SAP ABAP Table U_16257 (Generated Table for View)
Basic Data
Table Category VIEW    General view structure 
General view structure U_16257   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description Generated Table for View    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class      
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance     Display/Maintenance Allowed with Restrictions 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 MANDT MANDT MANDT CLNT 3   0   Client  
2 VSTZW VSTZW VSTZW CHAR 4   0   Deadline function  
3 SPRAS SPRAS SPRAS LANG 1   0   Language Key T002
4 BEZEI BEZEI20 TEXT20 CHAR 20   0   Description  
Foreign Keys
Source Table Source Column Foreign Table Foreign Column Dependency Factor Cardinality left Cardinality right
1 U_16257 SPRAS T002 SPRAS KEY 1 CN
Last changed by/on SAP  20130529 
SAP Release Created in