SAP ABAP Function Module - Index H, page 20
Function Module - H
# Function Module Mode Short Description
1 HRWPC_RFC_EP_READ_WORKINGTIME R fb zum lesen der working time 
2 HRWPC_RFC_EVGRD_TEXT_GET R Text für Bewertungsgruppe ermitteln 
3 HRWPC_RFC_EXPAND_NAV_OBJECT R Knoten eines Navigations-Baumes expandieren 
4 HRWPC_RFC_EXPAND_OBJECT R Knoten eines Baumes expandieren 
5 HRWPC_RFC_EXP_DEL_PERNR_CACHE R Cache für Mitarbeiter des Managers löschen 
6 HRWPC_RFC_EXP_EXEC_SEARCH R Suche ausführen 
7 HRWPC_RFC_EXP_GET_ELEMENTS R Lesen der Elemente zu einem Suchszenario 
8 HRWPC_RFC_EXP_GET_PERNR R Lese alle Personen in Org.struktur des Users 
9 HRWPC_RFC_EXP_INIT_PERNR_CACHE R Cache für Mitarbeiter des Managers initialisieren 
10 HRWPC_RFC_FAMEI_TEXT_GET R Text für Familieneigenschaft ermitteln 
11 HRWPC_RFC_FAMST_TEXT_GET R Text für Familienstand ermitteln 
12 HRWPC_RFC_FISTL_TEXT_GET R Text für Finanzstelle ermitteln 
13 HRWPC_RFC_FREQU_TEXT_GET R Text für Zeiteinheit für Vergütung ermitteln 
14 HRWPC_RFC_GEBER_TEXT_GET R Text für Fonds ermitteln 
15 HRWPC_RFC_GESCH_TEXT_GET R Text für Geschlecht ermitteln 
16 HRWPC_RFC_GET_ASSETS R Liste von Leihgaben 
17 HRWPC_RFC_GET_COL_CONTENT R Spalteninhalte zu einer Sicht liefern 
18 HRWPC_RFC_GET_COL_CONT_ERP R Spalteninhalte zu einer Sicht liefern 
19 HRWPC_RFC_GET_COL_INFO R Spalteninformationen zu einer Sicht liefern 
20 HRWPC_RFC_GET_COL_INFO_ERP R Spalteninformationen zu einer Sicht liefern 
21 HRWPC_RFC_GET_NAV_VIEWID R Liest zu einem Navigationstyp die Viewid und den zugehörigen Text 
22 HRWPC_RFC_GET_OBJECTS R Objekte einer Sicht liefern 
23 HRWPC_RFC_GET_OBJECTS_INTERNAL R Objekte einer Sicht liefern; interne Verwendung 
24 HRWPC_RFC_GET_VIEWS R Sichten zu einer Sichtengruppe liefern 
25 HRWPC_RFC_GSBER_TEXT_GET R Text für Geschäftsbereich ermitteln 
26 HRWPC_RFC_IT0XXX_TEXT_GET R Text für Infotypsatz ermitteln 
27 HRWPC_RFC_JBEVALUATION_GETLIST R IT1050 - Stellenbewertungsergebnisse samt Texten ermitteln 
28 HRWPC_RFC_JCODE_TEXT_GET R Text für Stelle aus Umfrage ermitteln 
29 HRWPC_RFC_JL_EXTRACTLIST R Jubiläumsübersicht: Ermittle Jubiläumsdaten 
30 HRWPC_RFC_JL_GETJUBILEELIST R Jubiläumsübersicht: Ermittle Jubiläumsliste 
31 HRWPC_RFC_KOKRS_TEXT_GET R Text für Kostenrechnungskreis ermitteln 
32 HRWPC_RFC_KONFE_TEXT_GET R Text für Konfession ermitteln 
33 HRWPC_RFC_KOSTL_TEXT_GET R Text für Kostenstelle ermitteln 
34 HRWPC_RFC_LAND_TEXT_GET R Text für Land ermitteln 
35 HRWPC_RFC_MASSG_TEXT_GET R Text für Massnahmengrund ermitteln 
36 HRWPC_RFC_MASSN_TEXT_GET R Text für Massnahmenart ermitteln 
37 HRWPC_RFC_MESSAGE_LOG_GET R Lesen des Meldungsprotokolls 
38 HRWPC_RFC_MESSAGE_LOG_REFRESH R Zurücksetzen des Meldungsprotokolls 
39 HRWPC_RFC_MOLGA_TEXT_GET R Text für Ländergruppierung ermitteln 
40 HRWPC_RFC_MONTASK_GETLIST R IT0019 - Daten zur Terminverfolgung samt Texten ermitteln 
41 HRWPC_RFC_NAMZ2_TEXT_GET R Text für zweites Zusatzwort ermitteln 
42 HRWPC_RFC_NAMZU_TEXT_GET R Text für Zusatzwort ermitteln 
43 HRWPC_RFC_NATIO_TEXT_GET R Text für Nationalität ermitteln 
44 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_DEL_COLCONFIG R Personalisierung der Spalten einer Datensicht von Cluster-DB lesen 
45 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_EVAL_DATAVIEW R Datensicht auswerten 
46 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_EXEC_OBJSEARCH R Objektsuche ausführen 
47 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_EXPAND_NAVTREE R Knoten eines Navigationsbaums expandieren 
48 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_COLDATA R Spalteninhalt und Sortierinhalt einer Spalte lesen 
49 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_DATAVIEW R Daten zu einer Datensicht lesen 
50 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_DATAVIEWGRP R Daten zu einer Gruppe von Datensichten lesen 
51 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_NAVOBJECTS R Navigationsobjekte zu einer Objekselektion ermitteln 
52 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_OBJECTS R Zielobjekte zu einer Objekselektion ermitteln 
53 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_OBJSEL R Daten zu einer Objektselektion lesen 
54 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_OBJ_VIA_NAV R Objekte zu einer Objekselektion aus Navigationsobjekten ermitteln 
55 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_ORGVIEW R Daten zu einer Organisationssicht lesen 
56 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_ORGVIEWGRP R Daten zu einer Gruppe von Organisationssichten lesen 
57 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_SEARCHFIELD R Felder für eine Objektsuche zu einer Objektselektion ermitteln 
58 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_GET_VALUEHELP R Wertehilfe für Suchfeld einer Objektsuche aufrufen 
59 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_READ_COLCONFIG R Personalisierung der Spalten einer Datensicht von Cluster-DB lesen 
60 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_SAVE_COLCONFIG R Personalisierung der Spalten einer Datensicht sichern 
61 HRWPC_RFC_OADP_WRITE_COLCONFIG R Personalisierung der Spalten einer Datensicht auf Cluster-DB schreiben 
62 HRWPC_RFC_ORGASSIGNMNT_GETLIST R IT0001 - Organisatorische Zuordnung samt Texten ermitteln 
63 HRWPC_RFC_ORGEH_TEXT_GET R Text für Organisationseinheit ermitteln 
64 HRWPC_RFC_ORG_DESCRIPTION R IT0002-Beschreibung zu Objekten 
65 HRWPC_RFC_ORG_QUALIFICATION R IT1018-Qualifikationen zu Orgeinheiten 
66 HRWPC_RFC_OTYPE_TEXT_GET R Text für Objekttyp ermitteln 
67 HRWPC_RFC_PCR_GET_DESCR R Bestimme Beschreibung für PCR-Type 
68 HRWPC_RFC_PCR_GET_PERSONS R Bestimme alle Personen zu einem PCR-Type 
69 HRWPC_RFC_PCR_GET_SCENARIOS R Bestimme PCR Szenarios für Mitarbeiter 
70 HRWPC_RFC_PERSG_TEXT_GET R Text für Mitarbeitergruppe ermitteln 
71 HRWPC_RFC_PERSK_TEXT_GET R Text für Mitarbeiterkreis ermitteln 
72 HRWPC_RFC_PERSONALDATA_GETLIST R IT0002 - Daten zur Person samt Texten ermitteln 
73 HRWPC_RFC_PLANS_TEXT_GET R Text für Planstelle ermitteln 
74 HRWPC_RFC_PLVAR_TEXT_GET R Text für Planvariante ermitteln 
75 HRWPC_RFC_PP_ACCOUNTING R Kontierungsmerkmale (IT1008) 
76 HRWPC_RFC_PP_COMPENSATION R Sollbezahlung (IT1005) 
78 HRWPC_RFC_PP_EEGROUP R Mitarbeitergruppe/-kreis (IT1013) 
79 HRWPC_RFC_PP_HOLDERS R Inhaber einer Planstelle (IT1001 - A008) 
80 HRWPC_RFC_PP_QUALIFICATION R Qualifikation von Planstelle (IT1001 - A031) 
81 HRWPC_RFC_PP_SURVEY R IT1051-Salary Survey 
82 HRWPC_RFC_PP_VACANCY R Vakanz (IT1007) 
83 HRWPC_RFC_PP_WORKING_TIME R Arbeitszeit von Planstelle (IT1011) 
84 HRWPC_RFC_QUALIFICATION_STAFF R IT1018- Mitarbeiter zu Qualifikation 
85 HRWPC_RFC_RAILW_TEXT_GET R Text für 'Social Subscription Railway' ermitteln 
86 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GETPORTALCOMP R Bestimmen der Portalkomponente eines Szenarios (ISR) 
87 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GETRANKING R Priorität eines Bewerbers zu einer Vakanz bestimmen 
88 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GETSTATUS R Vakanzstatus bestimmen 
89 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GET_1002_DESCR R Position / job description 
90 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GET_AD_HTML R Ausschreibungstext zu einer Vakanz 
91 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GET_APPLICANTS R Bewerber zu einer Planstelle bestimmen 
92 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GET_ARCH_LIST R Hole Liste der Bewerberdokument in ArchiveLink 
93 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GET_SHORTP_HTML R Kurzporträt in HTML-Format 
94 HRWPC_RFC_RC_GET_SHORTP_PDF R Kurzporträt in PDF-Format 
95 HRWPC_RFC_RC_SETRANKING R Priorität eines Bewerbers zu einer Vakanz setzen 
96 HRWPC_RFC_RC_TWPC_RC_RANK_T_C R Prioritäten aus Tabelle TWPC_RC_RANK_C 
97 HRWPC_RFC_RD_DATES_GETLIST R Liste von Terminen ermitteln 
98 HRWPC_RFC_SACHX_TEXT_GET R Text für Sachbearbeiter ermitteln 
99 HRWPC_RFC_SPRSL_TEXT_GET R Text für Sprache ermitteln 
100 HRWPC_RFC_STATV_TEXT_GET R Text für Statuskennzeichen für Massnahmen ermitteln 
101 HRWPC_RFC_STELL_TEXT_GET R Text für Stelle ermitteln 
102 HRWPC_RFC_STRDS_TEXT_GET R Text für 'Siglas de vía pública' ermitteln 
103 HRWPC_RFC_STRUCTURE_GET R Lesen von Organisationsstruktur 
104 HRWPC_RFC_SUBTY_0XXX_TEXT_GET R Text für Subtypen von PA-Infotypen ermitteln 
105 HRWPC_RFC_SUBTY_1XXX_TEXT_GET R Text für Subtypen von PD-Infotypen ermitteln 
106 HRWPC_RFC_SURVEYRESULT_GETLIST R IT1051 - Umfrageergebnisse samt Texten ermitteln 
107 HRWPC_RFC_TITEL_TEXT_GET R Text für Titel ermitteln 
108 HRWPC_RFC_TITL2_TEXT_GET R Text für zweiten Titel ermitteln 
109 HRWPC_RFC_TMART_TEXT_GET R Text für Terminart ermitteln 
110 HRWPC_RFC_VDSK1_TEXT_GET R Text für Organisationselement ermitteln 
111 HRWPC_RFC_VORS2_TEXT_GET R Text für zweites Vorsatzwort ermitteln 
112 HRWPC_RFC_VORSW_TEXT_GET R Text für Vorsatzwort ermitteln 
113 HRWPC_RFC_WERKS_TEXT_GET R Text für Personalbereich ermitteln 
114 HRWPC_RFC_WORKSCHEDULE_GETLIST R IT1011 - Arbeitszeiten samt Texten ermitteln 
115 HRWPC_RFC_WORK_SCHEDULE_RULE R fb für work schedule rule 
117 HRWPC_RPT_ERROR_0100 Fehlermeldung 
118 HRWPC_RPT_ERROR_0200 Fehlermeldung 
119 HRWPC_RPT_FCODES_READ R Lese Funktionscodes mit Hierarchie für ein Szenario 
120 HRWPC_RPT_FCODE_EXEC Funktionscode ausführen 
121 HRWPC_RPT_ITSCONTEXT_CLEAR Itscontext löschen 
122 HRWPC_RPT_ITSCONTEXT_SET Itscontext setzen 
123 HRWPC_RPT_OBJECTSEL_DELETE Delete object selection 
124 HRWPC_RPT_OBJECTSEL_READ Read object selection 
125 HRWPC_RPT_OBJECTSEL_WRITE R Write object selection 
126 HRWPC_RPT_OBJECTS_OF_OTYPE_GET R Ermitllung aller Unterobjekte eines bestimmten Typs 
127 HRWPC_RPT_RECEIVE_DATA Empfangsdaten aus ITS Kontext extrahieren 
128 HRWPC_RPT_START_REPORT Generisches Reporting ausführen 
129 HRWPC_RQ_APPROVER Determine Approver (Workflow) 
130 HRWPC_RQ_APPROVER_FORM Approver derived from the Form (Workflow) 
131 HRWPC_RQ_APPROVER_NEXTMGR Approver: Superordinate of the Hiring Manager 
132 HRWPC_RQ_APPROVER_NEXTMGR_WF Approver: Superordinate of the Hiring Manager (Workflow) 
133 HRWPC_RQ_APP_ACTIONS Parameter zu dem PCD-Service 
134 HRWPC_RQ_APP_NUMBER Number of Applicants attached to Requisition 
135 HRWPC_RQ_AUTHOR Hiring Manager - Author (Workflow) 
136 HRWPC_RQ_BEGDA_ENDDA "Valid From" and "Valid To" Date of Object (w/ external conversion) 
137 HRWPC_RQ_CHECK_POSTED Display check mark if the requisition object has been posted 
138 HRWPC_RQ_CHECK_POS_CHANGE Check for position change 
139 HRWPC_RQ_CLOSE_REQ Close Requisiton Object- Follow-up Function 
140 HRWPC_RQ_CREATE_REQ_OBJECT Create Requisiiton Object- Follow-up Function 
141 HRWPC_RQ_CREATE_RQ_OBJECT Create the Requisition Object 
142 HRWPC_RQ_DEFAULT_AD_TEXT Defaulting advertisement text based on the position or job data 
143 HRWPC_RQ_DELETE_DRAFT Display check mark if the requisition object has been posted 
144 HRWPC_RQ_DELETE_DRAFT_LINK Parameter for PCD-Service "RequisitionOverview" 
145 HRWPC_RQ_DELETE_QUAL_AND_TASK Qualifikation von Planstelle (IT1001 - A031) 
146 HRWPC_RQ_DISPLAY_IVIEW R IView - Displaying Requisition Detailed Information 
147 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_BASIC_POS_DATA Fill the basic Position infotype data 
148 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_BY_POS Initializing Data When Position is Selected 
149 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_ERRORS Fill Error in the SPECIAL_DATA Structure 
150 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_FLSA Check FLSA flag of an US job id 
151 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_FORM_HEADER Initializing Header Data 
152 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_PD_IT_DATA R iView displaying Position/Job PD IT Data 
153 HRWPC_RQ_FILL_QUAL_AND_TASK Qualifikation von Planstelle (IT1001 - A031) 
154 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_MORE_INST Add More Instrument on the Form Data 
155 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_MORE_POS Add More Positions on the Form Data 
156 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_MORE_TEAM Add More Recruitment Team on the Form Data 
157 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_VALUES F4 Help for the Requisition Form 
158 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_VALUES2 Requisition - get contents of Personnel Officer dropdown field 
159 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_CHECK Data check on fields for the Requisition Form 
160 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_CHECK_2 Data check on fields for the Requisition Form 
161 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_DELETE_INST Delete All Instrument Data 
162 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_DELETE_TEAM Delete All Recruitment Team Data 
163 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_INIT Initializing data for the Requisition Form 
164 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_INIT_2 Additional initializing data for the Requisition Extended Form 
165 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_INIT_3 Initializing data for the Requisition Extended Form with save draft 
166 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_REFRESH 'Refresh' (user command) for the Requisition Form 
167 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_SEARCH R Search Capability on the Form Data 
168 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_USER_COMMAND Processing User Command on the Form 
169 HRWPC_RQ_FORM_USER_COMMAND_2 Processing User Command on the Form for SPR4 
170 HRWPC_RQ_GET_ACTION_CODE Given a Notification Object ID, returns special_data field w/ form action 
171 HRWPC_RQ_GET_PLANNED_COMP Planned Compensation IT1005 for Position or Job 
172 HRWPC_RQ_GET_REQ_OBJECT_ID Given a Notification Object ID, returns Requisition Object ID 
174 HRWPC_RQ_ISR_FORM R iView displaying the Standard and Customer Forms 
175 HRWPC_RQ_ISR_GET_CREATED_DATE Retrieve creation date of the Notification Object 
176 HRWPC_RQ_ISR_NOTIFICATION_NR Transaction Status of the Requisition 
177 HRWPC_RQ_ISR_REQ_DISPLAY_LINK Parameter for PCD-Service "RequisitionOverview" 
178 HRWPC_RQ_ISR_RQ_STATUS Transaction Status of the Requisition 
179 HRWPC_RQ_ISR_STATUS_OVERVIEW Transaction Status of the Requisition 
180 HRWPC_RQ_LINK_UP_MDT Link to Requisition in MDT- Follow-up Function 
181 HRWPC_RQ_LINK_UP_TRM Link-up to TRM System on Browser- Follow-up Function 
182 HRWPC_RQ_LINK_UP_VACANCY Link to Vacancy- Follow-up Function 
183 HRWPC_RQ_MAIL_TO_MANAGER E-Mail to the Manager- Follow-up Function 
184 HRWPC_RQ_MAINTAIN_REQ Maintain Requisiiton Data in MDT- Follow-up Function 
185 HRWPC_RQ_OPEN_DRAFT Display check mark if the requisition object has been posted 
186 HRWPC_RQ_OPEN_DRAFT_LINK Parameter for PCD-Service "RequisitionOverview" 
187 HRWPC_RQ_PERSOFFICER Personnel (HR) Officer processing the Requisition Request 
188 HRWPC_RQ_PERSOFFICER_WF Personnel (HR) Officer processing the Requisition Request (Workflow) 
189 HRWPC_RQ_POST_DATE Requisition Posting Date 
190 HRWPC_RQ_POST_REQUISITION Call Core Requisition post functionality with extra MSS data 
191 HRWPC_RQ_POST_REQ_OBJECT Post Requisiiton Data- Follow-up Function 
192 HRWPC_RQ_POS_ID Vacancy Object ID (related to an Applicant) 
193 HRWPC_RQ_POS_NAME Vacancy Object Name (related to an Applicant) 
194 HRWPC_RQ_REQ_DISPLAY_LINK Parameter for PCD-Service "RequisitionOverview" 
195 HRWPC_RQ_REQ_NAME Name of the PD Object 
196 HRWPC_RQ_SC_DISPLAY_LINK Parameter for PCD-Service "PositionJobOverview" 
197 HRWPC_RQ_SC_NAME Object Type (Position or Job) 
198 HRWPC_RQ_SHOW_SYS_STATUS Read System Statuses of the Notification Object 
199 HRWPC_RQ_TR_STATUS Requisition Status 
200 HRWPC_RQ_UPDATE_RQ_OBJECT Create the Requisition Object 
201 HRWPC_RQ_UPDATE_RQ_SUBTY_4004 Updates RQ obj infty 1002 subtype 4004 (Notif obj ID) 
202 HRWPC_RQ_VACREQ_HOLDER MSS E-Recruiting: Retrieve holder of position 
203 HRWPC_RQ_VACREQ_VACDATA MSS E-Recruiting: Retrieve begin date for vacancy 
204 HRWPC_RQ_VACREQ_VACSTAT MSS E-Recruiting: Retrieve position vacancy indicator 
205 HRWPC_RQ_WF_STATUS Transaction Status of the Requisition 
206 HRWPC_SAVE_USER_VIEW_COLS R Benutzerspezifische Sicht auf den Arraytype sichern 
207 HRWPC_SPLIT_ENTRY Teilen eines langen Feldes in eine Tabelle 
208 HRWPC_STRUC_GET_MULTIPLE_ROOTS Liefert Struktur zu mehreren Wurzelobjekten 
209 HRWPC_TO_CB_CONTENT_OLD_ST46B Managers Portal: Aufruf von cb_content_old 
210 HRWPC_USER_VIEW_COLS_DELETE Löscht benutzerspezifische Spaltenkonfigurationen 
211 HRXSS_AU_PS_GET_OVERVIEW Getting the overview table for Payment Summaries 
212 HRXSS_AU_PS_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for Payment Summary 
213 HRXSS_CAT_APPLICATION_INIT Initialisierung der CATS Applikation 
214 HRXSS_CAT_GET_VALUE_HELP_MGR Liefert den Manager für die Suchhilfen 
215 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_AWART Wertehilfe Ab-/Anwesenheitsart 
216 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_EXECUTE R Gibt Treffermenge unter ber. der Suchfelder zurück 
217 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_GET_META_DATA R Gibt Suchfeld- und Trefferlistenbeschreibung zurück 
218 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_SELFLD_DEFAULT R Gibt Vorschlagswerte für Suchfelder zurück 
219 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_TASKCOMPONENT Wertehilfe Tätigkeitskomponente 
220 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_TASKLEVEL Wertehilfe Tätigkeitsstufe 
221 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_TASKTYPE Wertehilfe Tätigkeitsart 
222 HRXSS_CAT_WD_F4_UPDATE_LINE R Setzt die ausgew hlten Werte in der Zeile 
223 HRXSS_CAT_WD_RECORD R RFC: Daten + Funktionscode -> Tabellen als Importing & Exporting Params 
224 HRXSS_CAT_WD_RELEASE R WD-Interface: ESS/CATS Freigabesicht 
225 HRXSS_CA_TFR_GET_OVERVIEW ESS Canada To export overview to memory 
226 HRXSS_CA_TFR_GET_PDF ESS Canada:To get pdf from memory 
227 HRXSS_CH_ESS_INIT ESS-Szenario Universalauswertung 
228 HRXSS_CH_PK_GET_PDF PDF Formular für PK (CH) 
229 HRXSS_CN_CTXD_GET_OVERVIEW Getting the overview table for YEA reporting 
230 HRXSS_CN_CTXD_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for Payment Summary 
232 HRXSS_COD_DEQUEUE_PERNR R Unlock Personnel Number 
233 HRXSS_COD_ENQUEUE_PERNR R Lock Personnel Number 
234 HRXSS_COD_ERROR_HANDLING Error handling for ESS scenario 'Change Own Data' 
235 HRXSS_COD_GET_DETAILS R Gets details for the ESS Change Own Data 
236 HRXSS_COD_MODIFY R Check the details 
237 HRXSS_COD_MODIFY_PDATA Check the personal data information 
238 HRXSS_COD_READ R Read details 
239 HRXSS_COD_SAVE R Save the details 
240 HRXSS_COD_SAVE_DETAILS R Saves details for the ESS Change Own Data 
241 HRXSS_COD_SAVE_NEWPHOTO Saves the new photo 
242 HRXSS_COD_SAVE_PDATA Save personal details 
243 HRXSS_COD_SAVE_PERSONAL_DATA Saves the personal data 
244 HRXSS_COD_SAVE_PHOTO Deletes old photo and saves new photo 
245 HRXSS_DE_ATZS_GET_PDF Aufruf der ATZ-Simulation 
246 HRXSS_DE_ATZS_INIT R Initialwerte der Altersteilzeit-Simulation 
247 HRXSS_DE_AVRP_GET_PDF R Aufruf der Stand Anwartschaftsbescheinigung 
248 HRXSS_DE_AVRP_INIT R Initialwerte der Stand Anwartschaften 
249 HRXSS_GET_DATA_ORIGIN Ermittle Originalsystem für Objekt 
250 HRXSS_GET_LOGSYST_NAMES R Logische Systeme zu einem PD-Objekt ermitteln 
251 HRXSS_HK_IR56B_GET_OVERVIEW Getting the overview table for Payment Summaries 
252 HRXSS_HK_IR56B_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for Payment Summary 
253 HRXSS_HK_IR56F_GET_OVERVIEW Getting the overview table for Payment Summaries 
254 HRXSS_HK_IR56F_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for Payment Summary 
255 HRXSS_HK_IR56G_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for Payment Summary 
256 HRXSS_IN_CALC_PENAL_INTRST R Penal Interest against a loan request. 
257 HRXSS_IN_CLMS_CLAIM_ADV_APPEMP R IPS-Claims:Extract & Update transaction data 
258 HRXSS_IN_CLMS_CLAIM_ADV_APPR R IPS Claims: RFC for Request approval process 
259 HRXSS_IN_CLMS_CLAIM_ADV_EMP R IPS-Claims:Extract & Update transaction data 
260 HRXSS_IN_CLMS_GEN_REF_NUM R IPS-Claims: Generate Number Range 
261 HRXSS_IN_CLMS_GETCUSTOMIZING R IPS Claims:Customizing data specific to reimbursement type 
262 HRXSS_IN_CLMS_PROCESS_APPROVE R IPS Cliams: Determine approver for request 
263 HRXSS_IN_CL_APPNO_00002 Application(IT-Declarations) Module 
264 HRXSS_IN_CL_APP_ACTION R To perform actions by approver 
265 HRXSS_IN_CL_APP_OVERVIEW R Gets the Reimbursement Type Customizing Data 
266 HRXSS_IN_CL_EMP_ACTION R To perform actions by employee 
267 HRXSS_IN_CL_EMP_DEPENDENT Selects Dependents Data 
268 HRXSS_IN_CL_EMP_OVERVIEW R Requested data for employee 
269 HRXSS_IN_CL_OPEN_ADV R List Of Open Advances for a Reimbursement 
270 HRXSS_IN_CL_OPEN_APL R List Of Open Applications for a Reimbursement 
271 HRXSS_IN_CL_PRINT R PDF File Generator for Display 
272 HRXSS_IN_CL_PROCESS_APPROVE IPS Cliams: Determine approver for request 
273 HRXSS_IN_CL_REIM_ELIGIBLITY Balance Eligiblity Value of a Reimbursement 
274 HRXSS_IN_CL_REQ_RENDER R Gets the Rendering Information 
275 HRXSS_IN_CL_REQ_VALIDATION R Validates the request data 
276 HRXSS_IN_CL_SLTC_ELIGIBLITY Determine the LTC Eligiblity of the Employee 
277 HRXSS_IN_EXEC_ELIG_CHECKS R RFC for Loan Eligibility Checks 
278 HRXSS_IN_F16_GET_OVERVIEW Getting the overview table for Form 16s 
279 HRXSS_IN_F16_GET_PDF Function module to get PDF to be displayed 
280 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0008 Insert record in infotype 0008 
281 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0015 R Insert record in Infotype 0015 
282 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0045 R Insert record in Infotype 0045 
283 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0078 R Insert record in Infotype 0078 
284 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0267 R Insert record in Infotype 0267 
285 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0416 Insert record in infotype 416 
286 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0582 R Insert record in Infotype 0582 
287 HRXSS_IN_INSERT_P0902 Insert record in infotype 0902 
288 HRXSS_IN_LEAVE_ENCASH_APPR R IPS-Leave Encashment: Fn to get and Save request for approver 
289 HRXSS_IN_LEAVE_ENCASH_EMP R IPS-Leave Encashment: Fn to get and save request for Employee 
290 HRXSS_IN_LE_GETCUSTOMIZING R IPS Leave Encashment: Customizing data for ESS 
291 HRXSS_IN_LOANS_DISBURSEMENT R Loan Disbursement Schedule 
292 HRXSS_IN_LOANS_GET_APPR_CUST R Customizing Data for Approver in Loans ESS 
293 HRXSS_IN_LOANS_GET_CUSTOMIZING R Get Customizing Data for Loans ESS 
294 HRXSS_IN_LOANS_TRANS_DATA R RFC to fetch Loans ESS transaction data 
295 HRXSS_IN_LOAN_GEN_REF_NUM R IPS-Claims: Generate Number Range 
296 HRXSS_IN_LOAN_INFORMATION R Loan information for the Loan Requests 
297 HRXSS_IN_MODIFY_P0902 Modify record in infotype 0902 
298 HRXSS_IN_REPAYMENT_PLAN R Repayment Plan for the loan request 
299 HRXSS_MY_EA_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for EA 
301 HRXSS_MY_PCB2_GET_PDF Getting the PDF stream for PCB2 
302 HRXSS_ORG_EXPAND_NODE R Load the sub nodes of a prticular node 
303 HRXSS_ORG_GET_ORGCHART R Getting the initial OrgChart 
304 HRXSS_ORG_GET_SUPERIOR_LEVEL R To get the parent node of the top level node 
306 HRXSS_PER_CANCEL R Check changes in all infotype records 
307 HRXSS_PER_CHECK R Check changes in all infotype records 
308 HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP R Check changes in all infotype records 
309 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_AR R Select the given record for edit 
310 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_AT R Select the given record for edit 
311 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_AU R Select the given record for edit 
312 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_BE R Select the given record for edit 
313 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_BR R Select the given record for edit 
314 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_CA R Delete an existing record through ESS Persinfo Scenario 
315 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_CH R Select the given record for edit 
316 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_CN R Select the given record for edit 
317 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_DE R Select the given record for edit 
318 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_DK R Select the given record for edit 
319 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_ES R Select the given record for edit 
320 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_FR R Select the given record for edit 
321 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_GB R Select the given record for edit 
322 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_HK R Deleting an existing record 
323 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_ID R Select the given record for edit 
324 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_IE R Select the given record for edit 
325 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_IT R Deleting existing records 
326 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_JP R Select the given record to Delete 
327 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_KR R Delete existing records 
328 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_MX R Delete an existing record 
329 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_MY R Select the given record for edit 
330 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_NL R Select the given record for edit 
331 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_NO R Select the given record for edit 
332 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_NZ R Select the given record for edit 
333 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_PH R Select the given record for edit 
334 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_PT R Select the given record for edit 
335 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_SE R Select the given record for edit 
336 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_SG R Select the given record for edit 
337 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_TH R Select the given record for edit 
338 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_TW R Select the given record for edit 
339 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_US R Select the given record for edit 
340 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_VE R Select the given record for edit 
341 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_EMERGENCY_ZA R Select the given record to Delete 
342 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_AR R Select the given record for edit 
343 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_AT R Select the given record for edit 
344 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_AU R Select the given record for edit 
345 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_BE R Select the given record for edit 
346 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_BR R Select the given record for edit 
347 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_CA R Select the given record for edit 
348 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_CH R Select the given record for edit 
349 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_CN R Select the given record for edit 
350 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_DE R Select the given record for edit 
351 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_DK R Select the given record for edit 
352 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_ES R Select the given record for edit 
353 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_FI R Select the given record for edit 
354 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_FR R Select the given record for edit 
355 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_GB R Select the given record for edit 
356 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_HK R Select the given record for edit 
357 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_ID R Select the given record for edit 
358 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_IE R Select the given record for edit 
359 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_IN R Select the given record for edit 
360 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_IT R Select the given record for edit 
361 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_JP R Select the given record for edit 
362 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_KR R Select the given record for edit 
363 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_MX R Select the given record for edit 
364 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_MY R Select the given record for edit 
365 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_NL R Select the given record for edit 
366 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_NO R Select the given record for edit 
367 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_NZ R Select the given record for edit 
368 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_PH R Select the given record for edit 
369 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_PT R Select the given record for edit 
370 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_SE R Select the given record for edit 
371 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_SG R Select the given record for delete 
372 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_TH R Select the given record for edit 
373 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_TW R Select the given record for edit 
374 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_US R Select the given record for edit 
375 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_VE R Select the given record for edit 
376 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_XX R Select the given record for edit 
377 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0002_ZA R Select the given record for edit 
378 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_AR R Select the given record for edit 
379 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_AT R Select the given record for edit 
380 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_AU R Select the given record for edit 
381 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_BE R Select the given record for edit 
382 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_BR R Select the given record for edit 
383 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_CA R Select the given record for edit 
384 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_CH R Select the given record for edit 
385 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_CN R Select the given record for edit 
386 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_DE R Select the given record for edit 
387 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_DK R Select the given record for edit 
388 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_ES R Select the given record for edit 
389 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_FI R Select the given record for edit 
390 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_FR R Select the given record for edit 
391 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_GB R Select the given record for edit 
392 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_HK R Select the given record for edit 
393 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_ID R Select the given record for edit 
394 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_IE R Select the given record for edit 
395 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_IN R Select the given record for edit 
396 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_IT R Select the given record for edit 
397 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_JP R Select the given record for edit 
398 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_KR R Select the given record for edit 
399 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_MX R Select the given record for edit 
400 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_MY R Select the given record for edit 
401 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_NL R Select the given record for edit 
402 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_NO R Select the given record for edit 
403 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_NZ R Select the given record for edit 
404 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_PT R Select the given record for edit 
405 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_SE R Select the given record for edit 
406 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_SG R Select the given record for edit 
407 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_TH R Select the given record for edit 
408 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_TW R Select the given record for edit 
409 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_US R Select the given record for edit 
410 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_VE R Select the given record for edit 
411 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0006_XX R Select the given record for edit 
412 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_AU R Select the given record for edit 
413 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_BE R Select the given record for edit 
414 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_DE R Select the given record for edit 
415 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_FI R Select the given record for edit 
416 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_GB R Select the given record for edit 
417 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_IN R Select the given record for edit 
418 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_JP R Select the given record for edit 
419 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_NZ R Select the given record for edit 
420 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_SG R Select the given record for edit 
421 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_US R Select the given record for edit 
422 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_VE R Select the given record for edit 
423 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_XX R Select the given record for edit 
424 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0009_ZA R Select the given record for edit 
425 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0011_AU R Select the given record for edit 
426 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_AR R Select the given record for edit 
427 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_AT R Select the given record for edit 
428 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_AU R Select the given record for edit 
429 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_BE R Select the given record for edit 
430 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_BR R Select the given record for edit 
431 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_CA R Select the given record for edit 
432 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_CH R Select the given record for edit 
433 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_CN R Select the given record for edit 
434 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_DE R Select the given record for edit 
435 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_DK R Select the given record for edit 
436 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_ES R Select the given record for edit 
437 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_FI R Select the given record for edit 
438 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_FR R Select the given record for edit 
439 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_GB R Select the given record for edit 
440 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_HK R Select the given record for edit 
441 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_ID R Select the given record for edit 
442 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_IN R Select the given record for edit 
443 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_IT R Select the given record for edit 
444 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_JP R Select the given record for edit 
445 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_KR R Select the given record for edit 
446 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_MX R Select the given record for edit 
447 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_MY R Select the given record for edit 
448 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_NL R Select the given record for edit 
449 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_PH R Select the given record for edit 
450 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_PT R Select the given record for edit 
451 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_SG R Select the given record for edit 
452 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_TH R Select the given record for edit 
453 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_TW R Select the given record for edit 
454 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_US R Select the given record for edit 
455 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_VE R Select the given record for edit 
456 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0021_XX R Select the given record for edit 
457 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0023_AU R Select the given record for edit 
458 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0077_CA R Select the given record for edit 
459 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0077_GB R Select the given record for Delete 
460 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_CN R Select record to be deleted 
461 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_HK R Select the given record for Deletion. 
462 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_ID R Select record to be deleted 
463 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_MY R Select the given record for edit 
464 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_SG R Select record to be deleted 
465 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_TH R Select the given record for edit 
466 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0182_TW R Select the given record for edit 
467 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_CN R Select the given record for edit 
468 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_HK R Select the given record for edit 
469 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_ID R Select the given record for delete 
470 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_IN R Select the given record for edit 
471 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_MY R Select the given record for delete 
472 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_SG R Select the given record for delete 
473 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_TH R Select the given record for delete 
474 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0185_TW R Select the given record for delete 
475 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0188_AU R Select the given record for edit 
476 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0210_US R Select the given record for edit 
477 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0220_AU R Delete Super Fund Record 
478 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0263_DE R Delete 
479 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0364_TH R Select the given record for edit 
480 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0376_US R Select the given record to be deleted 
481 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0461_CA R Select the given record for edit 
482 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0462_CA R Select the given record for edit 
483 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0463_CA R Select the given record for edit 
484 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0507_AU R Select the given record for edit 
485 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0509_AU R Select the given record for edit 
486 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0541_KR R Select the given record for edit 
487 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0542_KR R Select the given record for edit 
488 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0559_JP R Select the given record for edit 
489 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0573_AU R Select the given record for edit 
490 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0585_IN R Select the given record for edit 
491 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0586_IN R Select the given record for delete 
492 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0716_AU R Select the given record for edit 
493 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0718_KR R Select the given record for edit 
494 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0812_KR R Select the given record for edit 
495 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0858_KR R Delete the selected entry 
496 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_P0881_KR R Select the given record for edit 
497 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_RECORD R Delete selected record in buffer 
498 HRXSS_PER_DELETE_RECORD2 R Delete selected record in buffer 
499 HRXSS_PER_EDIT2_PNNNN Select the given record for edit 
500 HRXSS_PER_EDIT_EMERGENCY_AR R Select the given record for edit