sequence
45 Table/Structure Field  STB_BUTTON - BUTN_TYPE Toolbar button type
47 Table/Structure Field  STB_BUTTON - FUNCTION Function code
48 Table/Structure Field  STB_BUTTON - ICON Name of an Icon
49 Table/Structure Field  STB_BUTTON - QUICKINFO Quickinfo for an icon
50 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DYNNR ABAP System Field: Current Dynpro Number
51 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
52 Table/Structure Field  TREEMINODT - RELATKEY Tree Model: Node Key
53 Table/Structure Field  TREEMINODT - RELATSHIP Natural number
54 Table/Structure Field  TREEMINODT - N_IMAGE Tree Control: Icon / Image
55 Table/Structure Field  TREEMINODT - NODE_KEY Tree Model: Node Key
56 Table/Structure Field  TREEMINODT - ISFOLDER Flag (X or Blank)
57 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - ALIGNMENT Natural number
58 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - CLASS Natural number
59 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - FONT Natural number
60 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - ITEM_NAME Tree Control: Column Name / Item Name
61 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - TEXT Tree Model: Text of an item
62 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - TXTISQINFO Flag (X or Blank)
63 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEM - T_IMAGE Tree Control: Icon / Image
64 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - CLASS Natural number
65 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - T_IMAGE Tree Control: Icon / Image
66 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - TXTISQINFO Flag (X or Blank)
67 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - TEXT Tree Model: Text of an item
68 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - ITEM_NAME Tree Control: Column Name / Item Name
69 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - FONT Natural number
70 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - ALIGNMENT Natural number
71 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLITEN - NODE_KEY Tree Model: Node Key
72 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLNODT - ISFOLDER Flag (X or Blank)
73 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLNODT - NODE_KEY Tree Model: Node Key
74 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLNODT - N_IMAGE Tree Control: Icon / Image
75 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLNODT - RELATKEY Tree Model: Node Key
76 Table/Structure Field  TREEMLNODT - RELATSHIP Natural number
77 Table/Structure Field  TREEMRITEM - CLASS Natural number
78 Table/Structure Field  TREEMRITEM - TXTISQINFO Flag (X or Blank)
79 Table/Structure Field  TREEMRITEM - TEXT Tree Model: Text of an item
80 Table/Structure Field  TREEMRITEM - ITEM_NAME Tree Control: Column Name / Item Name
81 Table/Structure Field  TREEMRITEM - FONT Natural number
82 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - ISFOLDER Flag (X or Blank)
83 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - NODE_KEY Tree Model: Node Key
84 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - N_IMAGE Tree Control: Icon / Image
85 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - RELATKEY Tree Model: Node Key
86 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - RELATSHIP Natural number