SAP ABAP IMG Activity _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT (Define Activation of Availability Control)
EA-PS (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension Public Services
   PSM-FM-MD (Application Component) Master Data
     FMCC (Package) FIFM: Cash budget management customizing
IMG Activity
ID _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT Define Activation of Availability Control  
Transaction Code S_ALN_01000204   IMG Activity: _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT 
Created on 20001103    
Customizing Attributes _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT   Activate Availability Control Ledger 
Customizing Activity _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT   Activate Availability Control Ledger 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT    

The settings affected here are exclusively reserved for the use of the Budget Control System (BCS).


In this IMG activity, you activate availability control by assigning an activity status for each ledger and fiscal year (from year). You can choose between five activation statuses for each availability control ledger:

  • Ledger not active
    Posting values (including budget values) are not updated in the availability control ledger and no availability control takes place.
  • Active without availability checks
    Posting values are updated in the availability control ledger. No availability control takes place.
  • Active with usual check logic
    Posting values are updated in the availability control ledger. The usual availability control takes place. In the usual availability control, the error messages of AVC checks are always issued as warning messages if the available amount (= difference between the consumable budget and consumed amounts) is not reduced by the posting activity for each availability control object.
  • Active with soft check logic
    Posting values are updated in the availability control ledger and an availability control check is carried out. During this check, the system stops all AVC messages if the available amount for the availability control object is not reduced by the posting.
  • Active with strict check logic for document chains
    Posting values are updated in the availability control ledger. The usual availability control takes place, except for document chains. Strict availability control applies to document chains. This means that each document of a document chain is checked again and can be rejected by an error message of the availability control, even if the new document does not contain any additional budget consumption.
    This means, for example, that the posting of an invoice must always undergo this strict check again even though availability control has already taken place for the commitment of the corresponding purchase order.
  • Active with strict check logic
    Posting values are updated in the availability ledger. All postings undergo the strict check logic. This strict check logic can also stop postings if the available amount of a control object is increased. This activation is only used in special situations.

SAP recommends that you use the normal check logic or the check logic with strict check for document chains.


You want to use the ledger 9H from the year 2002 without checks and only update values first. You want to use the ledger with availability checks from the fiscal year 2003.

You define the following settings for this:

Ledger    FYear    Status of AVC

9H    2002    Active without availability control

9H    2003    Active with normal check logic

Example of check logic for document chains

You selected the setting Active with strict check logic for document chains. The following tolerance limits are set in the tolerance profile for postings of the document chain purchase requisition -> purchase order -> invoice:

Activity group    Tolerance limit    Message type

20 (purchase requisition)    120 %    warning

30 (purchase order)    110 %    warning

40 (invoice)    100 %    errors

You create a purchase order of 230 that follows a corresponding purchase order and invoice with the same amount. The current consumable budget of the control object remains constant at 200 for all 3 postings. If the strict check logic for document chains is active, the system acts in the following way (example):

  • The purchase order can be posted without a message ( the tolerance limit set is only exceeded by amounts >240)
  • The purchase order can also be posted, but the system issues a warning (the tolerance limit is exceeded by amounts >220)
  • The invoice posting cannot be posted, the system issues an error message (the tolerance limit is exceeded by amounts >200)

    In the usual check logic, the availability control would not reject the invoice posting in the last step because the invoice does not contain any additional budget consumption against the purchase order (the consumable amount on the affected control object stays the same) and because of this only a warning is issued instead of an error message.


You can only assign an activation status to an availability control ledger (and activate it) if you have defined all the settings required in the availability control IMG activities.


  1. Select an availability control ledger you want to use and a "from fiscal year" as well as an activation status for it.
  2. Save your entries.

Further notes

Note that activating several AVC ledgers when using parallel availability controls influences performance. You should therefore not activate more than 3-4 AVC ledgers.

Carry out the Reconstruction of Availability Control after you have activated your AVC ledger.

You start the reconstruction of availability control in the Funds Management menu under Budgeting -> Budget Control System (BCS) -> Tools -> Availability Control -> Reconstruct.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 204   Establish Functions and Processes 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG _ISPSFM_V_FMAVCL_ACT 0 ALN0000196 Availability Control 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
Last changed by/on SAP  20011211 
SAP Release Created in 462