Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_BCS_REC_MANAGER (Recipient Management)
SAP ABAP Class CL_BCS_REC_MANAGER (Recipient Management) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  ADDR_GET_SMS_SERVICE Lesen des Kurznachrichten-Services für SMS
2 Function Module  ADDR_MEMORY_SAVE Saves all address data from local memory to the database
3 Function Module  ADDR_PERSON_REFERENCE_DELETE Löschen einer Verwendung zu einer Person (Business Address Services)
4 Function Module  ADDR_SUPPRESS_CHANGE_DOCUMENTS Änderungsbelege für ADRC, ADRP, ADCP unterdrücken
5 Function Module  RH_AGENTS_OF_TASK_GET Finde Bearbeiter zu gegebener Aufgabe
6 Function Module  SBCOMS_RESOLVED_TO_SOOS1 Überführt "resolved Recipients" in die SOOS1 Struktur
7 Function Module  SO_ADDRESS_GET SAPoffice: Read one CAM address
8 Function Module  SO_ADDRESS_ID_GET SAPoffice: Assign address number to communications address
9 Function Module  SO_ADDRESS_ID_GET SAPoffice: Assign address number to communications address
10 Function Module  SO_DLI_EXIST Prüfen der Existenz einer Verteilerliste.
11 Function Module  SO_NAME_CONVERT Konvertiert SAPoffice Namen in SAP-Namen und umgekehrt
12 Function Module  SX_INTERNET_ADDRESS_TO_NORMAL SAPconnect: Service: Normalisierung von Internetadressen
13 Function Module  SX_INTERNET_ADDRESS_TO_NORMAL SAPconnect: Service: Normalisierung von Internetadressen
14 Function Module  TELNUMBER_FORMAT Check structure of telephone number and convert to canonical format