SAP ABAP Software Component EA-RETAIL (SAP Enterprise Extension Retail)
Basic Data
Software Component EA-RETAIL   
Short Description SAP Enterprise Extension Retail   
Component type N   Application Extensions
Contained Application Component
Application Component Application Component ID Short Description
LO HLA0006433 Logistics - General 
LO-MD-QO ALR0008401 Quantity optimizing 
SD-EDI HLA0009607 Electronic Data Interchange 
MM-EDI HLA0006042 Electronic Data Interchange 
LO-MD-PR I020004205 Promotion 
LO-MDS-AL I020004210 Allocation 
LO-MD-RA-ASL ALR0000101 Assortment List 
MM-CBP-CBP HLA0006804 Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) 
MM-CBP HLA0006803 Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) 
LO-MD-PL I020004211 Plant Master 
LO-MDS ALR0000095 Merchandise Distribution 
LO-MAP ALR0006032 Merchandise and Assortment Planning 
LO-MD-RA-MT ALR0000100 Assortment Maintenance 
CA HLB0009110 Cross-Application Components 
LO-SRS ALR0002251 SAP Retail Store 
MM-PUR HLA0009512 Purchasing 
SD-POS-OUT HLA0100862 POS Interface - Outbound 
SD-POS I020004209 POS Interface 
LO-LIS-DC HLA0006426 Data Collection 
LO-MD-RA I020004201 Assortment 
LO-MD-MM HLA0006031 Material Master 
LO-MD HLA0006434 Logistics Basic Data 
MM-IM HLA0009516 Inventory Management 
LO-MDS-CPO ALR0002161 Collective Purchase Order 
LO-MD-MPA AC00000081 Assignment of Markdown Profiles 
SD-POS-IN HLA0100861 POS Interface - Inbound 
LO-MD-PPW AC00000082 Price Planning Workbench 
SCM-EM /SAPTRX/AI62000001 Event Management 
LO-MD-RPC I020004202 Retail Pricing 
LO-ADM I020004207 Additionals Management 
MM-PUR-SQ HLA0006036 Sources of Supply 
LO-MD-SE-MT ALR0000102 Season Processing 
LO-AB ALR0000097 Agency Business (Global Trade) 
LO-AB-BSP PLN0000033 Portal Connection