SAP ABAP Function Module VIEWPROC_/BA1/V_TF4_SCSFX (Extended Table Maintenance: Lower Level)
SAP_BS_FND (Software Component) SAP Business Suite Foundation
   CA-FS-MKD (Application Component) Basic Market Data
     /BA1/F4_SCEN (Package) Market Data: Scenarios
Basic Data
Function Module VIEWPROC_/BA1/V_TF4_SCSFX Extended Table Maintenance: Lower Level  
Function Group /BA1/F4_SCEN_V   Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)  
Program Name /BA1/SAPLF4_SCEN_V   erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) 
Type Parameter Name Typing Associated Type Default value Optional Pass Value Short text
Exporting LAST_ACT_ENTRY TYPE Index of Cursor Position in Display Table
Exporting UCOMM TYPE Last User Command Within the View Maintenance
Exporting UPDATE_REQUIRED TYPE Indicator: Entries Changed, Save Required
Importing FCODE TYPE 'RDED' Desired Function of the Module
Importing VIEW_ACTION TYPE 'S' Action with View: Display/Change (S/U)
Importing VIEW_NAME TYPE DD02V-TABNAME Name of View
Importing CORR_NUMBER TYPE E070-TRKORR ' ' Correction Number for Changes Made
Tables CORR_KEYTAB TYPE E071K Table Containing Keys of Entries to be Transported
Tables DBA_SELLIST TYPE VIMSELLIST Selection Conditions for Database Access
Tables DPL_SELLIST TYPE VIMSELLIST Selection Conditions for Display
Tables EXCL_CUA_FUNCT TYPE VIMEXCLFUN Table of CUA Functions that are Not to be Activated
Tables EXTRACT TYPE   Table of Currently Visible Data (Display Table)
Tables TOTAL TYPE   Table with All Data Read from the Database
Tables X_HEADER TYPE VIMDESC Control Block Table for View
Tables X_NAMTAB TYPE VIMNAMTAB Control-Block Table for the View Fields
Exception NO_VALUE_FOR_SUBSET_IDENT TYPE No default value for a 'SUBSET' field
Exception MISSING_CORR_NUMBER TYPE Correction number is missing
Exception SAVING_CORRECTION_FAILED TYPE Error(s) While Saving Correction Entries
Processing Type
Normal Function Module  
Remote-Enabled Module BaseXML supported
Update Module Start immediately
Immediate Start, No Restart
Start Delayed
JAVA Module Callable from ABAP  
Remote-Enabled JAVA Module  
Module Callable from JAVA  
Last changed by/on SAP  20110909 
SAP Release Created in 20