SAP ABAP IMG Activity SIMG_PRO_0030 (CO/FI reconciliation.)
EA-FIN (Software Component) EA-FIN
   CA-JVA (Application Component) Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
     GJV2 (Package) Joint Venture Development
IMG Activity
ID SIMG_PRO_0030 CO/FI reconciliation.  
Transaction Code S_KK4_66000027   IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0030 
Created on 19990917    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_PRO_0030   CO/FI reconciliation. 
Customizing Activity SIMG_PRO_0030   CO/FI reconciliation. 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name SIMG_PRO_0030    


Standard settings



Further notes

Short text

JV - CO intercompany reconciliation postings


Without this special customizing -

  • CO cross company postings do not balance by company code and so do not balance by venture which means, that the JV interface generates a single balancing entry to the inter-venture account.
  • This results in a balance on the inter-venture account.
  • The postings by the CO/FI period end reconciliation process are deliberately not recognized by the JV ledger because that would cause duplicate values.

Achieved functionality when you perform this customizing

  1. Balance on account level with FI and still have the correct values on cost center level compared with CO.
  2. The additional records participate in venture balancing postings.

A new menu item was also created in JV customizing menu, path:
Processing -> CO processing -> CO/FI reconciliation
+ new menu entry

How to maintain the customizing entries:

On the top level entry screen you determine by company code if CO/FI reconciliation postings (initiated via transaction KALC) should be recognized in the JV ledgers.
Maintenance example:
Client S_comp XCP
------ ------ --
100 JVU1 ' '
100 JVU2 X
| |
| + CO/FI cross company posting indicator
| xcp Description ___________________________
| ' ' DO NOT record CO/FI reconciliation postings
| X Record CO/FI reconciliation postings
+ Originating company code

On the second level you determine for the company on top level, if a cross company balancing record should be created when a certain partner company is involved. You can chose, if the balancing record is written with the current account, or you can specify deviating accounts.
Maintenance example:
------ ------ ------ --- -------------- -------------
100 JVU1 JVU2 2 0000217015 0000217016
100 JVU2 JVU1 1 0000135008 0000135009
| | | | |
| | | | + Account to be used in S_comp
| | | | if balance is positive
| | | |
| | | + Account to be used in S_comp if balance
| | | is negative
| | |
| | |
| | + CO/JV cross company posting indicator
| | xca Description ___________________
| | ' ' NO CO/JV cross company postings recorded
| | 1 CO/JV XC recorded with original account
| | 2 CO/JV XC recorded with account of table
| |
| + Partner company code
+ Originating company code

E x a m p l e s

The examples below just show the records created by a single CO line item for a CO object belonging to a company with JV active.

The partner line item ( which is not listed here ) is treated according to the above customizing settings for the company code of the partner object.

CO-line item:

  • Account: 400000
  • Costcenter CC1
  • Venture V1
  • Amount 100,-

Example 1:

CO/FI postings are NOT recorded ( XCP flag = blank ) and cross company balancing records should NOT be created in the JV ledger (XCA flag = blank or customizing entry doesn't exist).

==>> This is the current system default, like no customizing is done at

Created JV ledger entries:
-------------------------------------------|---- Posted amounts in ---|
created by: |account | object |venture | CO | JV | FI |
CO-line item |400000 | CC1 |V1 | 100,- | 100,- | -- |

Example 2:

CO/FI postings are NOT recorded ( XCP flag = blank ) but cross company balancing records should be created in the JV ledger under the original account (XCA flag = 1).

Created JV ledger entries:
-------------------------------------------|---- Posted amounts in ---|
created by: |account | object |venture | CO | JV | FI |
CO-line item |400000 | CC1 |V1 | 100,- | 100,- | -- |
JV-balance |400000 | |Corp | |-100,- | -- |

Example 3:

CO/FI postings are recorded ( XCP flag = 'X' ) and cross company balancing records should be created in the JV ledger under the original account (XCA flag = 1).

Created JV ledger entries:
-------------------------------------------|---- Posted amounts in ---|
created by: |account | object |venture | CO | JV | FI |
CO-line item |400000 | CC1 |V1 | 100,- | 100,- | -- |
JV-balance |400000 | |Corp | |-100,- | -- |
COFI(1) |400000 | |Corp | | 100,- | 100,-|
COFI(2) |T001U | |Corp | |-100,- |-100,-|

Further notes

Activation of CO/JV cross company postings MUST NOT be done in the middle of a period, but immediately after month end close and before any postings into the new period !

Because there is no technical program relationship between the customizing settings for the JV reconciliation postings - and the runtime options of the CO/FI reconciliation transaction KALC, you have to procedurally make sure, that the customizing settings in JV exactely reflect the runtime filter options of transaction KALC in order to keep JV and FI in sync !

However, you still have the option to customize your system to balance the JV ledger by company code, but still don't let the CO/FI reconciliation flow through when you run transaction KALC. If you choose to use the original accounts for the JV cross company balancing postings, the JV ledger will reconcile with FI on acount level,&

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 105   Define functions and processes 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 2   Non-critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG SIMG_PRO_0030 0 ALR0002181 Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
VC_T8JXCP C - View cluster GJXC PRO_0030 IS Oil Upstream IMG Transactions for Processing XCP 
Last changed by/on SAP  20030410 
SAP Release Created in