SAP ABAP IMG Activity OHBEN066 (Define Coverage Rules)
SAP_HRRXX (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRRXX of SAP_HR
   PA-BN (Application Component) Benefits
     PBEC (Package) Benefits - Customizing
IMG Activity
ID OHBEN066 Define Coverage Rules  
Transaction Code S_AHR_61002417   IMG-Aktivität: OHBEN066 
Created on 19981221    
Customizing Attributes BEN_00_PB_1_1_A0000   Insurance plans - mandatory - critical - all countries 
Customizing Activity BEN_00_74FC_B   View V_74FC_B 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name OHBEN066    

In this step, you define the actual coverages for a plan.

You need to define coverage for each possible combination of employee grouping in the criteria you have attributed to each variant. If you have not specified any criteria in a variant, you assign one rule only.

Coverage can be defined as a flat amount or as a factor of salary.


The Standard Life insurance plan has the coverage variants 40KK and 70KK. Two coverage rules are set up as follows:

Plan    Cov. variant    Coverage amount

Standard Life    40KK    $40,000

Standard Life    70KK    $70,000


The Extra Life insurance plan has the coverage variant BASC. Two coverage rules for BASC are set up as follows:

Plan    Cov.variant    Salary grp    Maximum coverage

Extra    BASC    $0-$20,000    $70,000

Life    BASC    $20,001+    $90,000


  1. Determine the different coverages that apply to different groups of employees in your organization.
  2. Select the plan and coverage variant for which you want to define coverage rules, as prompted.
  3. Choose New entries.
  4. Enter the combination of employee groupings for which you want to define coverage rules.

    To help you, the system will only allow you to enter those employee groupings that you defined as relevant in the coverage variant.

  5. Enter the validity dates for the rule.
  6. Enter the coverage as either a flat amount or as a factor of salary.

    If coverage is dependent on salary, the benefit salary is used as the basis.

  7. If required, enter a rounding rule and divisor to determine how coverage is to be rounded.
  8. Specify the minimum and/or maximum coverage, if required.
  9. Save your entries.
  10. Choose Back and repeat steps 2 to 9 for each coverage rule, for each variant in each plan.

Further notes

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 203   Establish Master Data 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency I   Valid for countries specified 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG OHBEN066 0 HLA0100329 Insurance 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
V_74FC_B V - View HRBEN0041  
Last changed by/on SAP  20000117 
SAP Release Created in