SAP ABAP IMG Activity _ISUISST_000040 (Activate Update)
IS-UT (Software Component) SAP Utilities/Telecommunication
   IS-U (Application Component) SAP Utilities
     EE80 (Package) IS-U: Customizing
IMG Activity
ID _ISUISST_000040 Activate Update  
Transaction Code S_KK4_74001003   IMG Activity: _ISUISST_000040 
Created on 19990816    
Customizing Attributes _ISUISST_000040   Activate Update 
Customizing Activity _ISUISST_000040   Activate Update 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name _ISUISST_000040    

In this IMG activity, you make settings for updating the information struktures.

Data analysis in the information system is based on statistics data that is updated from the operative application in the information structures. Updating is triggered by an event in a logistics application (for example, a sales order). An event is the point at which information that is to be stored arises.

You can determine the following:

  • Time frame of the update

    You determine the time at which the statistics data is to be cumulated. You can choose between the following periods:

    • Daily updating
    • Weekly updating
    • Monthly updating
    • Updating according to the posting period
    • In this case, you can allocate a posting period to an information structure. The period is then always determined according to this posting period, and not according to the period for the company code.
      You should allocate a posting period if the company code cannot be clearly identified from the characteristics of the information structure.
      If the fiscal year variant is not specified, the period split "posting period" corresponds to the posting period that is automatically determined in the documents for the link to financial accounting.
      If you want to have an individual period split (for example, quarterly, every two weeks) for an information structure, you must specify a fiscal year variant.
  • Type of updating

    You determine when the information structures are updated. You can select from the following possibilities:

    • synchronous update (V1 update)
    • The statistics update occurs synchronously to the document posting.
      However, if errors occur during the update and as a result the statistics posting is terminated, the corresponding documents no longer exist and must be newly created.
    • Asynchronous update (V2 update)
    • In this case, the document posting and the statistics posting are separated so that termination of the statistics update does not have an effect on the posting of documents that exist in the operative application.
      You can also carry out the document posting and the statistics postings on two separate systems.
    • No posting, meaning the update is turned off.


You can only change the updating period if the only data that exists in the information structures is planning data.

Therefore, the information structure for which you want to change the updating period cannot yet be updated, meaning it cannot be filled with actual data.


  1. Position the cursor on the information structure for which you want to change the update parameters.
  2. Choose "Parameters".

    The updating parameters are displayed.

  3. Choose the desired setting.
  4. Press "Enter".
  5. Save the changed update parameters.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 207   Establish Reporting 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG _ISUISST_000040 0 I110004884 Sales Statistics 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
MCUA L - Logical transport object EI01 ISU0000000 Activate Update 
Last changed by/on SAP  19990816 
SAP Release Created in