SAP ABAP IMG Activity SIMG_XXMENUOLSDMODAE (Copy Material Master Fields Into The Sales Document)
SAP_APPL (Software Component) Logistics and Accounting
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IMG Activity
ID SIMG_XXMENUOLSDMODAE Copy Material Master Fields Into The Sales Document  
Transaction Code S_ALR_87005899   IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLSDMODAE 
Created on 19981222    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_XXMENUOLSDMODAE   Copy material master fields into the sales document 
Customizing Activity SIMG_CFMENUOLSDMODA6   New fields for batch determination 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.

Procedure for copying material master fields to the sales document

The system copies material master fields to the sales document in two steps:

  1. First, a field in the material master table (MARA, MARC or MVKE) is copied into the material view (MAAPV or MAEPV). The fields in the tables and views must have the same name in order to ensure that the fields are supplied automatically.
  2. Note Fields from the material master table MARC must first be copied to the material view, in order that transmission in MAPV is successful.

The system copies the field from the relevant customer view into the sales order table (VBAP). It supplies the field in program MV45AFZZ per user exit (USEREXIT_MOVE_TO_VBAP). Note

You can add new fields (ZZ...) to an existing table. This does not

create problems during a release upgrade because additional fields are
placed at the end of the table and cannot be overwritten due to the

name range. The field names must begin with "ZZ". Example
The new fields are placed at the end of the table (before the release

vbap-zzmodif1 <<< additional
vbap-zzmodif2 <<< fields

The fields are not overwritten during a release upgrade. The new SAP fields are simply added (after the release upgrade):

vbap-zzmodif1 <<< additional
vbap-zzmodif2 <<< fields
vbap-standard4 <<< new
vbap-standard5 <<< standard fields

Overview of data transfer basics

  • When the system copies material master fields into the sales document, the following communication structures are relevant:
    • MAAPV (for MARA and MVKE)
    • MAEPV (for MARA and MVKE)
      MAEPV (for fields from MARC)
  • Transporting fields into the material view
  • The fields are transported automatically if the field names in the material master and the view are identical.
  • Transporting the material view into the sales document table
  • The routines for supplying sales document fields are stored in program MV45AFZZ. Enter the new field names (beginning with "ZZ") here.


Copying material master fields into sales documents

The system can copy fields from the material master records into the sales document. The following options exist:

First case: MARA -> VBAP

A material field (basic data) is copied into the sales document item.

Second case: MVKE -> VBAP

A material master record field (sales data) is copied into the sales document item.

Third case: MARC -> VBAP

A material master record field (plant data) is copied into the sales document item.

First case: Copying a material master field (MARA) into the sales document item (VBAP)

You want to use a material master field (MARA) in the sales document item (VBAP). When the fields are copied, there are two options which differ depending on how the fields are supplied:

  • The field exists in MARA and can be copied in the material view MAAPV and VBAP. The names are identical.
  • The field does not exist in MARA or VBAP. First, you must create it there. Note that new data elements and new field names must begin with "ZZ". The names of the material fields and view fields are identical.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure that the field exists in the material view MAAPV.
  2. Activate the structure.
  3. The system supplies the new fields in MAAPV automatically.
  4. Afterwards, you must transport the field into the sales document item.

    You do this by using program MV45AFZZ in user exit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP. The following is an example of the statement



Proceed in the same way for the second and third case.

Case 2: Copying material master field MVKE into sales document item VBAP

Add the field to MAAPV if it does not already exist there. Supply the field in MV45AFZZ in USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP.

Case 3: Copying material master fields MARC into sales document item VBAP

Add the field to MAEPV if it does not already exist there. Supply the field in MV45AFZZ in USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 257   Create User Exits 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
DWBDUMMY D - Dummy object SE11 1101 Use INCLUDE for new fields in Dictionary (batch determtn) 
DWBDUMMY D - Dummy object SE38 1102 Use user exit for new fields (batch determination) 
Last changed by/on SAP  19981222 
SAP Release Created in