Class Method list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_DD_STRUCTURE (Structure within the structure browser)
SAP ABAP Class CL_DD_STRUCTURE (Structure within the structure browser) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
2 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_NOT_BOUND ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
3 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_SUBRC ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
4 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - FAIL ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
5 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_BOUND ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
6 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE re_dd_structure->init_for_ttyp( im_ttypname = im_ttypname
7 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE l_version = init( im_object_name = im_viewname
8 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suppress_authority_checks = im_suppress_authority_checks ).
9 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_dd02v = im_dd02v
10 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_dd03ptab = im_dd03ptab
11 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_component_type = im_component_type
12 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_prefix = im_prefix
13 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suffix = im_suffix
14 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_langu = im_langu
15 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_version = im_version
16 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser SOURCE re_dd_structure->init_for_tabl( im_tabname = im_tabname
17 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_read_from_db = l_read_from_db ).
18 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suppress_authority_checks = im_suppress_authority_checks
19 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_component_type = im_component_type
20 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_prefix = im_prefix
21 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suffix = im_suffix
22 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_langu = im_langu
23 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_version = im_version
24 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_INCONSISTENT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE changing ch_structure = ).
25 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_langu = im_langu
26 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_INCONSISTENT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE init_inconsistent_numc_fields( exporting im_numc_fields = numc_fields-dd27p
27 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_INCONSISTENT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE changing ch_structure = ).
28 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_INCONSISTENT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE init_inconsistent_numc_fields( exporting im_numc_fields = numc_fields-dd03p
29 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suppress_authority_checks = im_suppress_authority_checks ).
30 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_dd27ptab = im_dd27ptab
31 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_dd25v = im_dd25v
32 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_component_type = im_component_type
33 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_prefix = im_prefix
34 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suffix = im_suffix
35 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_version = im_version
36 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_version = im_version
37 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser SOURCE re_dd_structure->init_for_view( im_viewname = im_viewname
38 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suppress_authority_checks = im_suppress_authority_checks ).
39 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_dd40v = im_dd40v
40 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_component_type = im_component_type
41 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_prefix = im_prefix
42 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suffix = im_suffix
43 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_langu = im_langu
44 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser
45 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Structure within the structure browser SOURCE get_table_header( exporting im_table = l_tabname im_version = l_version
46 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - GET_FIELD_LIST Structure within the structure browser
47 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - EXTRACT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE importing ex_fieldnames = numc_fields-dd27p ).
48 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - EXTRACT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE extract_numc_fields( exporting im_tabname = 'DD27P'
49 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - EXTRACT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE importing ex_fieldnames = numc_fields-dd03p ).
50 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - EXTRACT_NUMC_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE extract_numc_fields( exporting im_tabname = 'DD03P'
51 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser
52 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_VIEW Structure within the structure browser
53 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser
54 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Structure within the structure browser SOURCE importing ex_fields = l_fields ).
55 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser
56 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TTYP Structure within the structure browser
57 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser
58 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser
59 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE_FOR_TABL Structure within the structure browser
60 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - CREATE Structure within the structure browser
61 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - ADD_VIEW_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE add_view_fields( l_fields ).
62 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - ADD_LINE_TYPE Structure within the structure browser SOURCE add_line_type( ).
63 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - ADD_FIELDS Structure within the structure browser SOURCE add_fields( l_fields ).
64 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_component_type = im_component_type
65 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suppress_authority_checks = im_suppress_authority_checks
66 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_component_type = im_component_type
67 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_prefix = im_prefix
68 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suffix = im_suffix
69 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_langu = im_langu
70 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_version = im_version
71 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE l_version = init( im_object_name = im_ttypname
72 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_read_from_db = l_read_from_db ).
73 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suppress_authority_checks = im_suppress_authority_checks
74 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_read_from_db = l_read_from_db ).
75 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_prefix = im_prefix
76 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_suffix = im_suffix
77 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_langu = im_langu
78 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE im_version = im_version
79 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - INIT Structure within the structure browser SOURCE l_version = init( im_object_name = im_tabname
80 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - GET_VIEW_HEADER Structure within the structure browser SOURCE importing ex_fields = l_fields ).
81 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - GET_VIEW_HEADER Structure within the structure browser SOURCE get_view_header( exporting im_view = l_viewname im_version = l_version
82 Class Method  CL_DD_STRUCTURE - GET_TTYP_HEADER Structure within the structure browser SOURCE get_ttyp_header( im_ttyp = l_ttypname im_version = l_version ).