SAP ABAP IMG Activity SIMG_PRO_0003 (Posting Rules)
EA-FIN (Software Component) EA-FIN
   CA-JVA (Application Component) Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
     GJV2 (Package) Joint Venture Development
IMG Activity
ID SIMG_PRO_0003 Posting Rules  
Transaction Code S_KK4_66000113   IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0003 
Created on 19991013    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_PRO_0003   Posting Rules 
Customizing Activity SIMG_PRO_0003   Posting Rules 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name SIMG_PRO_0003    

Posting rules are contingent on JVA functions and function items. JVA functions represent specific JVA processes that produce postings, such as cash calls and cutback.

Function items are dependent on functions, and each function item represents a specific type of posting that may result from execution of the process controlled by the function.

For example, the function Cutback (CUTB) includes a function item (CU) that controls the posting rules for the net posting of expenses to the JV partners, and it also includes a function item (EX) that controls the posting rules for offset postings to clear the original postings to cost objects and venture/equity groups.

The posting rules that specify in detail the characteristics of the postings resulting from execution of the process controlled by the function are contingent on the function item.



Before posting rules are configured for JVA functions, FI should be fully configured because the following FI elements are used in defining JVA posting rules:

  • Document types
  • Posting keys
  • Special G/L entry indicators (SEI's)

Posting rules are contingent on functions and function items, so the function and function item must be configured before posting rules are specified.

Standard settings

Whereas the JVA functions and function items are pre-configured and should usually be used as delivered, the posting rules that are contingent on the function and function item combinations are intended to be configured by the user. This ensures that the postings resulting from execution of JVA processes satisfy the company's particular business needs.



There are three tasks involved in accessing function and function item combinations and specifying the posting rules for them:

  1. Select the function and specify settings for postings to be included in execution of the function
  2. Select the function item dependent on the function for which posting rules will be defined
  3. Enter the specific posting rules for the function item

Selecting the Function and Settings for Included Postings

The first screen you encounter when specifying posting rules for a function item is the JV Posting Rules: Overview screen. This screen lists all the functions available for the company. It also lists additional information related to selecting postings for inclusion in execution of the function and preparing the postings resulting from execution of the function.

In configuration of the JVA functions, posting method may be specified as a selection criterion for including postings in execution of the JVA process controlled by the function. If posting method has been specified as a selection criterion for the function, the specific posting method to be used to select postings for inclusion in execution of the function should be specified in the PMet field.

The document type of standard (FI, CO) postings that result from execution of the function may be specified in the DB field.

The document type of GL/X postings to the operator that result from execution of the function may be specified in the DT field.

The JVA clearing procedure to be applied during execution of the function may be specified in the ClerPrc field.

SEI's (Special G/L entry indicators) may be specified in the ClerSEI field. Entries to the SEI's listed will be included in the clearing initiated by execution of the JVA function.

If entries without SEI's are to be included in the clearing initiated by execution of the function, the ClerBID should be selected for the function.

Selecting the Function Item and Accessing the Posting Rules

When you have entered all relevant posting rule related settings for the function, you can access the function items for the function by selecting the function and then selecting Posting rule details. This will display the JV Posting Rule Detail: Overview screen with all of the function items belonging to the function listed.

Recovery indicator can be used as a selection criterion for inclusion of postings in execution of the posting rules that are contingent on a particular function item. If a particular recovery indicator is to be used as a selection criterion for a function item and its posting rules, enter the recovery indicator code in the RI field.

Entering the Posting Rules for the Function Item

To access the posting rules for a specific function item from the JV Posting Rule Detail: Overview screen, select the function item and Goto > Details. This will display the JV Posting Rule Detail: Details screen for the function item with the posting rule details listed.

Posting rules are specified for both debit and credit entries that may be generated by execution of the function and function item combination.

To specify posting rules for a function item, enter the following information that is relevant:

In the Deb Post Key and the CrePostKey fields, enter posting keys for the debit and credit postings that may be generated by the function item (always necessary).

In the Deb SE Ind and the Cre SE Ind fields, enter the codes for the SEI for the debit and credit posting that may be generated by the function item. This is necessary when the posting will be cleared by a later posting (as with cash call requests that will be cleared by later cash call payments) and there is a need to match both postings.

In the Deb Bill Ind and the Cre Bill Ind fields, enter the code for the billing indicator to be assigned to the debit and credit postings that may be generated by the function item. This is important for postings, such as cash calls and the results of netting processing, that will be noted separately on venture partners' billing documents.

In the Deb Pay Block and the Cre Pay Block, enter the codes for the payment blocking indicators to be assigned to the debit and credit postings that may be generated by the function item. This is important for postings that involve suspense processing, such as CI/NPI (function: NETT).

In the Deb Recovery Ind and the Cre Recovery Ind, enter codes for the recovery indicators to be assigned to the debit and credit postings that may be generated by the function item. This is important for postings that have a different status with reference to billing partners than the original postings which form the source data for the function and function item.

For example, cutback takes billable entries (recovery indicator indicates they are billable) as input and produces final postings to customers. If cutback is re-run during the period these final postings should not be picked up for processing again, so cutback postings are assigned a recovery indicator of CB. This prevents them from being picked up in a subsequent cutback run.

At the same time, the postings from cutback are assigned a billing indicator, which denotes the type of billing to the partner that they represent.

Further notes

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 105   Define functions and processes 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
VC_T8J0F C - View cluster GJ49 PRO_0003 Billing method posting rules 
Last changed by/on SAP  20010306 
SAP Release Created in