SAP ABAP IMG Activity SIMG_OHR0078 (Scale Per Diems for Meals/Time by Time)
EA-HRGXX (Software Component) Sub component EA-HRGXX of EA-HR
   FI-TV-COS (Application Component) Travel Expenses
     PTRC (Package) Customizing for Travel Management
IMG Activity
ID SIMG_OHR0078 Scale Per Diems for Meals/Time by Time  
Transaction Code S_AHR_61008977   IMG Activity: SIMG_OHR0078 
Created on 19981221    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_OHR0078   Scale per diems for meals/time by time 
Customizing Activity SIMG_OHR0078   Scale per diems for meals/time by time 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name SIMG_OHR0078    

In this IMG activity, you can create meals per diems scaled by time from the meals per diems/time per day.

The following selection criteria are available for selecting the defined meals per diems/time per day:

  • beginning of validity
  • end of validity
  • trip provision variant
  • enterprise-specific trip type
  • statutory trip type
  • trip activity type
  • statutory reimbursement group for meals/accommodations
  • enterprise-specific reimbursement group for meals/accommodations
  • trip country
  • trip region

Furthermore, you can decide whether and how the reimbursement amounts for the meals per diems scaled by time are to be rounded off.

Two rounding-off indicators are available:

  • rounding-off indicator for tax-free amounts
  • rounding-off indicator for enterprise-specific reimbursement amounts

Five options are available for rounding:

Entry     Significance

=     no rounding

X     rounding up or down to the nearest unit

<     rounding down to the full unit

>     rounding up to the full unit

D     commercial rounding to first decimal place


The rounding options described only apply to currencies which have at least one figure after the decimal point.

The report for generating meals per diems scaled by time first searches in the calculation guidelines for an entry for the trip area, taking the selected control parameters into consideration. If no such entry exists, the report searches for an entry in which the trip area has the entry SPACE. If such an entry does not exist either, the report writes in the log that the corresponding meals per diem/time per day could not be scaled, since no calculation guidelines were defined.

It is possible to start a test run first. In this case, a list of all meals per diems scaled by time is printed.
The list contains the meals per diems scaled by time and their reimbursement amounts in addition to the meals per diems/time per day.
Furthermore, a list is created of those meals per diems/time per day for which no calculation guidelines are stored and for which, consequently, no meals per diems scaled by time could be generated.

In a productive run, only one statistical list is created. The list specifies the number of original rates, the number of generated rates and the number of trip areas.
Furthermore, a list is created of those meals per diems/time per day for which no calculation guidelines are stored and for which consequently no meals per diems scaled by time could be generated.


  1. You need to have defined the meals per diems/time per day for per diems for meals.
  2. You need to have defined the calculation guidelines: meals per diems scaled by time for per diems for meals.


  1. Carry out a test run first.
  2. If relevant, define the missing calculation guidelines for the meals per diems/time per day for which no meals per diems scaled by time can be generated.
  3. Carry out the productive run.
  4. Transport the generated rates.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 203   Establish Master Data 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG SIMG_OHR0078 0 HLA0006755 Travel Expenses 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
IMGDUMMY D - Dummy object PRHP 1 Expand meal rates (per diem rate) 
Last changed by/on SAP  19981221 
SAP Release Created in