Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_SMEC_UTILITY (MEC Utility Class)
SAP ABAP Class CL_SMEC_UTILITY (MEC Utility Class) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  EM_MONITOR Benutzer in der SAP EM-Speicherschicht
2 Function Module  GET_CPU_ALL Read the Table TA_CPU_ALL: global data for CPU
3 Function Module  PERFORMANCEA_TRACE_GET Beschaffen der aktuellen Traceschalter
4 Function Module  SAPTUNE_BUFFER_NAMES Returns an (Internal) Table with Names of Buffers So Far Supported
5 Function Module  SAPTUNE_BUFFER_STATISTICS Access Function for SAP Buffer Statistics
6 Function Module  SNC_GET_MY_INFO SNC: Query own SNC name, QOP
7 Function Module  SYSTEM_INFO Auslesen von System-Informationen
8 Function Module  S_MEC_CPUT MEC CPU Test Module
9 Function Module  S_MEC_CPUT MEC CPU Test Module
10 Function Module  S_MEC_EXBP MEC External Breakpoints
11 Function Module  S_MEC_GPAR MEC Get Check Parameter
12 Function Module  S_MEC_MEMO Remote enabled Capsule for FM EM_MONITOR
13 Function Module  S_MEC_PROF MEC Profile Parameters
14 Function Module  S_MEC_VINF MEC Version Info / Kernel Info
15 Function Module  TH_GET_VB_STATE Liefert den Zustand der Verbuchung zurück
16 Function Module  TH_GET_WP_TRACE Holen Workprozess Traces
17 Function Module  TH_REMOTE_TRANSACTION Remote Transaktion anstarten
18 Function Module  TH_SERVER_LIST Get Server List
19 Function Module  TH_SERVER_LIST Get Server List
20 Function Module  TH_WPINFO Liste der Work-Prozesse ermitteln