SAP ABAP Class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC (ICR: Base Class for Data Assignment)
EA-FIN (Software Component) EA-FIN
   FI (Application Component) Financial Accounting
     FB_ICRC_MAIN (Package) Inter-Company Reconciliation (Main Logic)
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_IMPL_001 ICR: Implementation for Data Assignment 001 20130731
2 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_IMPL_002 ICR: Implementation for Data Assignment 002 20130731
3 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_IMPL_003 ICR: Implementation for Data Assignment 003 20130731
Short Description ICR: Base Class for Data Assignment    
Super Class    
Instantiability of a Class 1  Protected 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status     
Category 0   
Package FB_ICRC_MAIN   Inter-Company Reconciliation (Main Logic) 
Created 20130719   SAP 
Last change 20131127   SAP 
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 RSDS Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
Class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no interface implemented.
Class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no friend class.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 GC_SEPARATOR Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) C '/' Separator 20130731
2 GD_LOG_HANDLE Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) BALLOGHNDL Application log: Log Handle 20130731
3 GD_SUBRC Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) SYSUBRC Return code 20130731
4 GO_INSTANCE Static Attribute Protected Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC ICR data assignment basic class 20130731
5 GO_SERVICES Static Attribute Protected Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_FBICRC_SERVICES ICR service instance 20130731
6 GS_RPROC_PROP Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_S_RPROC_PROP Reconciliation property 20130731
7 GTH_AUTH_ERROR Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company properties 20130731
8 GTH_MSG Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_MSG Table of messages per company 20130731
9 GTH_RASSC_PROP Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company properties 20130731
10 GTH_RCOMP_PROP Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company properties 20130731
11 GTH_TASK Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_T_TASKS Task list for ICR data assignment 20130731
12 GT_ASSIGN_RESULT Instance attribute Protected Object reference (TYPE REF TO) DATA Result for data assignment 20130731
13 GT_LOG Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) BAL_T_MSG Application log: Table with Messages 20130731
14 GT_MESSAGE Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) BAPIRET2_T Return parameter table 20130731
15 GT_PACCT Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Partner account 20130731
16 GT_PCUST Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Partner customer selection 20130731
17 GT_PDATE Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Posting date 20130731
18 GT_PVEND Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Partner vendor selection 20130731
19 GT_RACCT Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Org unit account 20130731
20 GT_RA_RYEAR Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TT_RA_RYEAR Fiscial year 20130731
21 GT_RCUST Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Org unit customer selection 20130731
22 GT_RVEND Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Org unit vendor selection 20130731
23 GV_FBICC_REPID Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) PROGNAME ABAP program name 20130731
24 GV_FBICC_RPROC Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_RPROC Reconciliation process 20130731
25 GV_FBICC_TCODE Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) SYTCODE Transaction code 20130731
26 GV_FBICRC_T_RPROC_DATA Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) STRING RPROC data 20130731
27 GV_FM_ENQUEUE_EF_FBICRC Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) STRING Function module name for enqueue 20130731
28 GV_FM_FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_DATA Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) STRING Function module name for ICR assignment 20130731
29 GV_FM_FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_PACKAGE Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) STRING Function module name for ICR assignment package 20130731
30 GV_MAXRF Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_PARALLEL_TASKS Number of parallel tasks 20130731
31 GV_NO_RULES_MSG Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) C Message for no rule exist 20130731
32 GV_POPER Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) POPER Posting period 20130731
33 GV_RVERS Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RVERS Version 20130731
34 GV_RYEAR Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) GJAHR Fiscal year 20130731
35 GV_TASK_PREFIX Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) CHAR8 Task prefix 20130731
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 ASSIGN_DATA Instance method Private Method Assign data 20130731
2 BUILD_COMP_LOG_AND_SET_STATUS Instance method Protected Method Build log and set status for each company 20130731
3 CHECK_ASSIGN Instance method Public Method Check prerequisite for assignment 20130731
4 CHECK_MAXRF Instance method Private Method Check max number of parallel tasks 20130731
5 CHECK_RULE Instance method Private Method Check assignment rules 20130731
6 CLEAR_ATTR Instance method Protected Method Clear class attributes 20130731
7 CREATE_FBICRC_DATA Instance method Private Method Create instance of reconciliation data 20130731
8 CUSTOMIZING_CHECK Instance method Private Method Check customizing 20130731
9 DEQUEUE_EF_FBICRC01040 Instance method Protected Method Release lock on object EF_FBICRC01040 20130731
10 DO_ASSIGNMENT Instance method Public Method Assignment process 20130731
11 ENQUEUE_EF_FBICRC Instance method Protected Method Request lock for object EF_FBICRC003A 20130731
12 FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_DATA Instance method Protected Method Assign data 20130731
13 FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_PACKAGE Instance method Protected Method Assign package 20130731
14 FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_PKG_CALLBACK Instance method Protected Method Assign package, then execute the task 20130731
15 GET_FBICRC_DATA Instance method Protected Method Get reconciliation data from database 20130731
16 LOCK_COMPANIES Instance method Protected Method Lock companies 20130731
17 LOCK_COMPANIES_PARTNERS Instance method Protected Method Lock companies and partners 20130731
18 RFC_END_OF_TASK Instance method Public Method Task after assign package 20130731
19 UPDATE_DOC_STATUS Instance method Protected Method Update status for document line items after assignment 20130731
Class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 TS_RA_RYEAR Public See coding 20130731 ts_ra_ryear TYPE LINE OF tt_ra_ryear
2 TT_RA_RYEAR Public See coding 20130731 tt_ra_ryear TYPE RANGE OF ryear
Method Signatures

Method ASSIGN_DATA Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_DTAB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TABLE Reconciliation data 20130731
2 Importing IB_LOCK_SIRID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG 'X' = Lock Data Records 20130731
3 Importing ID_LOG_HANDLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BALLOGHNDL Log handler 20130731
4 Importing ID_SVGRP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ICRC_SVGRP Service group 20130731
5 Importing ID_TEST Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG Test run 20130731
6 Importing ITH_AUTH_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Authority error 20130731
7 Importing ITH_LOCK_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Lock error 20130731
8 Importing ITH_RCOMP_PROP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company properties 20130731
9 Importing IT_RA_RULE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSELOPTION Assignment rule 20130731
10 Importing IV_MAXRF Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_PARALLEL_TASKS Max parallel task number 20130731

Method ASSIGN_DATA on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CD_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG Returning status 20130731
2 Changing CTH_RCOMP_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_STATUS Company status 20130731
3 Changing CTH_RCOMP_STATUS_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_STATUS Error status 20130731
4 Importing IB_TEST Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG Test run 20130731
5 Importing ID_REPID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SYREPID Program ID 20130731
6 Importing ID_RPROC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_RPROC Reconciliation process ID 20130731
7 Importing ID_TCODE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SYTCODE TCode 20130731


Method CHECK_ASSIGN Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_RASSC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Partner 20130731
2 Changing CT_RCOMP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Company 20130731
3 Importing ED_MAXRF Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_PARALLEL_TASKS Max parallel task number 20130731
4 Exporting ET_MESSAGE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BAPIRET2_T Returning messages 20130731
5 Importing IT_RULE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Assignment rules 20130731

Method CHECK_ASSIGN on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method CHECK_MAXRF Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing ED_MAXRF Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_PARALLEL_TASKS Max parallel task number 20130731

Method CHECK_MAXRF on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method CHECK_RULE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IT_RULE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Assignment rule 20130731

Method CHECK_RULE on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method CLEAR_ATTR Signature

Method CLEAR_ATTR on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no parameter.
Method CLEAR_ATTR on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_DTAB Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) DATA Reconciliation data 20130731
2 Importing IV_RPROC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_RPROC Reconciliation process ID 20130731

Method CREATE_FBICRC_DATA on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.


Method CUSTOMIZING_CHECK on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no parameter.
Method CUSTOMIZING_CHECK on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method DEQUEUE_EF_FBICRC01040 Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_RCOMP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RCOMP_D Company 20130731
2 Importing IV_RPROC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_RPROC Reconciliation process ID 20130731
3 Importing IV_SEQNR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SEQNUMB Sequence number 20130731

Method DEQUEUE_EF_FBICRC01040 on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method DO_ASSIGNMENT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_LOG Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /BOFU/T_BAL_MESSAGE_K Returning log 20130731
2 Exporting ET_MESSAGE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BAPIRET2_T Returning message 20130731
3 Exporting EV_LOG_HANDLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BALLOGHNDL Returning log handler 20130731
4 Importing IT_RASSC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Partner 20130731
5 Importing IT_RCOMP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Company 20130731
6 Importing IT_RULE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Assignment rule 20130731
7 Importing IV_MAXRF Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_PARALLEL_TASKS Max parallel task number 20130731
8 Importing IV_RVERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RVERS Version 20130731
9 Importing IV_SVGRP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ICRC_SVGRP Service group 20130731
10 Importing IV_TEST Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_FLAG If it is a test run 20130731

Method DO_ASSIGNMENT on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method ENQUEUE_EF_FBICRC Signature

Method ENQUEUE_EF_FBICRC on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no parameter.
Method ENQUEUE_EF_FBICRC on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_DATA Signature

Method FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_DATA on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no parameter.
Method FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_DATA on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CTH_MSG Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_MSG Returning message 20130731
2 Changing CT_LOG Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BAL_T_MSG Returning log 20130731
3 Importing IB_LOCK_SIRID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG 'X' = Lock Data Records 20130731
4 Importing ID_PREFIX Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) NUMC3 Natural Number 20130731
5 Importing ID_SVGRP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ICRC_SVGRP Server Group for Parallel Processing 20130731
6 Importing ID_TASKS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I Number of Parallel Tasks 20130731
7 Importing ID_TEST Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG Test run 20130731
8 Importing ITH_RCOMP_PROP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company Properties 20130731
9 Importing IT_COMP_PAIRS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_T_COMP_PAIR ICR Comp Pairs 20130731
10 Importing IT_DTAB Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) DATA Reconciliation data 20130731
11 Importing IT_RA_RULE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSELOPTION Assignment rule 20130731

Method FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_PACKAGE on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CTH_MSG Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_MSG Returning rule 20130731
2 Changing CT_LOG Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BAL_T_MSG Returning log 20130731
3 Exporting EV_SUBRC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) SY-SUBRC Result 20130801
4 Importing IB_LOCK_SIRID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG 'X' = Lock Data Records 20130731
5 Importing ID_PREFIX Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) NUMC3 Natural Number 20130731
6 Importing ID_SVGRP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ICRC_SVGRP Server Group for Parallel Processing 20130731
7 Importing ID_TASK Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) CHAR32 Number of Parallel Tasks 20130731
8 Importing ID_TASKS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I Number of Parallel Tasks 20130731
9 Importing ID_TEST Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG Test run 20130731
10 Importing ITH_RCOMP_PROP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company Properties 20130731
11 Importing IT_COMP_PAIRS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_T_COMP_PAIR ICR Comp Pairs 20130731
12 Importing IT_DTAB Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) DATA Reconciliation Process: Data 20130731
13 Importing IT_RA_RULE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSELOPTION Assignment rule 20130731


Method GET_FBICRC_DATA Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_DTAB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TABLE Reconciliation data 20130731
2 Exporting EV_SUBRC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SY-SUBRC Result 20130805
3 Importing IT_RASSC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Partner 20130731
4 Importing IT_RCOMP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDS_SELOPT_T Company 20130731
5 Importing IV_RVERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RVERS Version 20130731

Method GET_FBICRC_DATA on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method LOCK_COMPANIES Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CTH_LOCK_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Lock error 20130731
2 Changing CTH_RCOMP_PROP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Lock result 20130731
3 Exporting ED_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SCHEDMAN_JOB_STATI Returning status 20130731
4 Importing ID_LOG_HANDLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BALLOGHNDL Log handler 20130731
5 Importing ID_RPROC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_RPROC Reconciliation process ID 20130731
6 Importing ITH_RCOMP_LOCK Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company need to be locked 20130731

Method LOCK_COMPANIES on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CTH_LOCK_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Lock error 20130731
2 Changing CTH_RASSC_PROP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Partner 20130731
3 Changing CTH_RCOMP_PROP Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FBICRC_TH_RCOMP_PROP Company 20130731
4 Exporting ED_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG Returning status 20130731
5 Importing ID_LOG_HANDLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BALLOGHNDL Log handler 20130731
6 Importing ID_RPROC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_RC_RPROC Reconciliation process ID 20130731
7 Importing ID_TEST Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FB_ICRC_FLAG If it is a test run 20130731


Method RFC_END_OF_TASK Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing P_TASK Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ANY Task 20130731

Method RFC_END_OF_TASK on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.

Method UPDATE_DOC_STATUS Signature

Method UPDATE_DOC_STATUS on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no parameter.
Method UPDATE_DOC_STATUS on class CL_FBICRC_ASSIGN_BASIC has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20131127 
SAP Release Created in