SAP ABAP IMG Activity SIMG_ICL_TICL362 (Import Diagnosis Groups and Diagnoses)
INSURANCE (Software Component) SAP Insurance
   FS-CM (Application Component) Claims Management
     ICL_HEALTH (Package) FS-CM: Health Line of Insurance
IMG Activity
ID SIMG_ICL_TICL362 Import Diagnosis Groups and Diagnoses  
Transaction Code S_KK4_08000425   IMG Activity: 
Created on 20011011    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_ICL_TICL362   Importing Diagnosis Groups and Diagnoses 
Customizing Activity SIMG_ICL_TICL362   Importing Diagnosis Groups and Diagnoses 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name _ICL_TICL362    


In this IMG activity you can import diagnosis groups and diagnoses from files. In addition you can import diagnosis thesauruses and additional attributes for diagnoses here.

As the diagnosis groups and the number of diagnoses in a diagnosis catalog constitute huge data sets, you will usually import this data from files.

This IMG activity is closely connected with IMG activity Maintain Diagnosis Catalogs, Diagnosis Groups, Diagnoses, and Additional Attributes. You must perform both IMG activities for diagnosis catalogs and diagnoses to take effect.

The procedure is normally as follows:

  1. You define the diagnosis catalog in the Maintain Diagnosis Catalog,Diagnosis Groups,Diagnoses and Addl Attributes IMG activity.
  2. You import diagnosis groups and diagnoses in the Import Diagnosis Groups and Diagnoses IMG activity.
  3. You edit diagnosis groups and diagnoses in the Maintain Diagnosis Catalog,Diagnosis Groups,Diagnoses and Addl Attributes IMG activity.
  4. You define the permitted diagnosis catalog in the Configure Internal Claim Types IMG activity.


  • You have defined a diagnosis catalog (together with short name and long name) for which you want to import the diagnosis group (IMG activity: Maintain Diagnosis Catalogs, Diagnosis Groups, Diagnoses, and Addl Attributes).
  • You have defined additional attributes and diagnoses along with names as well as internal claim types that you want to assign to the diagnosis codes as additional attributes.
  • The files from which the diagnosis groups and diagnoses are read must be available in certain formats.

    For an exact description of the individual formats, read the field help for data element Format of Diagnosis Catalog.

Standard settings


You have the following options for importing:

  • Import Only Diagnosis Groups:

  1. Set the Import Diagnosis Groups indicator
  2. In the Format of Diagnosis Catalog field, select the entry Internal Catalog Format.
  3. In the File Name of Diagnosis Groups field, enter the file with its full path.

    The following rules have to be adhered to:

    • If the file is on the presentation server, the file name begins with a drive letter.
    • If the file is on the application server, the file name begins directly with "/".

  • Import Only Diagnosesof a Catalog:

    1. In the Format of Diagnosis Catalog field, select a format.

  • Note: If you select Country-Specific Format or Diagnosis Thesaurus as the format, you must specify a function module (see field help for Format of Diagnosis Catalog). Normally the diagnosis groups are also imported, meaning that there is no need to import the groups separately.

2. In the File Name of Catalog/Thesaurus field, enter the file with its full path. The rules described above under "Import Diagnosis Groups Only" apply here as well.

  • Import Diagnoses and Diagnosis Groups Together:

    1. Set the Import Diagnosis Groups indicator

    2. In the Format of Diagnosis Catalog field, select the entry Internal Catalog Format.

    3. Enter the relevant files in the File Name of Diagnosis Groups field and in the File Name of Catalog/Thesaurus field.

With the fields mentioned below, note the following:

  • In the Basic Catalog field, you must enter the diagnosis catalog whose diagnoses and diagnosis groups you want to import. This field is mandatory for all three options mentioned above.
  • In the Reference Catalog field, you can enter the diagnosis catalog under which the reference diagnoses are to be imported. If you do not enter a value here, the basic catalog is used. This field is only relevant when you import diagnoses or when you import diagnoses and diagnosis groups together.
  • The data is only written to the database if you set the Update Database indicator. The general procedure that applies when data is transferred to the database is that diagnosis groups and diagnoses that did not yet exist are added to the database, and existing diagnosis groups and diagnoses are updated with the new data supplied.


Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 203   Establish Master Data 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 2   Non-critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
VC_TICL351 C - View cluster ICLDIAGIMPORT  
Last changed by/on SAP  20040220 
SAP Release Created in 464