SAP ABAP Data Element W_RP_CHECK_DIFF_UOM ("Check for Different Unit of Measure" Indicator)
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       WVKP (Package) IS-R: Sales pricing
Basic Data
Short Description "Check for Different Unit of Measure" Indicator  
Data Type
Category of Dictionary Type D   Domain
Type of Object Referenced     No Information
Domain / Name of Reference Type XFELD    
Data Type CHAR   Character String 
Length 1    
Decimal Places 0    
Output Length 1    
Value Table      
Further Characteristics
Search Help: Name    
Search Help: Parameters    
Parameter ID   
Default Component name    
Change document    
No Input History    
Basic direction is set to LTR    
No BIDI Filtering    
Field Label
  Length  Field Label  
Short 10 Check UoM 
Medium 15 Check UoM 
Long 20 Check Unit of Meas. 
Heading Check UoM 


Indicator stipulating that during price determination of sales conditions, the system is to check whether the unit of measure for the condition record determined differs from a preassigned (sales) unit.


Within the condition technique, it is possible that in price determination for a specific sales condition (see condition type), the condition unit of a determined condition record may differ from a (sales) unit that was preassigned for price determination (see example).

If the indicator is set, however, such condition records with a different unit of measure are treated as invalid.


If the system finds condition records with different units of measure, the program logic for the application that calls price determination determines how such a condition record is to be dealt with. Generally (in the sales order, for example), the price determined (condition amount) is converted to the preassigned (sales) unit.


There are two main cases in which such differences occur:

  • The condition table for the sales condition does not have a key field for the (sales) unit. This means that the prices are not differentiated by unit of measure. The price entered applies to all units of measure for the material.
  • The condition table has a key field for the (sales) unit, but the unit of measure in the condition record is different. Tiles, for example, can be sold by the box but the price is usually entered in square meters. In a sales order, the price for the box is calculated from the price defined for a square meter, using the conversion factor entered in the material master.

Last changed by/on SAP  20020320 
SAP Release Created in 470