SAP ABAP IMG Activity BW_AGGREGATES_CHANGE (Parameters for Aggregates)
SAP_BW (Software Component) SAP Business Warehouse
   BW (Application Component) SAP Business Information Warehouse
     RS (Package) BW: General Business Information Warehouse
IMG Activity
ID BW_AGGREGATES_CHANGE Parameters for Aggregates  
Transaction Code S_J07_15000005   SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY 
Created on 19991026    
Customizing Attributes BW_AGGREGATES_CHANGE   Parameters for Aggregates 
Customizing Activity BW_AGGREGATES_CHANGE   Parameters for Aggregates 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name RSDELTALIMIT    



Standard settings

In this activity you change the parameters that control how aggregates are structured and changed.

  1. Percentage change in the delta process:

    Aggregates are adjusted to match new attributes and hierarchies when a change run is performed. There are various strategies involved. You can completely reconstruct the aggregate or you can update the old records negatively and the new records positively (delta process). The process that is used depends, among other things, on how much data has been changed.

    This parameter specifies the change percentage as of which the system switches from a delta process to a reconstruction. This allows you to optimize the performance of the change run.

  2. Block size:

    If the source (InfoCube or aggregate is very large when you fill an an aggregate, the system reads the data a portion at a time. Block size determines approximately how large each of these individual portions are.

  3. Wait time:

    Here you set a wait time (in minutes). The wait time is the length of time a process waits before it terminates.

    If you start a process (for example, loading hierarchies or master data; change run; roll-up of aggregates) that cannot be executed because a change run has already locked the corresponding objects, the process is terminated and the relevant error message is produced. As the change run cannot run for some time, it is not recommended that this process simply waits until the change run is executed.

  4. Reporting locks:

    This parameter is only relevant for installations with an Oracle database.

    When a chantge run is executed, there may be an overflow of database rollback segments if a large amount of master data changes are activated.

    If you set this parameter to X database commits are executed when the master data is activated. This prevents an overflow of rollback segments. Reporting is locked during this time because data is temporarily inconsistent.


Percentage change:

Specify a number between 0 and 99 where 0 generally means that the aggregate is reconstructed.

Block size:

The block size you choose depends on the amount of temporary table space available on the database. If the parameter is too small, there are too many read processes and this increases the runtime. If the parameter is too large, the temporary table space on the database overflows.

Wait time:

If you have change runs in your system that are executed on a very regular basis but do not last very long, it is useful to specify a wait time that is appropriate to the runtime of this short change run. In this way you can ensure that other automated processes will be executed successfully without you having to trigger them again manually.

Reporting locks:

Set this parameter if you experience problems with rollback segments because you load large amounts of master data with many changed values on a regular basis.


Further notes

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 201   Make global settings 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
Last changed by/on SAP  20010724 
SAP Release Created in