Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module IST_MAP2E_ACCIT_TO_BAPIACGL01 (accit -> bapiacgl01)
SAP ABAP Function Module IST_MAP2E_ACCIT_TO_BAPIACGL01 (accit -> bapiacgl01) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VOLEH Volume unit
2 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - NTGEW Net weight
3 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - POSNR Accounting Document Line Item Number
4 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - PPRCTR Partner Profit Center
5 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - PRCTR Profit Center
6 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - PS_PSP_PNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
7 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - SGTXT Item Text
8 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - SPART Division
9 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - TXJCD Tax Jurisdiction
10 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VKBUR Sales office
11 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VKGRP Sales group
12 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VKORG Sales Organization
13 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - BRGEW Gross weight
14 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VOLUM Volume
15 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VRKME Sales unit
16 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - VTWEG Distribution Channel
17 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - WERKS Plant
18 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - XREF1 Business partner reference key
19 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - XREF2 Business partner reference key
20 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - XREF3 Reference key for line item
21 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - XSKRL Indicator: Line item not liable to cash discount?
22 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - ZUONR Assignment number
23 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - AUFNR Order Number
24 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - MWSKZ Tax on sales/purchases code
25 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - NPLNR Network Number for Account Assignment
26 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - EPRCTR Partner profit center for elimination of internal business
27 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - FIPOS Commitment Item
28 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - FISTL Funds Center
29 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - FKART Billing Type
30 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - FKIMG Actual billed quantity
31 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - FKLMG Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit
32 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - GEBER Fund
33 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - GEWEI Weight Unit
34 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - GSBER Business Area
35 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - KDAUF Sales Order Number
36 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - HKONT General Ledger Account
37 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - MENGE Quantity
38 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
39 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - MATNR Material Number
40 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - KUNAG Sold-to party
41 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - KTOSL Transaction Key
42 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - KSTAT Indicator for Statistical Line Items
43 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - KOSTL Cost Center
44 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT - KDPOS Item number in Sales Order
45 Table/Structure Field  ACCIT_KEY - POSNR Accounting Document Line Item Number
46 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SALES_UNIT Sales unit
47 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SALES_ORD Sales Order Number
48 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SALES_OFF Sales office
49 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SALES_GRP Sales group
50 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SALESORG Sales Organization
51 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - REF_KEY_3 Reference key for line item
52 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - REF_KEY_2 Business partner reference key
53 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - REF_KEY_1 Business partner reference key
54 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - QUANTITY Quantity
55 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - P_EL_PRCTR Partner profit center for elimination of internal business
56 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - PROFIT_CTR Profit Center
57 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - PLANT Plant
58 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SALES_UNIT_ISO Sales unit in ISO code
59 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - SOLD_TO Sold-to party
60 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - STAT_CON Indicator for Statistical Line Items
61 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - S_ORD_ITEM Item number in Sales Order
62 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - TAXJURCODE Tax Jurisdiction
63 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - TAX_CODE Tax on sales/purchases code
64 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - UNIT_OF_WT Weight Unit
65 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - UNIT_OF_WT_ISO Unit of weight in ISO code
66 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - VOLUME Volume
67 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - VOLUMEUNIT Volume unit
68 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - VOLUMEUNIT_ISO Volume unit in ISO code
69 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - WBS_ELEMENT Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
70 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - FUND Fund
71 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - ACCT_KEY Transaction Key
72 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - ALLOC_NMBR Assignment number
73 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - BASE_UOM Base Unit of Measure
74 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - BASE_UOM_ISO Base unit of measure in ISO code
75 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - BILL_TYPE Billing Type
76 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - BUS_AREA Business Area
77 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - CMMT_ITEM Commitment Item
78 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - COSTCENTER Cost Center
79 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - CSHDIS_IND Indicator: Line item not liable to cash discount?
80 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - DISTR_CHAN Distribution Channel
81 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - DIVISION Division
82 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - PART_PRCTR Partner Profit Center
83 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - FUNDS_CTR Funds Center
84 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - GL_ACCOUNT General Ledger Account
85 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - GROSS_WT Gross weight
86 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - INV_QTY Actual billed quantity
87 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - INV_QTY_SU Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit
88 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - ITEMNO_ACC Accounting Document Line Item Number
89 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - ITEM_TEXT Item Text
90 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - MATERIAL Material Number
91 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - NETWORK Network Number for Account Assignment
92 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - NET_WEIGHT Net weight
93 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL01 - ORDERID Order Number