Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_RSR_EXCEL_LAUNCH (CL_RSR_EXCEL_LAUNCH)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  BAL_DB_SAVE Application Log: Database: Save logs
2 Function Module  BAL_DB_SAVE_PREPARE Application Log: Database: Preparation (replace temp. numbers)
3 Function Module  BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY Application Log: Fullscreen log output
4 Function Module  BAL_DSP_PROFILE_SINGLE_LOG_GET Application Log: Display profile: Standard profile (SLG1) for one log
5 Function Module  BAL_LOG_CREATE Application Log: Log: Create with Header Data
6 Function Module  BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD Application Log: Log: Message: Add
7 Function Module  BAL_OBJECT_SUBOBJECT_CHECK Application Log: Check object/subobject validity
8 Function Module  CREATE_RFC_REENTRANCE_TICKET ermöglicht SSO für RFC-Verbindungen zum gleichen System
9 Function Module  DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET DD: Interface for Reading Text on Tables or Types
10 Function Module  FUNCTION_EXISTS Function module: Check existence and Find Function Group
11 Function Module  GET_SYSTEM_NUMBER Result: Two-Digit Instance Number
12 Function Module  NI_NAME_TO_ADDR Adresse zu einem Hostnamen ermitteln
13 Function Module  OLE_FLUSH_CALL Funktionsschnittstelle für R/3 als Automation Server
14 Function Module  OLE_GET_FORCE_FLUSH Gibt an, ob Automationaufrufe in der Queue gesammelt werden
15 Function Module  OLE_RESET_FORCE_FLUSH Schaltet das Sammeln von OLE Automation Aufrufen ein
16 Function Module  OLE_SET_FORCE_FLUSH Schaltet das Sammeln von OLE Automation Aufrufen aus
17 Function Module  OLE_SET_FORCE_FLUSH Schaltet das Sammeln von OLE Automation Aufrufen aus
18 Function Module  RFC_SYSTEM_INFO Liefert versch. Informationen über das System.
19 Function Module  RRMS_X_MESSAGE Manages X_message 299(BRAIN)
20 Function Module  RRMS_X_MESSAGE Manages X_message 299(BRAIN)
21 Function Module  RSAH_BI_CALL_SERVER RFC Server module for calling the front end RFC server
22 Function Module  RSAH_BI_CALL_SERVER RFC Server module for calling the front end RFC server
23 Function Module  RS_SYSTEM_INFORMATION Provides All System Information Relevant to BW
24 Function Module  RS_SYSTEM_INFORMATION Provides All System Information Relevant to BW
25 Function Module  SAPGUI_SET_FUNCTIONCODE Set a function code and continue processing
26 Function Module  SNC_GET_MY_INFO SNC: Query own SNC name, QOP
27 Function Module  SYSTEM_CONNECT_TO_REG_SERVER Aufbau einer RFC-Verbindung zu einem registrierten RFC-Ser