SAP ABAP IMG Activity _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU (Configure Partnership Types)
EA-APPL (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension PLM, SCM, Financials
   ICM (Application Component) Incentive and Commission Management (ICM)
     CACSP3 (Package) ICM: Partnerships, Configuration
IMG Activity
ID _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU Configure Partnership Types  
Transaction Code S_AEN_10000192   (empty) 
Created on 20041215    
Customizing Attributes _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU   Configure Partnership Types 
Customizing Activity _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU   Configure Partnership Types 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU    


In this IMG activity you make settings for the partnership type:

Setting for determining indirect participants in partnerships and role assignment:

In the Role field in this view, you specify which role is used for members of a partnership with determination processes in commission cases. This role is only used when a determination is configured such that the role must be specified as a selection criterion in that determination. You also make settings that control how indirect participants are determined for partnerships. There are four indicators:

  • Determination of indirect participants along the organization structure for the members of the partnership
  • Determination of indirect participants through contractual agreements for the members of the partnership
  • Determination of indirect participants along the organization structure for the group contract of the partnership
  • Determination of indirect participants through contractual agreements for the group contract of the partnership

Setting an indicator activates the corresponding determination type.

Independently of this, the search for indirect participants for the commission application must be configured correctly in Customizing under Basic and Master Data -> Evaluation Paths of Indirect Participants and Commission Clerks -> Edit Settings for Indirect Participants (Evaluation Paths etc.). To allow indirect participants for members of partnerships along the organizational hierarchy, the following entries must be made there:

  • Target entitlement category = 3, Head of OU of a participant
  • Entitlement object type = 3, Participant (ind. participant)
  • Source entitlement category = 6, Partnership/group

A search function must be specified as well, such as <APPL>_DETERMINDINVOLVED, where <APPL> is the commission application.

Similarly, comparable entries must exist before contractual participants can be determined:

  • Target entitlement category = 5, individual, contractual participation
  • Entitlement object type = 3, Participant (ind. participant)
  • Source entitlement category = 6, Partnership/group

An appropriate search function must exist here as well.

These entries in table TCACS_INVREL are included in the standard system and should normally already exist if package CACS42 was selected and the client-specific Customizing entries in the template were copied.

Assign separation rules:

For important information on this setting, see the IMG for Incentive and Commission Management under Basic and Master Data -> Partnerships -> Define Separation Rules for Partnerships.
In the present IMG activity, you assign the available separation rules to the partnership types. You can make one of these rules the standard rule by setting the Default indicator.

Configure distribution ratios:

To define and determine distribution ratios, assign a method to the partnership types. Proceed as follows:

  • In the IMG activity Define Characteristics Combinations for Distribution Ratios, carry out all necessary preliminary work. Entries you make there can then be entered in this subactivity.
  • You must assign a Determination Type. The following types are available:

    42: Partnerships: Distribution Ratio Entry
    43: Partnerships: Distribution Ratio Entry Depending on Leading
    44: Partnerships: Distribution Ratio Determination in Exit

    The user interface for specifying the distribution ratios when creating or changing a partnership changes depending on your selection. The meaning of these entries corresponds to the descriptions:
  • If you select Determination Type = 42, you can specify for each partnership how the remuneration is distributed within the partnership of the corresponding partnership type for each characteristic combination.
  • If you select Determination Type = 43, you can do the same thing except that the distribution key also depends on which member of the partnership was identified as responsible for the business in the commission case.
  • Determination types 42 or 43 are mainly intended for smaller partnerships whose membership remains stable over time. The distribution ratios are stored in a table when the partnerships are edited. When the composition of a partnership changes, you must reenter the distribution ratios. Changing the characteristic combinations involves considerable effort, since all partnerships that refer to the corresponding table then have to be adjusted.
  • If you select Determination Type = 44, the distribution ratios can be calculated in a user exit (depending on the selection criteria). You specify the exit in the partnerships. This approach is suitable mainly for partnerships with a fluctuating number of members where the distribution ratios are assigned based on the members functions (see below for an example). User exits also provide greater flexibility in reacting to changing conditions for determination of the distribution ratios.

Tool assignment:

Here you specify the tool that implements the logical service for the partnership type for object type class 42. SAP supplies the tool PARTNERSHIP_STANDARD, which provides a functional sample implementation.

The indicated settings are necessary to configure the partnership type. Once that is done, you can create individual partnerships of that partnership type.


The partnerships package must be installed and partnership types must exist (creating partnership types is part of contract bundle maintenance).

Standard settings



Determining distribution ratios in a user exit:

Suppose you want to pay a profit-sharing bonus to an organizational unit based on the contracts that unit has signed. Employees that have been with the organizational unit for more than three years are to receive 10% more than other employees. The user exit assigns distribution ratios to individual employees based on the total number of employees and their length of service.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 105   Define functions and processes 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU 0 KK40000031 Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
CACS_APPL_CG T - Individual transaction object CACS_APPL_CG  
Last changed by/on SAP  20041216 
SAP Release Created in 600