SAP ABAP IMG Activity OHADLG419 (Set up time quotas in a window)
SAP_HRCDE (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRCDE of SAP_HR
   PY-DE (Application Component) Germany
     P01C (Package) HR Customizing: Germany
IMG Activity
ID OHADLG419 Set up time quotas in a window  
Transaction Code S_AHR_61004422   IMG Activity: OHADLG419 
Created on 19981221    
Customizing Attributes OHADLG419   Set up time quotas in a window 
Customizing Activity OHADLG419   Set Up Time Quotas in a Window 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name OHADLG419    

This IMG activity describes how to set up time quotas.

The following time quotas can be distinguished for an employee:

  • Attendance quotas
  • Absence quotas

You can set up these time quotas as fixed layout items or in a window.

This activity describes how to set up time quotas in a window.

The entries in the Field field differ from those described in the activity "Set up line layout in window", and those in the fields Table indicator and Wage type differ from those described in the activity "Set up wage types in window".

FIELD NAME (Set up line layout in window)

When setting up time quotas only fields belonging to the following table may be entered:

  • ZK (Attendance and absence quotas)

    This table contains the time quotas for all employees.

The allowed field names for the tables are listed under the table name in the "Allowed field names" overview.

To make an entry for time quotas in the Field field, please follow the usual procedure, i.e. first specify the name of the table containing the field, then a hyphen and finally the field name.


You want to print the key for an absence quota. This is stored in field "KTART" of table "ZK". In this case you must make the following entry in the Field:


Setting up the text for a time quota

If you want to print the text for an attendance or absence quota, enter the key for the time quota type in the Field field and then conversion "01" (new conversion key: we recommend that you use this) or "35" (old conversion key) in the Conversion field. This prompts the system to print the text for a time quota type.

TABLE INDICATOR (Set up wage types in window)

When setting up time quotas two possible entries can be made in this field:

  • "T" (Attendance quotas)

    Specify this table indicator if you want to set up an attendance quota.

  • "Q" (Absence quotas)

    Specify this indicator if you want to set up an absence quota.

WAGE TYPE (Set up wage types in window)

Specify which time quota type is to be printed or whether the total of all time quota types is to be printed in this field. Your entry must consist of four characters regardless of the time quota type you select. These should be as follows:

1st character:

"Y"    Fixed value

2nd character:

"*"    should be your entry if you want to print the total

    of all data records for a piece of data on a time quota

    (e.g. quota consumption)


"D"    should be your entry:

    if the validity date (from-to) of a data record belonging

    to a time quota type is to be printed

    if you want to print the value of an individual data

    record for a piece of data on a time quota (e.g.

    quota consumption)

3rd and 4th characters:

Quota type e.g. "01" for time quota type "Entitlement to non-working shift"


"**"    for total of all time quota types


You want to set up the total of all time quota types. In this case you must make the following entry in the Wage type field:



You want to set up the absence quota for an employee for time quota type "01" in window "F1" for form "ZF01". When doing this you must take note of the following:

  • The following data on the absence quota is to be printed on the same line for group "01" and subgroup "05":

  • from column 00 on, quota type key
  • from column 04 on, start date of quota
  • from column 15 on, end date of quota
  • from column 27 on, quota number
  • from column 39 on, quota consumption

  • The following data on the absence quota is also to be printed on the same line for group "01" and subgroup "10":

  • from column 00 on, quota type key
  • from column 04 on, quota type text
  • from column 20 on, total of remaining quota (entitlement minus consumption)

In this case you must make the following entries for the line layout:

LType    CType    Offs    Lngth    Field        FOffs    Conv    Rule

01     X     000    02    ZK-KTART

01     X     004    10    ZK-BEGDA

01     X     015    10    ZK-ENDDA

01     X     027    10    ZK-ANZHL

01     X     039    10    ZK-KVERB

01     X     051    10    ZK-REST

02     X     000    02    ZK-KTART

02     X     004    15    ZK-KTART            01

02     X     020    20    ZK-REST

You must also make the following entries for the wage types in the window:

WType    Tab    No    Win     Gp    Sgp    LType    CType    ...

YD01    Q        F1    01    05    01    X

Y*01    Q        F1    01    10    02    X

You must set up a line layout for both lines to be printed. Line type "01" and column type "05" were chosen for the line layout of the line for subgroup "05", and line type "02" and column type "X" for that for subgroup "10". The field names specified should be those from table ZK which contains the time quotas for all employees. The default from the "Allowed field names" overview is usually selected as the output length. Conversion "01" entered in the second-last line prompts the system to print the text for the time quota type instead of its key.

Two entries must be made for the wage types in the window. Both entries contain the value "01" in the Wage type field, indicating that data on time quota type "01" is to be printed. The "D" in the first entry in the Wage type field ("YD01") indicates that the values for the individual data records defined by line type "01" and column type "X" are to be printed. When this is done the system prints out the same number of lines in the window as the number of data records which exist for the time quota type. The second entry with the value "*" determines that the total of all data records defined by line type "02" and column type "X" is to be printed.

The data is then printed on the remuneration statement, according to the values and number of data records for time quota type "01", in a format like the following:

01    01.10.95    31.10.95                5        2

01    01.11.95    30.11.95                8        4

01    Entitlement to non-working shift    7


The following abbreviations were used in the above example:

WType    Wage type

Tab    Table indicator for form control

No    Number

Win    Window indicator

Gp    Group number

Sgp    Subgroup number

LType    Line type

CType    Column type

LType    Line type

CType    Column type

Offs    Offset

Lngth    Output length

Field    Field name

FOffs    Field offset for printout

Conv    Conversion

Rule    Rule for form editing


Set up the time quotas for the employees in a window.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 204   Establish Functions and Processes 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 2   Non-critical 
Country-Dependency I   Valid for countries specified 
Customizing Attributes Country Key Country Name
OHADLG419 DE Germany
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG OHADLG419 0 HLA0009626 Remuneration Statement 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
V_T512D V - View OH00 12 Set Up Line Layout in Window 
V_T512E V - View OH00 32 Set Up Wage Types in Window 
V_T514K V - View OH14 CEDT 41 Permitted Tables 
V_T514N V - View OH14 CEDT 39 Permitted Field Names 
Last changed by/on SAP  19981221 
SAP Release Created in