SAP_APPL (Software Component) Logistics and Accounting
   PP-PI-PMA (Application Component) Process Management
     COCB_MSD (Package) Message Destinations
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_IM_BADI_COCB_MSD_EXAMPLE Example Implementation for BAdI BADI_COCB_MSD 20100331
Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC  
Short Description Interface for BAdI: BADI_COCB_MSD_PROC    
General Data
Package COCB_MSD   Message Destinations 
Created 20100331   SAP 
Last changed 20110908   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no forward declaration.
# Interface Abstract Final Description Created on
1 IF_BADI_INTERFACE Tag Interface for BAdIs 20100331
Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no friend.
Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no attribute.
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 CREATE_INSP_LOT_VIA_PROC_MESS Instance method Public Method Inspection Lot Generation Initiated by Process Message 20100408
2 REMOVE_ENTRY_BUF_COMH_IMSEG Instance method Public Method Removes Entry from Buffer Table (Goods Movement Data) 20100407
3 SET_USER_FOR_INSP_LOT Instance method Public Method Passes On User for Inspection Lot Generation (Process Mess.) 20100331
4 SET_USER_FOR_MAT_CONF Instance method Public Method Passes On User Who Confirms (Process Message) 20100331
5 SET_USER_FOR_MSG_HDR Instance method Public Method Sets Current User Instead of Processor Group 20100331
Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no event.
Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no local type.
Method Signatures


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_PROC_MESS_ACTIVE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D 'X' = Prüflos wird über Prozessmeldung erzeugt 20100408

Method CREATE_INSP_LOT_VIA_PROC_MESS on Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_COMH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) COMH PP-PI: Kopfdaten zu Prozeßmeldungen 20100407

Method REMOVE_ENTRY_BUF_COMH_IMSEG on Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no exception.

Method SET_USER_FOR_INSP_LOT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_INSP_LOT_CREATOR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) QERSTELLER Ersteller des Prüfloses (per Prozessmeldung) 20100331
2 Importing IS_COMH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) COMH PP-PI: Kopfdaten zu Prozeßmeldungen 20100331
3 Importing IS_QALS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) QALS Prüflossatz 20100331

Method SET_USER_FOR_INSP_LOT on Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no exception.

Method SET_USER_FOR_MAT_CONF Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_MAT_CONF_CREATOR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) USNAM Name des Benutzers, der rückmeldet (Prozessmeldung) 20100331
2 Importing IS_COMH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) COMH PP-PI: Kopfdaten zu Prozeßmeldungen 20100331
3 Importing IS_IMKPF Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) IMKPF MMIM: Inputstruktur für allgemeinen FB Warenbewegung buchen 20100331
4 Importing IS_IMSEG Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) IMSEG MMIM: Inputstruktur für allgemeinen FB Warenbewegung buchen 20100407

Method SET_USER_FOR_MAT_CONF on Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no exception.

Method SET_USER_FOR_MSG_HDR Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_SOURCE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RCOMH-SOURCE Absender der Prozeßmeldung 20100331
2 Importing IS_COMHP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RCOMHP Herstellanweisung: Meldungskopf 20100331
3 Importing IV_MSG_CAT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) COMH-MSCLA Prozeßmeldungsart 20100331
4 Importing IV_PLANT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) COMH-WERK Werk 20100331

Method SET_USER_FOR_MSG_HDR on Interface IF_COCB_MSD_PROC has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20110908 
SAP Release Created in 605